Thursday, October 17, 2019

G. E. D. Report #34 - LeBron and the China Hypocrisy

This is exactly what I've been talking about. The 'blue check twitter brigade', the 'SJW elite', the 'entertainment industrial complex' are all full of it. The Houston Rockets GM tweets out that he stands for freedom, and all of a sudden, LeBron, Kerr, and Popovich can't seem to find the courage to say something meaningful. 

China is a monster sized market. Nike, and its subsidiary, the NBA, want those Chinese dollars. Kerr and Popovich routinely shoot their mouths off about Trump, the racist Orange Man Bad, the horrible treatment that the millionaires in the NBA get because of the racist USA..... They go crazy with the SJW dumbness, but yet are silent about China, a country that is open about and doesn't hide the fact that they put Muslims in prison - er - reeducation camps. 

What they've signaled is that they don't care. They don't care about anything except protecting the Bag. That's fine, I respect that. Just don't be a hypocrite about it.

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