Saturday, November 2, 2019

Newsletter #14 – Do As I Do, Not As I Say

The seniors and I have talked a lot about the ‘next step’. They are anxious about going to college – mainly the huge cost that is associated with it. As usual with young people, the time cost of four years isn’t the problem, it’s the monetary cost.

They feel that they are under immense pressure, and I think they’re right.

A few times a week, they ask me what can they do if they don’t go to college. That’s a difficult question to answer because the people who have managed to do well for themselves without a degree usually get into a niche where no one cares about a university diploma. Many have ported their career / job onto the internet, and done ok.

It’s difficult having this conversation because pressure comes from many directions.

I use my second career teaching online as an example of thinking about options. Coming from the pre-www generation, I have taken what I do and moved it to the Web. My latest $19 SAT Verbal class is here:

If you think that’s a shameless plug for my class, you’re right.

But the benefit of showing teens that I am trying to make a go of an old profession that is running out of runway, teaching, and putting it somewhere else and going digital, is that they can use their more dynamic imaginations and do the same.

The combination of grant money, internships, online income, and IRL (ask your child) income should at least alleviate the rough financial road ahead. If a high school senior can take pieces of advice from us and carve a manageable life path from it, the gratification of navigating that struggle will be priceless.

I have internship and program advice here – FREE:

I don’t envy high school seniors today. I think they have a tougher time of it. We should all try to help using 2019 era suggestions, not 1989 era suggestions.


Douglas MarollaMVHS – Room227

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