Tuesday, November 30, 2021

BUG19 Warm Up - Eugenics: Controlling the RACE

The Eugenics Era was one of the warm ups for what we see today.  Using SCIENCE!, or scientism, to magically rewrite the rulebook of Western Civilization, biologically move people around, and obliterate individual sovereignty was tried over 100 years ago.  For a long time, it worked.  In short, the "feebleminded" were to be sterilized, so that the Elite could manage a better race of humanity.  Now, the 'unvaxxed' can be identified as overly individualistic troublemakers and herded into camps.  Sound extreme?  Maybe you should wake the f up:

"But it's only for travelers!" ... this is already the story bleated out by the 'fact checkers' and the Normies.  Yes, that's how it always starts.  You have to be an ahistorical clod not to see the pattern on this one.

Eugenics was also originally for the 'greater good' and would only affect a very few.  It was also approved by the Supreme Court in a case called Buck v. Bell.

This is the material I walked the 12th graders through:


This is a quote from Woodrow Wilson, progressive hero, and 2 term President of the USA. Read and discuss:

"Let us go back and distinguish between the two things that we want to do; for we want to do two things in modern society. We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forego the privileges of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks. You cannot train them for both in the time that you have at your disposal. They must make a selection, and you must make a selection. I do not mean to say that in the manual training there must not be an element of liberal training; neither am I hostile to the idea that in the liberal education there should be an element of the manual training. But what I am intent upon is that we should not confuse ourselves with regard to what we are trying to make of the pupils under our instruction. We are either trying to make liberally-educated persons out of them, or we are trying to make skillful servants of society along mechanical lines, or else we do not know what we are trying to do."

Woodrow Wilson - President of Princeton University,
  • An Address to the New York City High School Teachers Association
  • January 9, 1909
  • Published in High School Teachers Association of New York, Volume 3, 1908-1909, pp.19-31 and Papers of Woodrow Wilson, 18:593-606

What is the concept of eugenics?

Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease, disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population.

Today we will learn about one of the most monstrous, and avoided, topics in American History. It was a Progressive dream to manage the population so that it would be improved. Eugenics has been intentionally forgotten about because it was part of the "Scientific Management" of the population. As one would manage farm animals, the people at the Top of the Pyramid made efforts to 'improve' the citizenry of the USA. It was typified by the Buck v Bell Supreme Court Case:

"We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes".[18][A]

Holmes concluded his argument by citing Jacobson v. Massachusetts as a precedent for the decision, stating "Three generations of imbeciles are enough".[18][19] The sole dissenter in the court, Justice Pierce Butler, a devout Catholic,[20] did not write a dissenting opinion.

Assignment - Due 11/29. Please watch the following documentary. We will begin in class. Summarize and comment on why you think this has been ignored by historians, what the morals surrounding Eugenics are all about, and how it parallels events in Animal Farm and in today's society.

These are today's "unvaxxxxed" Don't say I didn't warn you.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

An Insider Speaks OUT About the BUG JUICE

One of the things that sends the Religious C0vid NPC's into fits is when you talk about how fast the Bug Juice was brought to market.  Remember, these are the same people who howl about 'big Pharma', the Sackler family, corporate profits, the Trump administration ... until all of those things are put under the heading of C0VID!

Then it's all ok.

Witness the stupid:

It turns out that the 'conspiracy theorists' who have been vilified in the Corporate Press have been right about a great many things.  One of them is how the JUICE has been rushed, and it came to market at a speed that is not only unlikely, but impossible.

This is first hand testimony from someone in the industry.  The writer works as a top flight, 10 year veteran data analyst, looking over trials and rigorously going through various phases of drug studies, and then reporting the results (good and bad) to the relevant parties.

Take note at how quickly the Bug Juice came to market, as opposed to how slowly it should have:

Here is some info you might find interesting. I will bore you with as much information as I can, and you can pare down as wanted.

A result of the Nuremburg Trials (result of WWII), the Nuremburg Code (the beginnings of Good Clinical Practice – GCP) was created. GCP were a set of rules that protect research participants. The primary point is that the benefits of research should outweigh the risks. It also includes voluntary participation and withdrawal, as well as Informed Consent.

The Nuremburg Code was enhanced in 1964, via the Declaration of Helsinki (and it continuously gets updated) however, the emphasis is that the health of the patient is the physician’s number one priority.

