Friday, November 1, 2019

The High Cost of Political Correctness

ZMAN: "Way back in the before times, when terms like “multiculturalism” had not escaped the academy, it was assumed that science and math were immune from the politicization that was ongoing in fields like history. After all, history is about storytelling, while math is about getting the right answer. Surely the right answer fields would not succumb to the growing lunacy on the Left, with regards to race, sex and ethnicity. Yet, here we are in the current year and the Left has declared a fatwa against math."

This is simply the result of the vapors taking over the barking at the moon fanatics who run our institutions.  The problem with their Radical Egalitarian philosophy is that now Science! and evidence has blown up their worldview, so they must now tear down the world.

It's easy to see how this ends, and who will get hurt the most.

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