Thursday, November 7, 2019

Newsletter #15 – My Presentation to Students About Schule.

I gave a presentation today to both of my senior classes. I presented an informational, 8-minute talk on school, its origins, and how to fix it.

In the class, the students must rate the speaker and the presentation overall. I got pretty good marks. I also had someone record the presentation, so I could see how I look in real life. I didn’t give myself good marks for that. If you ever want to suffer, force yourself to watch your own presentation. I look like a poorly trained used car salesman, and I sound even worse.

The feedback the students gave me was useful, both for my online side projects, but also for letting me know what piqued their curiosity.

Many students were shocked to learn that:

· School was not created in America. It was birthed in Germany.

· The reason for creating school was to teach Germans to follow orders.

· It takes 15,000 hours to complete your K-12 schooling.

· Literacy in early America was around 97%- and the standards were higher then.

· The Private Boarding schools that produce our leaders follow a very different program.

Because I had only 8 minutes to work with, I wasn’t able to go deeper, but the classes were receptive and, naturally, appreciative of learning. A few even wrote in their evaluations that they had many questions after hearing what I had told them.

This reaction of curiosity is the key. I’ve talked to adults about this and they recoil in anger and frustration. It’s almost as if I had personally insulted them. Usually they call me names (Conspiracy Theorist being the most popular), then they run away.

My belief is that there is hope and salvation when someone is interested in odd, or unorthodox information – and wants to know more.

I never thought I would write this, but perhaps we should act more like teenagers.


Douglas Marolla

MVHS – Room 227

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