Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Get Woke, Go Broke - Houston Rockets Version

From Business Insider: "On Friday, in a since-deleted tweet, the Houston Rockets' general manager, Daryl Morey, tweeted an image that said: "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong." The tweeted featured the symbol of Stand With Hong Kong, an activist group that has been behind calls for foreign government intervention in Hong Kong amid escalating protests."

Here is a case where you have the Woke Culture butting heads with dollars.  Morey is one of these sports people who simply goes with the political trend.  Much like LeBron wearing a "Beto" hat during the Cruz / O'Rourke Senate race, Morey has no idea what is going on in the world, and shows it by parroting the Established Opinion.  

The problem with this stance is that the NBA has signed a zillion dollar deal with Chinese Basketball, and wants to get into the massive market that is emerging in China.  The dollars will be huge - if Morey's virtue signaling doesn't ruin everything.

What Morey didn't realize, as an American bathed in SJW nonsense, is that China has the whip hand here.  The Chinese told the Rockets, and the NBA, that they had the 'wrong' opinion.  They don't care about Progressivism, wokeness, virtue signaling, identity politics, racismsexismhomophobia ...  all of that stuff means nothing to them.  They have a billion strong market and they are in charge.  China told Houston and the NBA to fold up the tent and get the hell out.  

This story is great because you have the insane pursuit of global dollars, capitalist market instincts going in overdrive, versus the virtue signaling / status jockeying of a progressive ill informed parrot like Morey.  Normally the virtue signaling Twitter Mob wins these battles, but the money is so big here that the preening SJW's will probably take the loss.  Morey has deleted his tweet, and his job is in jeopardy, which is funny because he would be let go because of taking his eye of off the money, instead of hurting someone's feelings.

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