Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Example that Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong

James O'Keefe may be the most important journalist of this generation.  I think he is.  He isn't afraid to show that the Epstein affair is deeper, sleazier and more dangerous than before.

O'Keefe isn't afraid to release incredible findings like this one.

A sitting congresswoman retweeted the information that is now out, that Corporate Media crushed the Epstein story.  Powerful people allowed a serial rapist / pedophile loose because..... they wanted it.  Then, incredibly, a sitting congresswoman, AOC, unretweeted the post!

Someone very powerful must not want the information out, or at least for her to retweet it.  I guess all of that 'girl power' and 'hashtag me too' stuff is for the proles.

Someday the archeologists will look back on these days and wonder what the hell was going on.

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