Wednesday, October 30, 2019

More Evidence of National Divisions

I just had a conversation with Truck Driver Quincy Johnson about the eventual crack up of the USA.  I think it will happen.  Charles Hugh Smith just wrote a post about the topic, and it seems that he agrees with me.

There is no way these varied groups of people will be able to exist under the same regime.  Academia and its SJW race based / anti-white psychosis, Hollywood and its ally The Corporate Media.... regular people; there is no future with these groups coexisting.  Smith sees the same picture I do, with his evidence:

"The turmoil over "facts" and "fake news" is another manifestation. As financial commentator Ben Hunt recently put it, the "tells" are all being manipulated to support a dominant narrative. So the unemployment rate, consumer inflation and the stock market are all manipulated to support the illusion that all is going swimmingly.

As the distance between these fantasy "facts" and experiential reality widen, trust in these "tells" (i.e. trustworthy indicators) declines.

As trust in these "facts" and the "experts" who gin them up declines, the corporate media and authorities double-down in support of their fictitious "facts": any doubters are "conspiracy theorists," purveyors of "fake news," or dastardly Russian stooges repeating "Kremlin talking points."

There is no middle ground left in such a state, and indeed, no desire for middle ground, as the mere existence of middle ground would mean whomever demands 100% agreement with their position is not going to get it."

The Elite and Governmental Class have played 'divide and conquer' for a good long time now.  The chickens are coming home to roost.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Literacy in a Bygone Age

This is from the introduction to the Collier's Junior classics - from 1918.  These were stories for young people at the time.  When you look at how not only this introduction, but the stories themselves were written, you realize that we have been dumbed down to a point of near oblivion.

I'm under the impression that people are finally starting to realize this, but it sure has taken a long time.  Notice as well, that Charles Eliot is the progenitor of the Harvard Five Foot Shelf, itself proof of a more literate age.  Exhibits #349,988 and 634,976 of the Real America that was, and the Fake America that exists now.


"The purpose of The Junior Classics is to provide, in ten volumes containing about five thousand pages, a classified collection of tales, stories, and poems, both ancient and modern, suitable for boys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age. The boy or girl who becomes familiar with the charming tales and poems in this collection will have gained a knowledge of literature and history that will be of high value in other school and home work. Here are the real elements of imaginative narration, poetry, and ethics, which should enter into the education of every child.

This collection, carefully used by parents and teachers with due reference to individual tastes and needs, will help many children enjoy good literature. It will inspire them with a love of good reading, which is the best possible result of any elementary education. The child himself should be encouraged to make his own selections from this large and varied collection, the child's enjoyment being the object in view. A real and lasting interest in literature or in scholarship is only to be developed through the individual's enjoyment of his mental occupations."


Sunday, October 27, 2019

G. E. D. Report #35 - The Remnant Explained

I sent out an email about the Remnant making moves regarding their children's literacy. There is motion out there that people are taking matters into their own hands and getting olden days classic literature into the hands of young people. This fundraising campaign is just one example: 

People had a difficult time understanding what I was talking about. The schools have failed. This fact alone is difficult for people to accept because they have an emotional attachment to Public School The Public School system has become America's national religion, and it must not be blasphemed. The Remnant is that top group that doesn't go online and shout and yell about the nonsense going on politically, socially or economically. It motors on as best as it can. The best essay to read on The Remnant is here: 

I'm doing my own lessons online to get to these people, and provide them content at a low price. My latest SAT Verbal video is here, at a cost that is manageable: 

My email list opt-in is here:

SAT Verbal - Online Class - Get the Score You Want!

My SAT Verbal prep tutorial is here! I have an hour and a half of prep for you that covers the basics you'll need! The Reading Comprehension and the Writing sections are explained and analyzed so you can get to the SAT Exam confident and ready!

