Sunday, December 29, 2019

Woke Takes Over

This 6,000 word article is the perfect take of the 'woke culture' taking over and destroying an institution.  Ethical Culture Fieldston School will set you back $650,000 if you send your child there from Kindergarten through 12th grade.  It was founded by Jewish people who were denied entry into the Elite schools of New York City's past.  It is an expensive, exclusive, and safe bubble school for the NYC liberal Elite.

As the school followed the Ethos of "Social Justice", the SJW cancer that destroys everything in its path began to erode the culture, tradition, and honorable record of the school.  The incident that has sparked outrage was when an invited speaker suggested that oppressed people can become the oppressors:

"The invited speaker was Kayum Ahmed, an employee of the Open Society Foundations and adjunct faculty member at Columbia University Law School.

Ahmed’s initial presentation at Fieldston went off without a hitch, according to multiple people who attended the talk. But then came the question and answer period. In a video of his response to a student’s query about South Africa, Ahmed explained his theory of patterns of trauma and oppression, and connected them to the experience of Jews during the Holocaust.

“Xenophobic attacks are a shameful part of South African history, but in some ways it reflects the fluidity between those who are victims becoming perpetrators,” Ahmed told the Fieldston students and faculty. “I use the same example in talking about the Holocaust. That Jews who suffered in the Holocaust and established the State of Israel today—they perpetuate violence against Palestinians that [is] unthinkable,” he opined."

The author of the article and the parents of the Jewish students at Ethical Culture are angry.  They feel that their oppressed past isn't taken as seriously as others': "Moreover, the Ahmed event was only the latest in a series of what a number of Jewish parents saw as problematic experiences for Jews at the school, which they said had been escalating since 2015. Each of these episodes, they claim, had been downplayed or ignored by school leadership—a reaction that those Jewish parents found particularly galling when compared to the attention given to similar incidents of bias against students of color, or other groups identifying by gender or ethnicity."

Notice the ubiquitous use of "problematic".  That's code for 'we don't like it but we can't say anything because it ruins The Narrative we expect others to live by'.

Nowhere in the article is there evidence of anyone speaking out against the school hitching itself to the Social Justice bandwagon.  The school administration, the parents, the Elite Liberal Class who attend the school are all for "Social Justice".  Even the speaker was an employee of the Open Society Foundation, a Soros outfit that promotes the destruction of national borders and culture, particularly those of the Christian West.  The lack of awareness and instrospection by the people in charge and the parents is astounding.  The irony is rich, although seemingly not to the people involved.

When being a victim is considered the coin of the Realm, and you're afraid to excise SJW's from your operation, your organization is doomed.  This is the Elite Private School version of Vox Day's Corporate Cancer.

Ethical Culture Fieldston is finished.  Only the price tag and exclusivity will keep it on life support.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Richard Jewell

Younger readers won't know the name Richard Jewell, but the story of the man and what happened to him will sound familiar.  Jewell saved lives as a security guard at the 96 olympics in Atlanta, but then, being a frumpy white guy, was pilloried by the press as a fraud.  The "Intelligence Community" set him up as the fall guy and stereotyped him as it leaked fake information to the press.

The echoes today are loud: the Duke Lacrosse Hoax and the The Covington Catholic kids come to mind immediately.

Steve Sailer has reviewed the movie, and the reaction, which is always the important thing to look at, will tell you almost everything to know.

Sailer's review is a good one to use as a template for your own book or movie reviews.  There's a mix of background information on Eastwood, the movie, the event, and the reaction.  Read it carefully.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

To all of my readers and followers: Thank you for your support and have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Holiday Season!

We are all people with amazing potential - don't let anyone get in the way of your Given Path.  Take up your calling and excel in every way possible, despite the roadblocks in your way.

