Friday, October 18, 2019

The Dissidents Weigh in on NBA and China

This is why you have to read the people who the Corporate Media tell you not to.  They have the best quotes and they say it like it is.  Why read Approved Opinions when they are all so boring and all alike?

Quote 1:

"In contrast, one unfortunate tweet and the NBA owners were crawling on their bellies, begging the ChiComs for mercy. Lebron James, the league’s biggest star, was seen volunteering to harvest organs from executed Chinese political prisoners. As JD pointed out, it was a display of raw power. The NBA will tell Donald Trump to take a hike, but they won’t dare get on the wrong side of the communists. The ChiComs have no fear of the human flea circus. They know who holds the power.

This incident gets to some eternal truths about human society. One of those is that power springs from identity. The man who is confident in who he is, will project power, regardless of his circumstances. This scales up very well. Societies that have a strong sense of identity, can punch well above their weight. You see this in Eastern Europe where countries like Poland and Hungary are successfully squaring off with the EU over immigration policy. The EU can’t stop the Poles from being Polish.

See what I mean? No one in Corporate Fake Engineered Narrative Media would dare poke fun at Lebron James.  Don't you know you're not allowed to do that?

Quote #2:

"I hate this politicization of everything. We used to be able to enjoy sports and show business without having to hear the political opinions of players, actors, and pop singers.

But what makes it doubly annoying is that it's always the same message, in sports or showbiz: a message of virtuous compliance with progressive orthodoxy.

Example: in 2016 the NBA pulled its All-Star game from North Carolina because that state's legislature had passed a bill that ticked off transgender lobbies. The following year the NBA championship winners turned down an invitation to the White House because their players didn't like Trump.

The message from pro basketball: Elected legislators in North Carolina and an elected President in the White House are beyond the pale, but an unelected dictatorship in Peking is hunky-dory.

The hypocrisy is hard to miss

For years you weren't allowed to write about or notice the hypocrisy.  With the rise of dissident politics, and dissident websites, people are saying it like it is.  This NBA / China situation is pulling the mask off and letting the normies see what the deal really is.  Not only is the Chinese customer always right, the so called "principles" of the social justice NBA are not principles at all - they're simply bowing down to power.

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