Sunday, February 28, 2021

On Wokeism in Schools, and the Oncoming SJW CannibalizationFEST

I get extra points for that headline.

On Zerohedge, we see the incredible phenomenon of Megyn Kelly and Bill Maher ... agreeing.  Both Maher and Kelly are seeing their and other's children being called white supremacists, killers, racists, bigots, and all the other woke terms used on sniveling, weak white liberals.

They don't like it.

Calling DJT supporters racist - no problem.  Conservatives, no problem.  Libertarians, no problem.  But when the Elite are now subject to what every nationalist conservative libertarian Christian has been subject to the last 5 years happens to the Top of the Pyramid ... we have a problem!

Perhaps this is the beginning of the Great SJW Cannibalizationfest.  I think it is.  They will eat their own.  DJT is gone.  Trump JR is a civic nationalist of the highest order.  That means he's doomed to fail.  So on whom will the SJW dine?  There aren't any live bodies left, except the ones in the Hive Mind.

The entire interview is here.  It would never have come about as recently as 6 months ago:

As seen on the ZH link, Michael Burry of "The Big Short" fame is also seeing the same thing.  Notice the common leftist attack on 'individualism' at the end of the pic:

This is what is going on in the NYC public schools.  Apparently it is out of control at the most swanky private schools as well, most notably Dalton.  For years, NYC 'mayor' DiBlasio has tried to get rid of the meritocracy still in place at the Specialized High Schools.  He thinks the test is 'racist'.  Of course it has nothing to do with the test - it has to do with his inability to build anything.  He can only destroy things for 'the cause'.

While it's nice that Maher, Kelly and Burry recognize what's going on, it's waaayy too late.  The Grand Experiment is over.  Balkanization is here.  The SJW will never rest until it's all burned down.

All of the things you were told were terrible: homeschooling, religion, community, beautiful architecture, the Western Literary Canon ... those were the things marked for death by the people who have infiltrated and defeated these United States.

This guy knew what was up.  It's why he's being erased out of the curriculum, even in the Black Neighborhood where I work.  It's also one of the reasons he was taken out:

What Kelly, Maher and the rest don't understand, and will never be able to see or acknowledge, is that this is a failure of multiculturalism.  Everything the critics of multiculturalism said in the late 60's though the mid 1990's has come true.  Now it's time for the implosion and fracturing.

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