In order to ensure trials are being conducted according to these GCP principles, an unbiased trained professional must go to the clinic/hospital where the trial is being conducted, and review all the data on site for that trial, including standard detective work (keeping eyes open for any odd occurrences).

Here’s how that works. Let's use a hypothetical example:

A Sponsor (ie: the drug manufacturer) has an Investigational New Drug (the IND is worked on in a lab for about 6 ½ years before it’s ready for human use) that they believe will have a therapeutic effect. For this instance, let’s say the Sponsor is JonesPharma. Through years of intensive scientific cooking, they create a drug that they think will decrease seizures in adults by 50%. The lab and animal testing (called pre-clinical studies) showed that the drug is fairly safe.

Human studies: A Phase 1 study is conducted first – healthy volunteers (or with the illness). It’s a quick study (only a couple months), and between 20-100 people. This is to check on best dosage and safety.

If JonesPharma’s drug ‘passes’ Phase 1 (ie the FDA says that the dosage is correct and it’s safe), Phase 2 begins. Phase 2 is for subjects WITH the illness – in this case seizures. It can take up to 2 years of research and several hundred people are enrolled. The purpose is to look for the efficacy and the side effects. This goes to the FDA as well once finished.

If the drug passes Phase 2 (the drug is showing that many of the subjects are actually having decreased seizures, and the side effects aren’t horrific), Phase 3 begins. Phase 3 is the final big step before approval. The study can last up to 4 years. 300 – 3000 subjects with the illness are enrolled. The study is conducted to look for efficacy and monitoring of adverse events (AEs). Every single AE is collected and assessed as a whole.

Once Phase 3 is complete, it goes to the FDA for drug approval (it’s called a New Drug Application. Once the NDA is submitted to the FDA, it takes approximately 1 ½ years to be reviewed). If approved, it goes out into the world for general public use (for the specific indication). In extreme cases, this approval process can be expedited, however, all of the data and scientific review cannot be completed as normal and things can be missed.

Phase 4 then begins in the background – physicians continue to collect safety and adverse event information from people who are taking the medication (several thousands of people).

It takes over $2 billion and 12-15 years for a drug to go from test tube to public use.

Remember, the main driving regulation of clinical research is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects. With all of this research being conducted, and millions of points of data to be collected, and a LOT of money involved (JonesPharma has to pay each physician to enroll subjects – they get paid per subject – ie, there is an impetus to enroll as many subjects as possible), an unbiased research professional needs to go to the clinics to do the detective work to ensure the subjects are valid, and that the data was not falsified.

The person who goes to the clinics to be the detective is called a clinical research associate (CRA). CRAs are well versed in the study, they have extensive GCP training, and are taught repeatedly on how to ensure there is no ‘funny business’ happening on site. Some of these things are as simple as “look around” – look for discarded notes, look at handwriting (ie the same signature on different patients’ files), white-out on legal documents, super high turn-over with no proof of who is doing what on site, etc.

It is current FDA Guidance that CRAs be physically on site to do this detective work. “Although survey participants reported a range of monitoring methods, periodic, frequent visits to each site to evaluate study conduct and review data for each enrolled subject remain the predominant mechanism by which pharma, biotech, and medical device companies monitor the progress clinical investigations”.

With the onslaught of COVID cases, and many sites closing for a few months, on-site visits were delayed for several months, and some of the data review (primarily safety documentation) by CRAs was conducted off-site (via a secure document repository that was shared between site and CRA) in the time before the CRA could get back on site and ensure everything was proceeding correctly.

In mid-late 2020, all site re-opened for monitoring (with safety protocols including PPE and negative COVID tests prior to arriving). It has been business as usual since then, with the annoyance of the testing, and also, no more traveling overseas for visits (most countries will only accept local CRAs now, ie: my US CRAs cannot travel to Canada for visits).

With this information, perhaps you can see why I’m confused and concerned about the timelines (studies began in 2020 and were approved by the FDA within months). 

The most concerning thing came from Pfizer 3 weeks ago.

Pfizer sent out a mandate that there will be no more on-site Clinical Research Associate visits.

