Sunday, October 20, 2019

How I Write a Thank You Letter

I just finished a program with that showed us ways to build our online presence for our classes.  I have always needed a way to translate my real world success as a teacher in the Bad Neighborhood and turn it into online success and sales.  The woman who ran the program did a good job, was organized, and used online tools well.  Here's how I thanked her for it.

Dear _____,

Sorry about the delayed response. I did the survey a few days ago - thanks for the heads up.

Thank you for including me in in the Incubator. I signed up almost on a whim, figuring it was both in the budget, I had the time, and I really like the Teachable platform. I enjoyed my time working with you and the teams, and hopefully we can keep the fire going. You ran a good program, with clear goals, and were able to get us to focus on what was important. It can be difficult to keep a group that size on task, particularly with only monthly meetings in person. I think you did a great job and I can see you had some experience teaching. It came through. Part of me wishes someone of your caliber would go back into teaching as we need quality people. However, the other side to that argument is that you're in the place where the future of teaching exists, so that's a plus for you and the profession.

I have needed to do an SAT course for my 'online school' for a while now, so I think that will be my next class. Not very exciting, but my audience needs this kind of content, and it is the kind of value my customers, real and potential, expect. I have the materials I need, and I'll plan it out and record lessons during the next week or two. For me, that's the easy part. It's the marketing and the list building that is difficult and slow.

The thing you did best was inculcate in us that action, doing something, is the best path for building our online project. Listening to a podcast, reading a book on marketing, analyzing ad copy -- none of these things is taking action. At a granular base level this was the best line of attack possible. This is the focus I will maintain, thanks to you and how you organized the Incubator.

Thanks again, I had a good time, while learning a lot. I will revisit the materials and keep moving forward.

Douglas Marolla


Use this style of writing and organization as a template.  The lead sentences for each paragraph are the keys, as it allows you to state your point, then give detailed opinions in a way that clarifies things for the reader.

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