Monday, January 6, 2020

Iran and The Reaction

I'm not sure the Deep State will get the buy in they're used to getting.

20 years ago, they were able to get the American people to buy into any foreign military action imaginable, simply by saying how scary and threatening the people over there were.  It sounds silly now, but Sean Hannity was able to repeat "they hate us for our freedoms" and get swaths of the population to wave the foam finger and shout "America #1" as troops rolled into the Middle East.

The reactions I'm seeing lead me to believe that things are changing on the Forever War front.

In the Corporate Media, Fox's biggest draw Tucker Carlson gave the case for NOT going to war with Iran.  Remember, Fox was one of the channels that pushed for war in the Middle East under the W. Bush regime.  They worked hard to shape the American mind, and to get it to think the way the Deep State wanted.

Not so much anymore:

At the end of the 3 minute clip Carlson lets you know that the threats that were stopped were not on American soil.  This is the key.  Easily digestible bits of information like that were always ignored previously.  The fact that you have a talking head on Fox explaining this plainly proves that the Old Narrative isn't holding up.  The second part is here.  It is even harder hitting.  I recommend you watch it.

Vox Day on his site isolated the money quote: "Before we enter into a single new war, there’s a criterion that ought to be met. Our leaders should explain to us how that conflict will make the United States richer and more secure. There are an awful lot of bad people in this world. We can’t kill them all. It’s not our job. Instead, our government exists to defend and promote the interests of American citizens. Period. That’s why we have a government. So, how has the killing of Soleimani done that? Maybe. No one in Washington has explained how."

Coming from a different angle, Black Twitter erupted in memery at the news of the Iranian drone strikes.  The mockery is important because our Overlords hate being made fun of.  You have to appreciate the open laughter and howling and lack of seriousness that Black Twitter has for the Rulers.

The #WWIII hashtag took off like a rocket, and showed how little regard the Fam has for those at the Top of the Pyramid:

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