Everything you need is here:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Pendulum Swings the Other Way

Vox Day has engineered a release of the 1918 Colliers Junior Classics via an IndieGoGo fundraiser.
You can find it here.
He posted on his site the Introduction to the 1918 version.  Those of us familiar with the slow destruction of the Public Education System, and the glorious levels of literacy among the population before the implementation of forced taxpayer funded school, the level of language and the topics presented are known.  For those who do not understand what has been done to 'the system' will be confused, yet curious, how a group of books for children could have been so well written and so rich in concept and meaning.

I am reprinting what Vox Day put on his blog, so you can see it for yourself: 


800 percent and rising

The campaign for the 2020 edition of the Junior Classics continues to go from strength to strength. To explain why it is important, consider the following preface from Volume 4 of the 1918 edition, "Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry", which was excised from the 1958 edition for reasons that will be obvious to anyone who is conversant with the concept of social justice convergence and the long-running cultural war against Christianity and the West. And it probably will not surprise you to know that all three of the stories referenced in this preface were also removed from the 1958 edition.

The preface and all four stories will, of course, appear in the 2020 edition.

The word chivalry is taken from the French cheval, a horse. A knight was a young man, the son of a good family, who was allowed to wear arms. In the story "How the Child of the Sea was made Knight," we are told how a boy of twelve became a page to the queen, and in the opening pages of the story "The Adventures of Sir Gareth," we get a glimpse of a young man growing up at the court of King Arthur. It was not an easy life, that of a boy who wished to become a knight, but it made a man of him. He was taken at an early age, sometimes when only seven years old, to the castle of the king or knight he was to serve. He first became a page or valet, and, under the instruction of a governor, was taught to carve and wait on the table, to hunt and fish, and was drilled in wrestling and riding on horseback. Most pages were taught to dance, and if a boy had talent he was taught to play the harp so he could accompany his voice when singing to the ladies.

By the time a boy was fourteen he was ready to become an esquire. He was then taught to get on and off a horse with his heavy armor on, to wield the battle axe, and practise tilting with a spear. His service to the ladies had now reached the point where he picked out a lady to serve loyally. His endeavor was to please her in all things, in order that he might be known as her knight, and wear her glove or scarf as a badge or favor when he entered the lists of a joust or tournament.

To become a knight was almost as solemn an affair as it was to become a priest. Before the day of the ceremony he fasted, spent the night in prayer, confessed his sins, and received the Holy Sacrament. When morning came he went, clothed in white, to the church or hall, with a knight's sword suspended from his neck. This the priest blessed and returned to him. Upon receiving back the sword he went and knelt before the presiding knight and took the oath of knighthood. The friends who accompanied him now came forward and handed him the spurs, the coat of mail, the armlet and gauntlet, and having put these on he girded on his sword. The presiding knight now bade him kneel, and, touching him three times on the shoulder with the flat of his sword, he pronounced the words that received him into the company of worthy knights: "In the name of God, of St. Michael, and St. George, I make thee a knight; be valiant, courteous, and loyal!" After this he received his helmet, his shield, and his spear, and the ceremony was completed.

The knight's real work, and greatest joy, was fighting for some one who needed his help. Tournaments and jousts gave them chances to show off their skill in public. We must remember that there were no big open-air theatres in those days, such as the Greeks had, no public races or trials of strength such as the Greeks held in the stadiums, nor were there chariot races or fighting gladiators such as the Romans had at an earlier day. Tournaments or jousts were the big public entertainments, and you will find a famous description of one by Sir Walter Scott in Ivanhoe, in the volume "Stories that Never Grow Old," the tournament of Ashby-de-la-Zouche. In it you will find a clear description of how the field of contest was laid out, of the magnificent pavilions decorated with flags, and the galleries spread with carpets and tapestries for the ladies.

The same qualities that made a manful fighter then, make one now: to speak the truth, to perform a promise to the utmost, to reverence all women, to be constant in love, to despise luxury, to be simple and modest and gentle in heart, to help the weak and take no unfair advantage of an inferior. This was the ideal of the age, and chivalry is the word that expresses that ideal. In all our reading we shall perhaps find no more glowing example of it as something real, than in the speech of Sir Jean de Vienne, governor of the besieged town of Calais who, when called upon by King Edward III of England to surrender unconditionally, replied:—

"We are but a small number of knights and squires, who have loyally served our lord and master as you would have done, and have suffered much ill and disquiet, but we will endure far more than any man has done in such a post, before we consent that the smallest boy in the town shall fare worse than ourselves."