This is extremely concerning to me. It is akin to a detective being sent information via scan, and never going on site to look at everything around them, looking for clues and searching for possible fraud. The CRAs are now reliant on the sites just sending only what they want, and able to dispose of what they don’t want you to see (yes, this happens even when you are on site, however, through detailed searching, everything is normally found through questioning).

And that is where we are today.


Two main takeaways.  Even if you slice the timing by half, the Fauci Medical Kit should have taken a few years to get to market.  How did they create it so quickly?  Either it was already made, and in storage, or it was rushed in an unprecedented manner.  Also, now there are no more on site visits from the Research Associates.  The numbers put forth by doctors who get paid to administer the JUICE are the numbers that are used.  No vetting. No outside analysis.  No institutional headwinds or rigor.

This is a dangerous game they're playing, and they're playing it with you and your family's health.  News about Pfizer keeps coming:

Whatever your social media "friends" and Corporate Media are telling you - do the opposite.  I got this information first hand and was shocked when I heard it.  You should be shocked too.


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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

How to Destroy a School System

The NYC public school system has always been a mixed bag.  However, there were always pockets of success as well as local programs for academically inclined families and students within them.

I'm a K-12 NYC public school product.  I was part of an SP (special progress) program in middle school.  We had our math and science classes sped up so we took our NYS math exam at the end of 8th grade instead of 9th.  I wasn't unique - there were many such programs throughout the city.

Then the identity / equity / SJW / WOKE infection set in.  This left leaning cancer, run by bioleninist status seeing mediocrities got control.  The midwit virtue signaling status jockeying activists saw their opportunity.  As the system was already flawed and weak to begin with, after Mayor Bloomberg left town it was all over.

They almost succeeded in getting rid of all merit based programs in the NYC public school system. For those of you who don't know, there are around 1.1 million students in the system. 

The asian population led the charge and battled back over the past few years.  They saw their avenues to success getting pinched off by bureaucrats 

They mobilized and fought back:

The key to the article is the stultifying levels of incompetence and ignorance, combined with the arrogance that goes with people who know nothing about how systems are built.  These people know only how to destroy.  Warren Wilhelm, aka Bill deBlasio, a wealthy white patrician from Cambridge Massachusetts, led the charge as mayor.  

Luckily, the original ethos of being a New Yorker survives in its most recent immigrant communities.  The irony is off the charts.

The following excerpt is a textbook study in how these arrogant and stupid people knowingly destroy a system. The fact that it will fail is immaterial.  They get paid.  They bathe in the bonhomie of Woke Progressivism, they call other people racist, and the press (except the NY Post) adores them.  

You would think the wealth would push back.  Wealthy New Yorkers virtue signal and say the right things in public.  They don't care.  They send their children to places like this.

Here is the above mentioned excerpt:

"The DOE’s dysfunctional response to the lockdown left the most vulnerable students even worse off. And the department continued to show its misplaced priorities when it seized the opportunity to eliminate grades, upend gifted-and-talented programs, and turn selective admissions into lotteries.

The lockdown occurred nearly three-quarters of the way into the 2019–2020 school year. By that time, students should have had a sense of their performance, but no grades were given and no failures recorded. The city seized its excuse to stop measuring the performance of both students and teachers, even though many students’ families protested that completed and documented work was ignored.

Selective programs also came under the gun. The city announced that honors math classes would be eliminated in Wagner Middle School; algebra dropped at the Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies; and advanced-placement classes reduced at LaGuardia High School. In testimony to the failed logic of these efforts, the Wagner Middle School principal offered that the honors math class had to go because too many students wanted to enroll in it. Fortunately, in these cases, parental resistance led the schools to back down.

Gifted programs remained in the crosshairs, however. Admissions to such programs had relied on objective tests prior to 2020. But the DOE, using Covid-related school closures as cover, cut back gifted education. Asian parents understood that this again implicated their children, as Asian students account for 43 percent of the Gifted & Talented seats. The lesson from de Blasio and the city education establishment was that identity trumped merit. By 2021, the DOE had announced the termination of gifted programs for the following year, to be replaced by “acceleration for all.” To propose “acceleration for all” is to suggest either a fantasy or suppression of the highest achievers. This time, parent groups were unable to stop the changes to the gifted programs.

The underlined sections are mine.

Would you send your child, or want to go to a school, where he couldn't fail?  Where nothing was measured?  All under the idea that doing so would be 'racist'?