All the best,
Douglas Marolla

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wisdom in One Paragraph

The way this works is that someone like me will talk about how the universities have fallen, and how the 'woke SJW' zeitgeist has destroyed much of the young population's ability to reason.  Removed from the curriculum and the minds of these young people are the underpinnings of Western Culture.  The tenets of the West created this part of the world we're in, and there is much to learn about and celebrate.

The universities have ruined this concept by using all the usual epithets.  The problem is that the 'students' they create are ignorant and arrogant.  This combination is lethal.  The paragraph below, clipped from The Woodpile Report, sums it up better than I could:

Friday, December 20, 2019

British Working Class Literacy - a Staple of the West

The literacy levels of the past, and the acquisition of letters by the working class is recounted here in this great article on Aeon. The idea that people were illiterate farmhands until the creation of 'school'.  This is not only untrue, it is the opposite of the way it was.

"There were many cheap mass-market series of ‘classics for the masses’ in the 19th century, and organised working-class educators made full use of them. In London, the Working Men’s College became nationally famous under Sir John Lubbock, its principal between 1883 and 1899. Lubbock drew up a list of the 100 books it was most important for a working man to read. The proportion of classical authors is remarkable: Homer, Hesiod, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Plutarch’s Lives, Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics, Augustine’s Confessions, Plato’s Apology, Crito and Phaedo, Demosthenes’ De Corona, Xenophon’s Memorabilia and Anabasis, Cicero’s On Duties, On Friendship and On Old Age, Virgil, plays by all the tragedians, Aristophanes’ Knights and Clouds, Herodotus, Thucydides, Tacitus’ Germania, and Livy. In addition, two famous works on ancient history, Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-89) and George Grote’s A History of Greece (1846-56), make it on to the list as necessary reading for any educated person, along with the most popular novel then in existence set in antiquity, Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s The Last Days of Pompeii (1834). After 1887, the classical riches on the bookshelf of the working-class self-educator can, in large measure, be attributed to Lubbock’s ideal curriculum."

Again, the focus on taxpayer funded school as the only way to educate is going to be one of the things the archeologists of the past will be confused about, especially when we honestly look back at instances like what is shown in this article.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Pew Die Pie Quits Twitter and YouTube

There has been a disturbance in the Force.

PDP has decided that the SJW infested, censorship heavy sites Twitter and YouTube are no longer worthy of his millions of followers and billions of views.

This is great.

The Keepers of the Narrative think that by policing speech and removing dissident voices they will win the day.  Eventually the rot of SJW progressivism gets to people like Pew Die Pie, and he has enough money and clout to leave.  Vox Day, on his site, has repeatedly urged people to build your own platform.

The exodus from the Tech Giants has officially begun.  This is a good day.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Emma Goldman Understood Teaching and Learning

I got to this link from Woods and Malice doing their thing on Tom Woods' podcast.  They spoke about Emma Goldman.  I had heard her name, knew when she did her thing, and I knew she was an anarchist.

Turns out she was a fascinating person, righteously unafraid of the truth.

A small quote from her on the masses - getting people's minds changed as well as rousing them into action shows that Goldman understood how people were wired:

"My great faith in the wonder worker, the spoken word, is no more. I have realized its inadequacy to awaken thought, or even emotion. Gradually, and with no small struggle against this realization, I came to see that oral propaganda is at best but a means of shaking people from their lethargy: it leaves no lasting impression. The very fact that most people attend meetings only if aroused by newspaper sensations, or because they expect to be amused, is proof that they really have no inner urge to learn.

It is altogether different with the written mode of human expression. No one, unless intensely interested in progressive ideas, will bother with serious books. That leads me to another discovery made after many years of public activity. It is this: All claims of education notwithstanding, the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves. Already this truth is recognized by most modern educators in relation to the immature mind. I think it is equally true regarding the adult. Anarchists or revolutionists can no more be made than musicians. All that can be done is to plant the seeds of thought. Whether something vital will develop depends largely on the fertility of the human soil, though the quality of the intellectual seed must not be overlooked."