And this story you can find in the volume "Tales of Courage and Heroism," entitled "The Noble Burghers of Calais."

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Newsletter #13 – The Remnant is Trying to Tell You Something

Albert Jay Nock wrote a wonderful essayin 1936 called “Isaiah’s Job”.  In the essay, Isaiah is tasked by the Lord to go to the masses and let them know that they have totally lost their way, become corrupt, and that no more nonsense will be tolerated.  Isaiah is to tell them that they’re completely wrecked and broken, and they need to straighten up – and this is their last chance.  Isaiah is thrilled with the task, but then he’s told that it won’t do any good.  Shocked and curious as to why he should bother talking to the masses in the first place, the Lord says: 

Ah," the Lord said, "you do not get the point. There is a Remnantthere that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it."

I read this essay for the first time many years ago and I never forgot about it.  Anyone reading this who has had unpopular or unapproved thoughts, or asked insightful and difficult questions in class knows what I’m talking about.  Most people belong to The Masses – people who do nothing but repeat what they’re told and parrot secondhand ideas.  I have had some real independent thinkers and intellectually curious students over the past 24 years – I remember all their names.  I always thought of Nock’s essay when they came to class and fearlessly contributed to the discussion.  Was there actually a Remnant or was it just a nifty turn of phrase on Nock’s part?

The Remnant that Nock mentioned in his essay is out there, and I think I now have proof.  

For decades, the school system has gotten watered down, concerned with frivolities, slowly chipping away at a system that was, if not good, at least dedicated to imparting the Educational Basics to its students.  One of the ways that our Rulers ruined the system was they replaced difficult reading material with easy material – usually faddish nonsense that was supposed to “speak to the modern student.”

Yeah right.

There is a growing movement to return school to the olden days methods, teaching literature that is challenging, directed, and multidimensional.  Parents want to feed their children intellectual steak and potatoes for dinner – not pop tarts.  The literature of our grandparents was rich in both language and meaning.  They were pushed and challenged by it and their grasp of grammar and English proves it.  My mother is 72 years old and can tell you, with ease, the difference between a transitive verb and an intransitive verb.  Can you do that?  You don’t have to answer.

This growing group of people is hungry for a return of what worked for children in the past.  The Junior Classics from 1918 are back on the market.  There is a fund-raising campaign to get them published and delivered to customers.  A generation of Americans was raised on these books.  They can be difficult at times, but they’re full of nuance, adventure, and artistic style. 

They wanted to raise $28,000 for the project.  They’ve raised … $202,000.  Over 700% of what they asked, and there are still 25 days left in the campaign.  Someone is tired of the weak, lifeless and dull material in school these days, and they’re talking with their wallets.  

Maybe it’s the Remnant.

Douglas Marolla
MVHS English – Room 227

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How I Write a Thank You Letter

I just finished a program with that showed us ways to build our online presence for our classes.  I have always needed a way to translate my real world success as a teacher in the Bad Neighborhood and turn it into online success and sales.  The woman who ran the program did a good job, was organized, and used online tools well.  Here's how I thanked her for it.

Dear _____,

Sorry about the delayed response. I did the survey a few days ago - thanks for the heads up.

Thank you for including me in in the Incubator. I signed up almost on a whim, figuring it was both in the budget, I had the time, and I really like the Teachable platform. I enjoyed my time working with you and the teams, and hopefully we can keep the fire going. You ran a good program, with clear goals, and were able to get us to focus on what was important. It can be difficult to keep a group that size on task, particularly with only monthly meetings in person. I think you did a great job and I can see you had some experience teaching. It came through. Part of me wishes someone of your caliber would go back into teaching as we need quality people. However, the other side to that argument is that you're in the place where the future of teaching exists, so that's a plus for you and the profession.