Me neither.  These people only know how to destroy.  It's why you see them in public bureaucracies and no where else.  Ever.

Avoid them at all costs, and build your own programs.  The future is private.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Progressive BrainWORM

Michael Schellenberger went and found out about a case that no Corporate Media outfit will touch.

Remember the summer of 2020?  I do.  We were told to stay home for two weeks, mask up, stop the spread ... and then St. George was killed.  Somehow, all over the world (Brussels?), people were angry about the Minneapolis police and one officer's conduct.  Somehow, that video found its way into all social media, was blasted at level 10 on all Corporate Media outlets, and everything changed.

It was time to go outside, in huge crowds, and protest.  Suddenly (and temporarily), all that silly BUG19 stuff didn't matter. Protesting racism was the way to go because racism was more deadly than Stupid19.

That's exactly what they said.

You can read the 'academic paper' on this - it's SCIENCE! (tm) after all, proving the case.  Have caution, as you risk infection from the virus. And by that I mean the mind virus.

Seattle was one of the epicenters of the Hive Mind Brainworm that took place during this time.

Despite people with common sense and thought within the system, Seattle's stupid and deadly city council and mayor have caused multiple deaths.  They cost the city a qualified Police Commissioner.  They have blood on their hands.  In the Schellenberger article it explains how these absurd and clownish decisions cost 4 young children their 45 year old father.

He also goes into detail about why the police commissioner resigned.  Exercise caution while reading, the inane Progressive WOKE thought process is on full display.  It is baffling to witness:

"Later, the organizers would rename the area CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. The anarchist leaders invited hundreds of Seattle’s homeless residents to move into the occupied zone, and many did. When asked, Seattle’s mayor insisted that everything would work out fine.

“How long do you think Seattle and those few blocks [will] look like this?” CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked Seattle’s mayor.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “We could have a summer of love!

But soon after, said Best, “We were getting reports of rape, robbery, assault… I don’t know what the Wild West was like, but it couldn’t have been any worse than that.”

Armed residents at CHOP shot two teenage boys just before it was shut down. At least one of them could have been saved. But CHOP’s unelected leaders didn’t allow first responders in until hours later.

The homicides led Chief Best to demand permission from the City Attorney to retake the neighborhood, which she did a few days later.

But then, in August 2020, a few weeks later, the Seattle City Council voted to cut the budget of the Seattle Police Department. “That means that all these new people that we hired who are black, people of color, and women will be the first ones to go,” Best told the City Council. “Because it’s first in, first out.”

The council said they wanted Best to go through and pick the people to fire.

“Let me get this straight,” she said she told the council. “You want me to pick the white people to go? Are you crazy?’ They were highly dismissive. It was the most bizarre thing that I had ever dealt with.”

Best criticized the City Council.

“I said that they were being reckless and dangerous and that people are going to suffer for it,” she said. “The next day, one of the city councilors said, ‘We need to cut her salary by 40 percent.’ It wasn’t even on the agenda for them to talk about. It was highly punitive and retaliatory.”

And so Best resigned.

(Underlining mine)

Carmen Best did the only thing she should have done.  Good for her. The mayor (Summer of love!), and the city council (fire the white people) are not only human pieces of waste, but evidence of what will happen if you allow these people in positions of power.  I'm seeing it here in NYC, and the people of Seattle are getting a large dose of it as we speak.

The smug white WOKE progressive female mayor has since gone and asked various government bodies for more money for policing.  

Does the hypocrisy reach the mind worm that has diseased her brain?  No.  She's too far gone.

I hope Carmen Best is pegged for the NYPD commissioner job.  We could use someone with integrity and a functional mind.

Carmen Best, police commissioner, and Mayor Durkin.  Note how you can see the progressive WOKE smugness even through that mask.  Hopefully she never takes it off.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Fighting for Justice - SOMETIMES

The Julius Jones case running in tandem with the Rittenhouse case is fascinating because the type of person who would advocate for Jones sees the Rittenhouse case through a totally different lens. The frothing leftist / activist who goes bananas when confronted with a death penalty story sees the Rittenhouse case in the opposite way. Only a SJW mind worm can work this kind of magic into the human brain. The Hive Mind, combined with an uneducated populace addicted to corporate and social 'media', will permit such astronomical levels of ignorance. It's the only combination that works.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY

The Rittenhouse case is over, and, surprisingly, it went the way it should have.

