Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gary North Talks to Ron Paul about Homeschooling

I subscribed to for 5 years.  It taught me a lot and changed my life.  While that sounds dramatic, it's true.  I learned about libertarian economics, the free market, and politics.  North has been around the block a few thousand times, and he shares his knowledge with everyone.  He shared the choice bits of information with his subscribers.  North was Ron Paul's staff economist - back in the mid 1970's.  After a short stint in DC, he became a newsletter writer, columnist, and keeper of the Freedom Torch.

I have followed in his footsteps.

This interview about homeschooling with Ron Paul is worth your time.  Dr. Paul is one of the few politicians I listen to.  He understands the origins of public schooling, as well as its real purpose.  I didn't know anything about any of this until I came across John Taylor Gatto's work and Gary North.  

Let's listen to some sage wisdom together.

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