I have needed to do an SAT course for my 'online school' for a while now, so I think that will be my next class. Not very exciting, but my audience needs this kind of content, and it is the kind of value my customers, real and potential, expect. I have the materials I need, and I'll plan it out and record lessons during the next week or two. For me, that's the easy part. It's the marketing and the list building that is difficult and slow.

The thing you did best was inculcate in us that action, doing something, is the best path for building our online project. Listening to a podcast, reading a book on marketing, analyzing ad copy -- none of these things is taking action. At a granular base level this was the best line of attack possible. This is the focus I will maintain, thanks to you and how you organized the Incubator.

Thanks again, I had a good time, while learning a lot. I will revisit the materials and keep moving forward.

Douglas Marolla


Use this style of writing and organization as a template.  The lead sentences for each paragraph are the keys, as it allows you to state your point, then give detailed opinions in a way that clarifies things for the reader.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Who Runs Mexico?

It sure doesn't seem to be the government steering the ship.  After this debacle, it looks like the Drug Cartels run, at least, large sections of the country.  ZMAN says it best:

"The operation by the Mexican government to arrest Ovidio Guzmán López, the son of former drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán, and then turn him over to the U.S, may be more than a typical Latin bungle. It has revealed that Mexico is a failed state, largely controlled by large criminal cartels.

At some level, even the dullest member of the America foreign policy elite understands that Mexico is not a normal country. The Mexican government does not have control of its territory. Much of the population is ruled over by local warlords, who operate various criminal trades. Some of those warlords wear expensive suits and show up at Davos to party with the global elites. The vast manufacturing and distribution operations in Mexico are there because global business can operate there outside the law.

A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)
A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)

The thing that the reader can't help but notice from the Washington Post article, is how good the journalism is.  It is a dispassionate, informative and detailed report. The pictures are amazing.  Neither the words "Trump" nor "immigration" appear in the article.  The word "wall" appears once, but it's used when they explain that Drug Kingpin Guy was behind 15 foot high walls in his huge gated compound.  This total pratfall by the Mexican Federal Government, a Socialist enterprise, is handled with journalistic integrity and Solon like solemnity by the Washington Post.  

This is an example of the thrashing around and panic of a dying Corporate Press Corps.  The other articles  in WaPo about Mexico and the border are about how 'walls don't work' (I guess Kingpin guy didn't get the memo), the crazy Orange Man Bad, and how unchecked immigration from Mexico is not only completely beneficial with no downside, but anyone who questions it is a bigoted xenophobe.  My guess is the author of the article had a thrombosis while having to avoid writing about Trump.

The Corporate Press is the Enemy of the People.  People of all ideologies should avoid it.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Dissidents Weigh in on NBA and China

This is why you have to read the people who the Corporate Media tell you not to.  They have the best quotes and they say it like it is.  Why read Approved Opinions when they are all so boring and all alike?

Quote 1:

"In contrast, one unfortunate tweet and the NBA owners were crawling on their bellies, begging the ChiComs for mercy. Lebron James, the league’s biggest star, was seen volunteering to harvest organs from executed Chinese political prisoners. As JD pointed out, it was a display of raw power. The NBA will tell Donald Trump to take a hike, but they won’t dare get on the wrong side of the communists. The ChiComs have no fear of the human flea circus. They know who holds the power.

This incident gets to some eternal truths about human society. One of those is that power springs from identity. The man who is confident in who he is, will project power, regardless of his circumstances. This scales up very well. Societies that have a strong sense of identity, can punch well above their weight. You see this in Eastern Europe where countries like Poland and Hungary are successfully squaring off with the EU over immigration policy. The EU can’t stop the Poles from being Polish.

See what I mean? No one in Corporate Fake Engineered Narrative Media would dare poke fun at Lebron James.  Don't you know you're not allowed to do that?

Quote #2:

"I hate this politicization of everything. We used to be able to enjoy sports and show business without having to hear the political opinions of players, actors, and pop singers.

But what makes it doubly annoying is that it's always the same message, in sports or showbiz: a message of virtuous compliance with progressive orthodoxy.