The highlighted part is the key to it all.  Persuasion and changing minds is almost impossible.  Only when the student is ready will the teacher emerge.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Crack the Conformity

Sometimes you know something is wrong, and you're afraid to go against the group.  Peer pressure can be a frightening force.  Devon Stack of 'Black Pilled' goes through the Asch Conformity Experiments and let's you know what one person can do.

What can one person do?  He can do this:

Friday, December 6, 2019

G.E.D. Report # 39 - Fluoride Has Made You Stupid

We speak about many things in the Senior Public Speaking classes. I am about to venture into Right Wing Conspiracy Kookery by introducing them to the Fluoride in the Water section of the Conspiracy Community. Unlike you, the teenagers are interested by topics like this, and they don't turn off their brains, fling their skirts over their heads and start screaming when they hear things like this. It's going to be a lot of fun, just like all the other cool things we talk about in class regularly. What are you talking about in your classes? 


I am now on a couple of platforms, teaching and tutoring. I work in a school that is rife with difficulties. Without putting too fine a point on it, I'm in the Bad Neighborhood School. However, my students have done quite well on exams, and in school, over the past 25 years. The competition is quite fierce these days for certain colleges. My tutoring and instruction have been helpful in getting many clients into schools like Tulane, SUNY Binghamton, Penn St., Harvard, Bates and Hamilton. 

We will work together on exams, reading, writing, literacy, current affairs, history and economics. I'm a reader - you should be too. Build up your Intellectual Self Defense, and get the results you want!

My inexpensive online ACT and SAT tutorials are here. They have helped students score high on the exams:

Join my Mailing List and get school tips and Exam Prep:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

They're Laughing at Us.

You have to be kidding me.

Only a population that is bonded into intellectual slavery, schooled into oblivion, would believe something like this.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Score High and Get Good Grades!

I am now on a couple of platforms, teaching and tutoring. I work in a school that is rife with difficulties. Without putting too fine a point on it, I'm in the Bad Neighborhood School. However, my students have done quite well on exams, and in school, over the past 25 years. The competition is quite fierce these days for certain colleges. My tutoring and instruction have been helpful in getting many clients into schools like Tulane, SUNY Binghamton, Penn St., Harvard, Bates and Hamilton.

We will work together on exams, reading, writing, literacy, current affairs, history and economics. I'm a reader - you should be too. 

Build up your Intellectual Self Defense, and get the results you want! My inexpensive online ACT and SAT tutorials are here. They have helped students score high on the exams: 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

20,000 Views - Stick to Your Knitting

The first post on this blog was in November 2010.  I just hit 20,000 views today, 9 years later.

Here's the mistake I made.  I had built up a small audience over 5 years, and then I didn't blog for 3 years: 2016, 2017 and 2018.  It cost me.  Had I stuck to my knitting, kept working in a steady manner, I would have had that audience ready to sell to.  My online school at teachable, my drop ship store, my email list, my BitChute channel, my channel, my youtube channel - they all could have been part of my ready online blog orbit.  I was getting between 25 and 200 views per post.  Then I stopped.  Now I get between 3 and 12 per post as I am slowly building up the blog.  I had the audience and then I let it go.

Now I have to build again.

The only reason I'm able to go back to blogging / writing is that I enjoy it.  Facebook has become terrible, I have been permanently suspended from Twitter, and that leaves blogger.  When #socialgalactic gets started, I'll join it and go full force, but thats's just hope.

Stick to your knitting.  Stay with it.  Don't do what I did.  Lesson learned.

Friday, November 29, 2019

A Black Pill for Black Friday

I showed a short video called "The Madness of a Lost Society" to students in 2010.  It's one of those Black Friday specials showing herds of people maniacally going after $10 toasters and $49 microwave ovens.  My guilty pleasure is I love watching those videos.