The Beast is screaming and writhing at taking this big loss.  It has won practically everything over the past 75 years, hence, it's gotten sloppy in its very public beastlash:

It was calling for the 'right' verdict via the minions in the press from early on:

Everything about that tweet is wrong.  And this is from a sitting "congresswoman" in the country formerly known as These United States.

Matt Taibbi and Matt Orfalea have the goods all in one place linked below.  For a case study in what you're up against, if you're interested in keeping pockets of Western Civilization going in this area of the Realm, the article here is a good place to go:

Because Taibbi and Ofalea are recovering left leaning normies, the language is palatable for regular people. I commented on Taibbi's Substack on his quote about 'not blaming' regular people because the Corporate Legacy Media reporting on this case was so bad over the past year:

"To a degree, I don’t even blame people who’ve come to this conclusion, because it’s all they’ve heard for a year..."

I do. If you put out an opinion about something you've done 0 min 0sec of research on, and you believe "CNN", "MSNBC", "NYT", "TYT" et al., then you're literally retarded. Perhaps even vaccine damaged."

Rhetoric too strong?  Tell that to the people who will, without conscience, burn down your house with you and your pets in it because they don't like you, and they don't like the laws of Western Civilization upheld:

Do you see it yet?

Greenwald has the reaction to the trial, as well as the explanation as to why it had to go the way it did:

Friday, November 19, 2021

Always WRONG on Purpose

I saw the link to Andrew Sullivan's Substack article on Glenn Greenwald's TWTR feed:

You know things are bad when Establishment Conservative and Part Time Weasel-wordsmith Sullivan writes paragraphs like this:

"Think of the other narratives the MSM pushed in recent years that have collapsed. They viciously defamed the Covington boys. They authoritatively told us that bounties had been placed on US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin — and Trump’s denials only made them more certain. They told us that the lab-leak theory of Covid was a conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it at all. (The NYT actually had the story of the leak theory, by Donald McNeil, killed it, and then fired McNeil, their best Covid reporter, after some schoolgirls complained he wasn’t woke.) Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The MSM took the ludicrous story of Jussie Smollett seriously because it fit their nutty “white supremacy” narrative. They told us that a woman was brutally gang-raped at UVA (invented), that the Pulse mass shooting was driven by homophobia (untrue) and that the Atlanta spa shooter was motivated by anti-Asian bias (no known evidence for that at all). For good measure, they followed up with story after story about white supremacists targeting Asian-Americans, in a new wave of “hate,” even as the assaults were disproportionately by African Americans and the mentally ill.

As Greenwald noted, the NYT “published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick’s skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died.” The media told us that an alleged transgender exposure in the Wi Spa in Los Angeles was an anti-trans hoax (also untrue). They told us that the emails recovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation. They did this just before an election and used that claim to stymie the story on social media. But they were not Russian disinformation. They were a valid if minor news story the media consciously kept from its audience for partisan purposes."

Sullivan can't help himself with the Rittenhouse business as he had to add that Rittenhouse "had no business being there" (provably wrong), and, earlier in the article, that "This doesn't mean that Trump wasn't eager for Russian help" (wrong). 

See how the Establishment Conservatives can't help themselves?  Sullivan just HAS to put those things in there as he channels his inner Washington Generals eternal defend and retreat DC Beltway beta male.

I have to give him credit however.  When someone like Sullivan sounds the alarm about the corporate media, it shows that The Narrative is failing so badly it isn't even funny.

Rittenhouse did have reason to be there, and the following video is the best run down of the case.  No games, no prosletyzing, no nonsense.  Robert Barnes walks Michael Malice through the events.  That the Corporate Media and the Prosecution are spinning it in a way that is unrecognizable to the truth is par for the course for the Prometheans:

It starts at 5:57, after Barnes updates Malice on the Alex Jones trial fiasco, another case that shows that the country formerly known as These United States is on the back 9:

The entire thing is eye opening.  The behavior of the Corporate Press and the Prosecution is so repellent it defies imagination.  

