Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Physics Defeats PLATITUDES

I stole that title from Doomberg.

There are reasons why we are living in this world:

If you decide that you will, as a governmental policy, do what feels good: "fight Climate Change", instead of what is required to run a first world society, you will get a hard lesson in physics.

In order to charge your iPhone, drive around town, fly to your vacation, or flip a switch and turn on the light - you need energy.  If your choice of energy is 'carbon free', then you need what are being called 'renewable energy': namely wind, solar and battery power.

There are two things we are paying for because we don't understand physics.  In order to be 'carbon free' via batteries and renewables, those materials have to be mined from the earth.  The main ingredients for batteries are:
  • Copper
  • Nickel
  • Cobalt
  • Lithium
  • Graphite
The second thing we are paying for is a lack of investment in fossil fuels during the recent past.  Energy is measured in BTU's, and without enough 'juice', our modern world can't run.  It feels good to say we need 'green' energy, but it isn't realistic, and physics will trump platitudes every day of the week.

Massif Capital just came out with this dirty little secret in its latest letter (emphasis mine):

"The dirty little secret no one tells you is that the carbon free economy is not free of environmental impact, the impact is just different. Your Tesla requires the mining of 90,000 lbs. of material to extract the necessary ore for 1, one-thousand-pound battery. We are not getting rid of environmental impact; we are changing the impact we are having. An important distinction people fail to recognize.

This is an important under-discussed reality. It is well understood what the possible outcome of raising temperatures caused by GHG emissions are, but no one seems to want to discuss the impact of the widely accepted solution. Another example from our paper Failure to Impact:

Building a single 100-MW wind farm requires 30,000 tons of iron ore, 50,000 tons of concrete, and 900 tons of nonrecyclable plastic.[1] A 100 MW solar development requires cement, steel, aluminum, and glass 150% greater than the wind farm.[2] The 1,000-pound lithium-Ion battery one would find in most electric vehicles requires roughly 25 pounds of lithium, 30 pounds of cobalt, 60 pounds of nickel, 90 pounds of copper, 110 pounds of graphite, and 400 pounds of steel, aluminum, and various plastic components.[3] In total, mining firms will need, on average, to extract about 90,000 pounds of ore to produce that volume of useable material, much of which will be extracted using mining trucks that can haul 400 tons of material in a single load and get a sporty 0.3 miles per gallon of diesel."

What this means for the regular person is that our unserious leaders have no idea about physics, nor do they have any idea where stuff comes from.  Not mentioned above is solar energy.  Where is the polysilicon that makes up solar panels coming from?  There are 3 poly silicon plants left in the USA.  China has a stranglehold on that industry now, as the Globalists have hollowed out the manufacturing base here in the U.S.

The so called 'green' movement is continuing to make everything more expensive for you.  Doomberg will provide you with one more example regarding oil:

That was posted in January 2022.  I work with someone who thinks that her high gas prices at the pump are from "greedy oil companies".

I took a shot at explaining to her that those "greedy oil companies" have been blocked at every turn by screeching environmento-malthusians who have zero concept of what it takes to make things work.

I made no progress.  You'd think I'd have learned by now.

Anyway, as you can see from above, the obstruction of oil and gas continues.  Things will continue to get more expensive, and eventually gas here in the USA will cost $6.95 a gallon.

That's going to hurt.  But, as Doomberg tweets regularly about how long it will take to make things change: "More pain required."


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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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