Example: in 2016 the NBA pulled its All-Star game from North Carolina because that state's legislature had passed a bill that ticked off transgender lobbies. The following year the NBA championship winners turned down an invitation to the White House because their players didn't like Trump.

The message from pro basketball: Elected legislators in North Carolina and an elected President in the White House are beyond the pale, but an unelected dictatorship in Peking is hunky-dory.

The hypocrisy is hard to miss

For years you weren't allowed to write about or notice the hypocrisy.  With the rise of dissident politics, and dissident websites, people are saying it like it is.  This NBA / China situation is pulling the mask off and letting the normies see what the deal really is.  Not only is the Chinese customer always right, the so called "principles" of the social justice NBA are not principles at all - they're simply bowing down to power.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

G. E. D. Report #34 - LeBron and the China Hypocrisy

This is exactly what I've been talking about. The 'blue check twitter brigade', the 'SJW elite', the 'entertainment industrial complex' are all full of it. The Houston Rockets GM tweets out that he stands for freedom, and all of a sudden, LeBron, Kerr, and Popovich can't seem to find the courage to say something meaningful. 

China is a monster sized market. Nike, and its subsidiary, the NBA, want those Chinese dollars. Kerr and Popovich routinely shoot their mouths off about Trump, the racist Orange Man Bad, the horrible treatment that the millionaires in the NBA get because of the racist USA..... They go crazy with the SJW dumbness, but yet are silent about China, a country that is open about and doesn't hide the fact that they put Muslims in prison - er - reeducation camps. 

What they've signaled is that they don't care. They don't care about anything except protecting the Bag. That's fine, I respect that. Just don't be a hypocrite about it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Political Post: Matt Taibbi via UntitledGate - "A Permanent Coup"

Matt Taibbi via UntitledGate says, "Americans might soon wish they just waited to vote their way out of the Trump era" in this essay, We're In a Permanent Coup. It begins:

I’ve lived through a few coups. They’re insane, random, and terrifying, like watching sports, except your political future depends on the score.

The kickoff begins when a key official decides to buck the executive. From that moment, government becomes a high-speed head-counting exercise. Who’s got the power plant, the airport, the police in the capital? How many department chiefs are answering their phones? Who’s writing tonight’s newscast?

Aside from the knee jerk Rolling Stone political memes, this is one of the more unsettling essays you'll read this week.  Taibbi is one of the few leftist / progressive journalists who has principles.  He called out the Russiagate nonsense early, and, like Glenn Greenwald, has paid the price.  I make it a point to read his work and watch his interviews.

This is the key passage, something only a few journalists would dare type:

"My discomfort in the last few years, first with Russiagate and now with Ukrainegate and impeachment, stems from the belief that the people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump. Many Americans don’t see this because they’re not used to waking up in a country where you’re not sure who the president will be by nightfall. They don’t understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president. 

The Trump presidency is the first to reveal a full-blown schism between the intelligence community and the White House. Senior figures in the CIA, NSA, FBI and other agencies made an open break from their would-be boss before Trump’s inauguration, commencing a public war of leaks that has not stopped

Here's the whole thing:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Quincy Johnson Explains Why America Will Not Break Apart

Quincy Johnson, banned on Twitter, goes into why the U.S. will NOT break up. There is a lot of chatter online and other places about the 'oncoming Civil War' and the breakup of the country. I think those ideas have credibility. I don't see how purple haired SJW and gun owning libertarian are supposed to coexist under one roof. Quincy disagrees with me. 

We hash it out here. At times the sound quality suffers, so be patient please.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

To Build a Fire - by Jack London - in 5 Minutes

The Jack London story, "To Build a Fire" is read by thousands of middle and high school students every year. Here is a 5 minute synopsis of the story, including the plot, themes, summarizations, and secondary bits of information to use in class. 

Plot: The Man, a timber prospector, has to get to base camp in 75 below zero temperature. 
Themes: they are stated in the video, but the main one is 'Individualism'. 
Conflict: there are a few, but Man v. Nature is the main one. 