"Annuit Coeptis", our Enterprise, the great Experiment, is irretrievably broken.  The lizards at the top and their minions in the Corporate Press are still able to warp the minds of many of the animals on the farm.  Plan accordingly.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

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My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Taibbi: Citizens Bicker While Corporatists Make it RAIN

Matt Taibbi sees what's coming.  This Rittenhouse trial is a case study on how the corporate media has addled the brains of Americans.  It isn't the Media's fault - the American "people" have done it to themselves.  Because the trial was framed so stupidly, you get things like this:

Instead of Rittenhouse shooting 2 astroturf pedophile engineered white protestors while the police were told to stand down, the Corporate Media has framed it as a white on black racist incident.  

They do it because it works.  And then when the profits roll in, the lizards at the top laugh all the way to the bank.  Taibbi sees it well:

Taibbi is almost there.  He's come this far, perhaps he'll go a little bit further - although it would send him into conspiracy kook territory (where I roam freely).  This was my comment:

"Great piece. You nailed it.

"... record underwriting revenues for banks in 2020, or the “embarrassment of profits” for health carriers in the same year, or the huge rises in revenue for pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, all during a period of massive net job losses? The economic news at the top hasn’t just been good, it’s been record-setting good, during a time of severe cultural crisis."

Manufactured cultural crisis, and manufactured plandemic. When you can manage the herd so easily, getting them repeatedly fired up over fake events, then the Vampire Squid Industrial Complex will do what it has always done. The formula is so. easy it isn't even funny. This time they got a violent drug offender to expire in front of the cameras, with his work buddy on the job, and it got spread to all the major venues. Yell 'racism!' all over social and corporate media, and tens of millions of the Herd will bleat "4 legs good, 2 legs BETTER!" on command.

Besides Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi wearing kente cloth and kneeling, the best part of the 2020 theater that relates to this piece perfectly was when Jaime Dimon (CEO Chase) knelt in front of the cameras, showing his solidarity with BLM. Only a facebook addled American would buy that stunt, but it worked. As if Dimon is overly concerned with the plight of the black men, women, and children who struggle to make things happen.

The thing about the plandemic that I can't escape, is how Americans, especially the so called "left", seemed to buy into the lie that the Prometheans at the Top cared about the regular people at all. Since when did the Corporate Crony Capitalist Class ever care about the regular folk? Taibbi is right - noblesse oblige is totally gone.

What happened was they had to stop the economy and inject the dollars where they were needed - while the engine was OFF. If they'd done it while it was running we wouldn't have $4 gasoline now - it'd be $9 a gallon.

"Only those who are unfamiliar with the wondrous adventures of GloboCap can delude themselves into thinking that the system chose to shut down out of compassion. Let us be clear from the start: the big predators of oil, arms, and vaccines could not care less about humanity.""



Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Gatto: The 6 Purposes of the Modern SCHOOL

It really has very little to do with teaching, learning, or education.  This is a lesson I gave my 12th graders in public speaking class.  At least 3 of them were red pilled.  No lie.


What does the school do with the children? John Taylor Gatto states the following assertions in "Dumbing Us Down": It makes the children confused. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials that programming is similar to the television.
  1. It fills almost all the "free" time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again. 
  2. It teaches them to accept their class affiliation. 
  3. It makes them indifferent. It makes them emotionally dependent. 
  4. It makes them intellectually dependent. 
  5. It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem). 
  6. It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised
Go through John Taylor Gatto's presentation, and let me know, in writing, what you think. By informing you what his research on the history of American Schooling showed, does he 'connect the dots' for you about your experience in school? Explain how effective this presentation was, and why.


From the transcript of another video, if you want to explore further:

"Two years it took me to find a copy of the book [Principles of Secondary Education by Alexander James Inglis]--750 pages, tiny print and as dull as your imagination can be. And furthermore, it is not till you get to the very middle of the book--in an unlabelled section--that he spills the beans. Let me spill them for you.

There are 6 purposes, or functions, as he calls them. The first he [Alexander Inglis] calls the Adjustive Function: Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. That’s their main purpose--habits and reactions to authority. That is why school authorities don’t tear their hair out when somebody exposes that the Atomic Bomb wasn’t dropped on Korea, as a history book in the 1990s printed by Scott Foresman [did], and why each of these books has hundreds of substantive errors. Learning isn’t the reason the texts are distributed.

So, first is the Adjustive Function--fixed habits. Now here comes the wonderful insight that being able to analyze the detail will give you. How can you establish whether someone has successfully developed this Automatic Reaction because people have a proclivity when they are given sensible orders to follow. That is not what they want to reach. The only way you can measure this is to give stupid orders and people automatically follow those. Now you have achieved Function #1.

