There is a lot going on. I found this via Gab, via SG2:
It's the kind of thing that the Progressive Liberal Conformists would call a 'right wing talking point' or simply laugh at were I to have put it on FB, IG, or TWTR. It has too much logic to it. There are too many good points and questions that can't be refuted or even answered.
That's why I don't do that kind of thing anymore. I'm not into wasting time with the unthinking.
As seen via Vox, via Denninger, there is amazing news from India, that will be both mocked and ignored by Big Media and Big Medical.
Ivermectin is the Nobel prize winning concoction that has been used billions of times over the past few decades, has eliminated river blindness in sub saharan Africa, and was seen as a 'miracle drug' up until COVID!!, which is the witchcraftian stupid word that turns everyone stupid. Now you know why I have been writing 'Stupid 19' all these months.
India used Ivermectin, with amazing results.
Combined with Vitamins C and D, along with Zinc, and you get this section of India, with over 200 million people, having eliminated COVID, for all intents and purposes. Little to no Bug Juice.
The NWO doesn't like this. Big Pharma, Big Gov't, Big Medical, and the Media Industrial Complex don't like this either. That's why you will only see it here and in alternative media.
This is why the censorship goes only one way. They've gone after the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, as well as content producers no one has heard of. They are in the middle of a "Great Reset", and how dare anyone show intellectual curiosity, have control over their own health, or think for himself?
Lastly, the propaganda wheel went for a spin recently.
From Market-Ticker:
There have been plenty of attempted hit pieces in the media too. WXYZ in Detroit, which went fishing for stories of people unvaccinated dying, clearly intending to present a piece of yellow journalism, got more than they bargained for. 182,000+ responses of people who were injured or killed by the vaccines, to be precise, instead of what they asked about. The funny thing is that the station is one that, in the past I've known to produce good journalism; they made somewhat of a name for themselves by busting auto workers who were taking their lunch break to down a six-pack while smoking what appeared to be a joint -- and then, of course, going back to the plant to clock in for the afternoon.
182,000 dead or seriously injured is a hell of a lot of people folks.
There are a very large number of people out there who think the answer is to "stab everyone." Some of them are health-care workers who get their news from CNN or Fauci and can't be bothered to read source material. Few of those health care workers are old enough to remember what Fauci did with AIDS, Bactrim and the 30,000 dead gay men that directly resulted from his "advocacy" against the use of same. History is written so you don't have to live through stupidity to learn from it, but apparently reading is no longer part of the list of expectations of citizens in the general public, say much less professionals.
They're playing with your life and livelihood. At some point some of you will realize that they are not on your side, and care about you not at all.
I expect the rapacious monsters at the Top of the Pyramid to do what they're going to do. It's the 'people' on social media who shame the people who are skeptical of the BUGJUICE, or unthinkingly follow what Team Progressive Liberal tells them to do through Corporate Media who you need to be wary of. Honestly, your ProgDemLib friends on social media should be removed from your life.
They are only parroting what their "team" tells them to do. If it costs lives, or health, so be it.
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