Get ACT and other kinds of English Class and writing help at:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Get Woke, Go Broke - Houston Rockets Version

From Business Insider: "On Friday, in a since-deleted tweet, the Houston Rockets' general manager, Daryl Morey, tweeted an image that said: "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong." The tweeted featured the symbol of Stand With Hong Kong, an activist group that has been behind calls for foreign government intervention in Hong Kong amid escalating protests."

Here is a case where you have the Woke Culture butting heads with dollars.  Morey is one of these sports people who simply goes with the political trend.  Much like LeBron wearing a "Beto" hat during the Cruz / O'Rourke Senate race, Morey has no idea what is going on in the world, and shows it by parroting the Established Opinion.  

The problem with this stance is that the NBA has signed a zillion dollar deal with Chinese Basketball, and wants to get into the massive market that is emerging in China.  The dollars will be huge - if Morey's virtue signaling doesn't ruin everything.

What Morey didn't realize, as an American bathed in SJW nonsense, is that China has the whip hand here.  The Chinese told the Rockets, and the NBA, that they had the 'wrong' opinion.  They don't care about Progressivism, wokeness, virtue signaling, identity politics, racismsexismhomophobia ...  all of that stuff means nothing to them.  They have a billion strong market and they are in charge.  China told Houston and the NBA to fold up the tent and get the hell out.  

This story is great because you have the insane pursuit of global dollars, capitalist market instincts going in overdrive, versus the virtue signaling / status jockeying of a progressive ill informed parrot like Morey.  Normally the virtue signaling Twitter Mob wins these battles, but the money is so big here that the preening SJW's will probably take the loss.  Morey has deleted his tweet, and his job is in jeopardy, which is funny because he would be let go because of taking his eye of off the money, instead of hurting someone's feelings.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How to Cancel Cancel Culture

Here's how you do it.

I saw this on Vox Day's site and it is perfect.  The game designer understands how the SJW Mob operates.  He asks that more people do this.  He's right.

I couldn't have said it better myself.  Throughout time, people who can't build, try to destroy.  The power of envy is strong within people.  There's a reason why it is one of the 7 deadly sins.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Newsletter #12 – Advice for Someone Thinking About Going Into the Teaching Business

I spoke with a college student, a serendipitous encounter, about going into teaching.  Here’s what I said:

There are some areas of need that never go away. When I say, ‘area of need’ think: instant job at a decent salary. These are subject areas where you can always find a job, and invariably move up in seniority and salary. The two subject areas are Math and Science. Math and Science teachers are hard to find. Good Math and Science teachers areimpossibleto find. Think about it. If you’re a principal, at any school, and you have a high-quality Math or Science teacher, would you let him or her leave – and take those talents somewhere else? I wouldn’t, and neither would you.

When we lose a Mathematics or Science teacher at my High School, the call goes out and a manhunt ensues, and we are all put on high alert to find someone - fast.

Another area that is exploding in terms of employment is English as a Second Language (ESL). It goes by ENL, or ELL, but the area is growing because of all the students who are learning English in school. Students are asked to not only learn History, Math, Science and English, but also learn the language… while all the subject material is going forward at regular speed.

Because of the influx of non-native English speakers, good ESL teachers are at a premium. If you have fluency in Spanish, (or perhaps Mandarin), you are in command during the hiring process.

Let me give you an example.

One of my former students is bilingual (English and Spanish). She is pre-med, gifted in science and an extremely dedicated student. She’s a hard worker. She has decided to not only move forward in the hard sciences, but also get her teaching license and credits. Just in case. Moving forward along those two paths simultaneously is a smart move.

When it comes time to get a job, her problem won’t be ‘willI get hired’, it will be ‘wheredo I want to work, and who is paying me the most’.

Because the market is hungry for those talents, she will parlay those talents into dollars.

If you’re considering teaching, particularly in the public system, keep these things in mind. It’s a giant auction out there. The things that have the most value will command the highest price.

Be someone who gets bid on. Fill a need, and get paid.

Douglas Marolla

Room 227, Mt. Vernon HS, NY