Sunday, October 27, 2019

G. E. D. Report #35 - The Remnant Explained

I sent out an email about the Remnant making moves regarding their children's literacy. There is motion out there that people are taking matters into their own hands and getting olden days classic literature into the hands of young people. This fundraising campaign is just one example: 

People had a difficult time understanding what I was talking about. The schools have failed. This fact alone is difficult for people to accept because they have an emotional attachment to Public School The Public School system has become America's national religion, and it must not be blasphemed. The Remnant is that top group that doesn't go online and shout and yell about the nonsense going on politically, socially or economically. It motors on as best as it can. The best essay to read on The Remnant is here: 

I'm doing my own lessons online to get to these people, and provide them content at a low price. My latest SAT Verbal video is here, at a cost that is manageable: 

My email list opt-in is here:

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