Saturday, October 19, 2019

Who Runs Mexico?

It sure doesn't seem to be the government steering the ship.  After this debacle, it looks like the Drug Cartels run, at least, large sections of the country.  ZMAN says it best:

"The operation by the Mexican government to arrest Ovidio Guzmán López, the son of former drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán, and then turn him over to the U.S, may be more than a typical Latin bungle. It has revealed that Mexico is a failed state, largely controlled by large criminal cartels.

At some level, even the dullest member of the America foreign policy elite understands that Mexico is not a normal country. The Mexican government does not have control of its territory. Much of the population is ruled over by local warlords, who operate various criminal trades. Some of those warlords wear expensive suits and show up at Davos to party with the global elites. The vast manufacturing and distribution operations in Mexico are there because global business can operate there outside the law.

A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)
A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)

The thing that the reader can't help but notice from the Washington Post article, is how good the journalism is.  It is a dispassionate, informative and detailed report. The pictures are amazing.  Neither the words "Trump" nor "immigration" appear in the article.  The word "wall" appears once, but it's used when they explain that Drug Kingpin Guy was behind 15 foot high walls in his huge gated compound.  This total pratfall by the Mexican Federal Government, a Socialist enterprise, is handled with journalistic integrity and Solon like solemnity by the Washington Post.  

This is an example of the thrashing around and panic of a dying Corporate Press Corps.  The other articles  in WaPo about Mexico and the border are about how 'walls don't work' (I guess Kingpin guy didn't get the memo), the crazy Orange Man Bad, and how unchecked immigration from Mexico is not only completely beneficial with no downside, but anyone who questions it is a bigoted xenophobe.  My guess is the author of the article had a thrombosis while having to avoid writing about Trump.

The Corporate Press is the Enemy of the People.  People of all ideologies should avoid it.

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