Have you ever ever wondered why some of the foolish things that schools do or allow to continue? [Function] #2, he [Inglis] calls it the Integrating Function, but it is easier to understand if you call it the Conformity Function. It’s to make children alike as possible--the gifted children and the stupid--alike as possible because market research uses statistical sampling, and it only works if people react generally the same way.

The Third Function he calls the Directive Function: School is to diagnose your proper social role and then log the evidence that here is where you are on the Great Pyramid, so that future people won’t allow you to escape that compartment.

The Fourth Function is the Differentiating Function. Because once you have diagnosed the kids in this layer, you do not want them to learn (5 min, 32 min) anything that the higher layers are learning. So you teach just as far as the requirement of that layer.

Number 5 and 6 are the creepiest of all! Number 5 is the Selective Function. What that means is what Darwin meant by natural selection: You are assessing the breeding quality of each individual kid. You’re doing it structurally because school teachers don’t know this is happening. And you’re trying to use ways to prevent the poor stuff from breeding. And those ways are hanging labels--humiliating labels--around their neck, encouraging the shallowness of thinking.

I often wondered, because I came from a very very strict Scotish-Irish culture that never allowed you to leer at a girl. But when I got to NYC, the boys were pawing the girls openly and there was no redress for the girls at all, except not showing up in the classroom--high absentee rates. Well, you are supposed to teach structurally that sexual pleasure is what you withdraw from a relationship and everything else is a waste of time and expensive.

So, the Selective Function is what Darwin meant by the favored races. The idea is to consciously improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit with their inferiority by poor grades, remedial placement, and humiliation, so that their peers will accept them as inferior. And the good breeding stock among the females will reject them as possible partners.

And the Sixth is the creepiest of all! And I think it is partly what Tragedy and Hope is about--a fancy Roman name, the Propaedeutic Function. Because as early as Roman bigtime thinkers, it was understood that to continue a social form required that some people be trained that they were the custodians of this. So, some small fraction of the kids are being ready to take over the project.


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My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Border FOLLIES: Canadian Version

Michael Tracey is part of the Real Squad: he's a reporter who won't bend to the post-modern SJW Woke stupidity.  

He's written a great piece on the US / Canada border.  For a year and a half, you could fly to and from the States and Canada, surrounded by people, but you weren't allowed to drive in your private vehicle across the border.

The reason? There was no reason:

Tracey gets to it with this paragraph, where he shows that he "gets it":

"Either way, the next time the media has a meltdown over the alleged irrationality of individual celebrities and athletes who don’t want to get vaccinated for whatever reason, ask yourself why they don’t direct the same ire against the US Government for its own demonstrable irrationality. What’s more consequential: whether Aaron Rodgers personally chooses to get vaccinated, or whether faceless government agencies impose nonsensical policies, for months on end, that affect millions of people, without bothering to justify what they’re doing?"

This shows not only the easily manipulable minds of the Vast Herds, but also the feckless nature of the Keepers of the Narrative.

This was my comment:

"Non football fans know of Aaron Rodgers because the media has gone bezerk about someone at the peak of physical human condition not getting a vax for a 'virus' that has killed 0.02 of the population.

Henry Ruggs, former Raiders WR kills Tina Tintor, drunk out of his mind, going 156mph, and the story is a blip in the news cycle. Here's the best part. Ruggs' lawyers want to block the release of his medical records for the trial. Canadians must show med records to cross the border, I have to show records to get into a bar here in NYC, but Ruggs attorneys are making the case that this is an invasion of privacy.

At this stage of the game, the people maski
ng up, getting boosters, and talking about 'science' have to be some of the dumbest people alive."

When you're in Inverted World, this is the "free country" we're in now.  I have to show private medical paperwork to go to the restaurant down the street. They can't ask if I'm a felon, if I'm a paedo, if I have AIDS ... those things are private.  But they can ask for BUG19 Juice proof.  That's not a privacy issue.  But if you're a 156mph killer, then:

It isn't the Promethean Machine you should be upset about.  They're going to do what they're going to do.  It's the 'citizens' who scream at you about masks, social distancing, bug juice, and the SCIENCE! for whom you should have contempt.  Snap back at them, insult and mock them, and then remove them from your life.  When the heat gets turned up they will not be reliable.  As a matter of fact, they'll turn you in.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Man Shot to Death Counted as BUG-19 Fatality

This is a real story.  

