Wednesday, October 30, 2019

More Evidence of National Divisions

I just had a conversation with Truck Driver Quincy Johnson about the eventual crack up of the USA.  I think it will happen.  Charles Hugh Smith just wrote a post about the topic, and it seems that he agrees with me.

There is no way these varied groups of people will be able to exist under the same regime.  Academia and its SJW race based / anti-white psychosis, Hollywood and its ally The Corporate Media.... regular people; there is no future with these groups coexisting.  Smith sees the same picture I do, with his evidence:

"The turmoil over "facts" and "fake news" is another manifestation. As financial commentator Ben Hunt recently put it, the "tells" are all being manipulated to support a dominant narrative. So the unemployment rate, consumer inflation and the stock market are all manipulated to support the illusion that all is going swimmingly.

As the distance between these fantasy "facts" and experiential reality widen, trust in these "tells" (i.e. trustworthy indicators) declines.

As trust in these "facts" and the "experts" who gin them up declines, the corporate media and authorities double-down in support of their fictitious "facts": any doubters are "conspiracy theorists," purveyors of "fake news," or dastardly Russian stooges repeating "Kremlin talking points."

There is no middle ground left in such a state, and indeed, no desire for middle ground, as the mere existence of middle ground would mean whomever demands 100% agreement with their position is not going to get it."

The Elite and Governmental Class have played 'divide and conquer' for a good long time now.  The chickens are coming home to roost.

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