Friday, June 18, 2021

12th Grader PROVES That Normies are IMBECILES: An Actual Email Exchange

I did a presentation about how They use fear to control us.  I have four things listed that are always on the docket for those who rule over us: Sick, Stupid, Broke, Afraid.  I mentioned a few things they've used over the years, and this student had a question about two of them, the Vietnam War (Gulf of Tonkin incident was fake, it turns out), and Global Warming.  One of my students had serious questions about my choice of Global Warming.  This was our email exchange.  It is unedited.

Remember, I'm in the Bad Neighborhood.  In everything except basketball, we are at the bottom looking up at the rest of the county.

Notice how different this exchange is than your Normie friends of Facebook.  This is a 17yr old black woman, 12th grader, and you will notice a level of maturity you don't get on your Twitter timeline.  It's quite different.  And it makes my job that much better.  It also lets you see why it was so easy to get kicked off twitter and delete both of my FB profiles:

Student: Well I wondered about why you felt that global warming and communist Vietnamese were tools used to keep people afraid?

In the 60's and 70's the Corporate Media told Americans that if Vietnam went communist, then the domino effect' would happen and countries around the world would go communist. They'd forbid religion, and there would be blood in the streets. In short, that's why Americans were told they had to go to Vietnam and kill those people over there. It was to be a worldwide menace unless we "did something".

Global Warming (renamed 'climate change' a few years ago) is the same thing. Unless we 'do something' then the seas will rise, the temp will go up, and there will be catastrophic results. Watch the media the next time there's rough weather - they will connect it to 'climate change'. We need to 'do something' about it means that they need YOUR money (carbon tax), and YOU need to give up some freedoms so that there isn't 'climate change' / global warming. You want a decent sized house? Sorry. Do you like to travel? Sorry. Perhaps you want 3 kids? Nope.

Only you being afraid of the weather, Global warming or whatever they're calling it, can they get you to buy into such nonsense. Before 1977 or so, it was 'Global Cooling'. No lie. Look it up. I can link you to material if you wish.

Me: They killed 3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans based on a fake story. They'll stop at nothing to see to it that you're a serf. It's all about fear.


Student: Interesting, I completely agree with you about the first point, I even read a book on that in 8th grade. But I don’t see how climate change can be refuted? It is happening right in front of out eyes, species are going extinct, natural disasters are occurring more regularly.

Me: Species are going extinct - yes. Is that because of global warming? Can you show me the connection? Species have been going extinct since the Dodo bird and the Passenger pigeon. Both of those were before the internal combustion engine was invented or widespread. Are natural disasters occurring more regularly? How do you know? Who told you that? Is global warming the cause if they are happening more frequently?

Here's the thing. When we were first told about global warming, none of the things you just mentioned was ever brought up. Back then, it was that the earth was getting hotter, the poles would melt, and the seas would rise. The things you referred to have been added over the last 15 years, as well as the brand name switch (climate change). There are scientists at the top of the field who totally go against the global warming thesis. I've always thought that they were worth listening to, but the Corporate Media not only doesn't listen to them, but they also call them names and or ignore them. I'm talking about men and women from schools like MIT.

When I see that style of attack on people going against the Organized Power Establishment and their cronies in the media, I start to do my own analysis.


Student: Well, species aren’t just going extinct, like with natural selection, they are literally unable to survive due to the effects of climate change, like the Australian wildfires, or the fires in the Amazon, their habitats are no longer suited to their survival, that is no coincidence. And yes natural disasters are occurring more regularly, and with increasing intensity, like the category 5-6 hurricane that wrecked the Bahamas. Just because new information comes out later, doesn’t mean it is wrong, it just means science is advancing.

Those scientists that disregard climate change, have any of them studied it, I mean truly studied it? I can not think of one climate change scientist that would say it isn’t happening. Unless it is in their interest to do so.

Me: Species go extinct regularly, and unless you can show me evidence from a science journal of a species that went extinct due to climate change, I'm not buying it.

The Australian wildfires were lit by climate activists, they were not natural.

The fires in the Amazon are blamed on "global warming" every few years. It's a story they put out there periodically. There was a Time magazine cover from 1989 or so talking about the Amazon wildfires, and unless something was done 'immediately' there would be no Amazon left. That was 32 years ago. The Amazon is threatened by logging and industrial farming, not 'climate change'. And the fires were because the previous year had been much wetter, therefore the ones in 2019 were due to the drier climate that year. This is all established science.

Richard Lindzen is one of many people who have studied the issue and called it as false. he's a Professor Emeritus at MIT - atmospheric physics is his field. No one has ever gone against him, as they would get ruined. Kary Mullis, who you know from class, won the Nobel Prize. He had a standing offer to debate anyone on the issue, as he saw that it was a political issue, not a scientific one, and he knew the Global Warming thesis was wrong. No one ever took him up on it. Those are the two I can come up with from memory.

But here's the bigger point. They want us to argue. They don't care about "global warming" or "fires in the Amazon" or any of that stuff. They want us divided. Global Warming? Race? Sexual orientation? Religion? Political affiliation? It doesn't matter to them. The want regular people bickering and divided so that they can take your money, your power, your creativity, your potential, and have you waste it on nonsense, with no way to get it back. They certainly don't want you to be free.

I would urge you to look at some of the other sides of the issues where the Corporate Media, the Campus, and Hollywood all have the same opinion. However distasteful that may be, you owe it to your considerable intellect. Then you make your call.

Lastly, take a look how the political and media figures who are screaming at you about Global Warming and 'carbon footprint' live themselves. If you give those people a pass.... then it's not 'science' anymore, it's just team play.


Student: Well I have to say, you did bring the facts, I will look into those names. And those last two paragraphs basically took the words out of my mouth. I couldn’t say it better. But, I just can’t deny the effects of pollution of all kinds and what it is doing to the environment, and it is most certainly doing something. I mean, could this not just be a recurring issue that we have, instead of a story that is regurgitated every few years? And the Australian wildfires being started by climate activists? That seems a little too easy to pass off.

Me: I know the Australian wildfire thing seems implausible, but it's true. Corporate Media tried to hide it, but you can find arrest records and things about it if you avoid the regular "news" outlets. Here's an example from USA Today - I'm surprised they ran it:

But if you go to the 'fact checkers' like PolitiFact or Snopes, they'll tell you it's false. There is an information war out there.

Pollution is a problem, and a big one. The thing that gets in the way is that Big Corporations are the biggest offenders, so they not only like it when we argue about distractions like Global Warming, but they are in control of your gov't, so they never lose. Sometimes people confuse the climate issues with pollution. I'm a big advocate against pollution, and I'm an avid recycler. Those things have nothing to do with my stance on global warming / cooling / climate change.

We took a big loss not being in the room this year. I wish we'd been able to speak in person.


Student: I must note even the article you linked mentions how climate change helped increase the fires’ intensity, because the climate was hotter and drier than usual.

Me: Yes, these things all have degrees and nuance. What we've allowed the Top of the Pyramid to do is make it so everyone is just shouting at each other, wanting to "win" the argument.

On your journey, a good place to start is Glenn Greenwald's page. He and his husband live in Brazil, have adopted two children, and rescue dogs. Greenwald is taking a lot of heat lately because he's still doing real journalism, and sometimes the truth doesn't fit the Globalist / Neo-liberal / Corporate Progressive agenda.

I think it's worth a look, and someone like you, who is already ahead of the intellectual curve, would get something out of it.


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