2+ minutes of clown world foolishness by the people who are NOT stupid, who REALIZE the idiocy, who SEE the double standard, and who DON'T CARE that the hypocrisy is boundless.

Stop stuffing your face with Conservative Inc. 'wow how stupid are the libz!!' stupidity.  

This isn't a mistake.  It is simply them telegraphing what they want for you.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Animal Farm: PATHOS

This is a sample from my Wordpress site Mavericks Within the Machine, which has some material for homeschoolers, teachers, or students who want a different take:


The Greek word pathos means “suffering,” “experience,” or “emotion.” It was borrowed into English in the 16th century, and for English speakers, the term usually refers to the emotions produced by tragedy or a depiction of tragedy.

Questions for discussion:
  1. What images or depictions or slogans are constantly used to play upon the animal’s emotions? 
  2. What do these things accomplish, and who benefits?
  3. Read the excerpt. The Animals are afraid to sing “Beasts of England” out loud. Are there things you’re afraid to say out loud or online today? Discuss.
Animal Farm Reading: Chapter 10 pgs 127 – 132.

Q and A due Tomorrow (50 points):
“Many animals had been born to whom the Rebellion was only a dim tradition, passed on by word of mouth, and others had been bought who had never heard mention of such a thing before their arrival.”


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You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:


Once you remember that the hypocrisy is baked in, it's easier to understand.

The COP26 climate conference in Glasgow Scotland was an exercise in tomfoolery.

Here's my favorite part, courtesy of The Manhattan Contrarian:

While your SJW WOKE progressive neighbor is screaming about climate change / climate justice / global warming / CO2, ask him / her / it / Xir if she's ok with paying double or triple for energy, or if she approves of the motorcade pictured above.  You won't get acknowledgement of an incorrect worldview, you'll get equivocation, anger, and word salad.

"They" know this.  Lenin called them 'useful idiots'.  The current version of Lenin calls them 'useless eaters'.  But they serve a purpose.  They are to move the ball forward when it comes to control, power and domination - for Davos Man.

Paul Joseph Watson shows the built in hypocrisy even more.  Check out the menu for Davos Man at the COP26 climate conference.  Must be nice to eat like this after flying in on your private jet:

Once I realized that the Global Warming Climate Change 'movement' was a corporate leftist power grab, it made it easier to digest, as I realized what was going on.  The other thing is that it's also a Despair Machine.  People like us are supposed to tear our hair out and scream online about how "don't they realize how hypocritical they are??!!" and "I can't believe they're so STUPID letting this info get out as people can see how ridiculous and fake they are!!".

Of course they know.  And they aren't stupid.

I suspect they enjoy watching the human rabble over which they oversee bicker and snap at each other about the double and triple standards they have put in place for you, vs. the ones they've put in for themselves.

Your job is to see what is happening, and adjust and jockey your position accordingly.  How you are living, where you are living, and around whom are you living plays a big role in all of this.

Capitalizing on the clownishness is also part of the deal.  Oil, Uranium, and Natural Gas are on the rise.  I'm a broken down public school English teacher, and here is a small slice of my portfolio - since February 1st, 2021:

Go thou and do likewise.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

Friday, November 5, 2021

Worst BUG19 Propaganda EVER

I don't think anyone is falling for it anymore.  This would have been an SNL skit in 1995.

Because the Promethean Masters of the Universe, Keepers of the Narrative are soulless goblins, they think that people simply follow people who look like them.  Hence, the abomination above.  It isn't doing very well at the polls however:

As of this typing, this 'video' has 182,023 views.  If that's real, then a little over 300 people voted on it.

Yeah right.

When the BugJuice obsessed woke weirdos who run Big Tech and the Collapsing United States see the Proles react to a video like this the way they do - you have to stifle the votes.  

The comments are even better. Here are the first four:

I've never seen the Top of the Pyramid push like this.  They're sprinting really hard toward the finish line.  I'm not sure what's at the finish line, but the world gov't controlled corporate utopia is going to be more difficult to achieve, if this ridiculous and cloddish video is any indication.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!