Even more interesting to me and my students is analyzing not only why people act like crazed wildebeests on Black Friday, but how they can be trained to do so.  An interesting concept to think about is sales resistance.  It is difficult to sell stuff.  I struggle mightily to sell  exam services online.  Selling is hard.  People say 'no' in many different ways.  However, on Black Friday, there is no resistance.  It's as if someone has surgically come in and removed the Sales Resistance Gene from their brains.

Here is "The Madness of a Lost Society" part 3.  Apparently SGT Report made another version.  It's one of those short documentaries that makes you wonder how long the Fake America can last.  With a nation filled with people like this, what will happen when things go wrong?

Here is your Black Pill:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

G.E.D. Report #38 - Be Grateful

This will be my version of a message you'll get numerous times this season. My take is a bit different, as I'm coming to you from Academia and the School Business. I, and we, need to be grateful. There is a lot of nonsense, tomfoolery and arrogance out there, and it's time to stop it and be grateful. I take particular aim at college 'students' who are the most spoiled, arrogant pukes this side of the universe. They need to stop complaining and be grateful. 

----- My growing online school is here:

The Odious Gamma

Vox Day has been de-platformed from just about all of the major platforms.  So he created his own video service, his own publishing house, and he's about to launch his own social network.  I will join it.

In an interview on, he explained his exploits.  Unbelievably, the commenters on the UNZ article, instead of cheering him on for destroying the hateful, intolerant and disgusting SJW Progressives, went after him and bit at his ankles.  It was unbelievable.  I commented on it as well, as you see below.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Wisdom in 2 Paragraphs

ZMAN concisely shows the absurdity of those who Rule Over Us:

"One of the puzzles to the impeachment stuff is why certain elements of the ruling class think this is a productive use of their time. The impeachment show put on by the Democrats last week struck most people as boring and weird. It was mostly a parade of people with funny sounding names babbling about inside baseball. There’s also the fact that the guy appointed to be the master of ceremonies gives people the creeps. Adam Schiff looks like frog peeping through the ice. He is a very odd man.

The bigger issue is no one seems to know what the crime is at the heart of this alleged scandal. We live in an age where the President bombs countries, overthrows governments and sends troops onto foreign soil whenever he likes. Demanding information in exchange for cash hardly seems important. The claim by the outrage mob is that it would have been perfectly fine for Trump to bomb Kiev or overthrow the government, but he crossed the line demanding they investigate criminality.

And there you have it. Bombs, air raids, death, overthrow and destruction are ok. An innocuous phone call is grounds for impeachment. We are truly in Clown World. The Fake America we're in has become a farce.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lind and Van Creveld Provide a 4GW Warning

4GW means "4th Generation Warfare.  As These United States bicker and fight, egged on by our clueless Overlords, the 4th Generation Warfare concepts and strategies come into play.  This will not be your History Channel type of conflict.  Van Creveld is not an intellectual lightweight.  He is a spectacular historian and strategist.

The Ruling Class in the Washington DC bubble are not only out of touch, they have contempt for the Regular People.  Anyone reading this, regardless of your beliefs, is seen as cattle to our rulers.  It's that bad.  The Trump Impeachment Circus is the Ruling Class playing with fire, and Lind correctly surmises that they have no idea what they're playing with.

The article is here, and I recommend it as a Red Pill, or a Black Pill - depends upon your current mindset.

The article ends with this:

"That electoral map, the one that shows the results of the 2016 election by county, has significant military meaning. The blue votes are concentrated in cities, which cannot feed themselves. As Chairman Mao said, “Take the countryside and the cities will fall.” Nor can they be supplied from the sea, because most of the people in the military are Trump supporters, which means the red side will get most of the ships and planes. The military problem is really quite simple, and need involve virtually no shooting or destruction. You just put the cities under siege and wait for the starving people to come out. It won’t take long.

The message to Washington is clear and direct: if President Trump is driven from office by anything other than a loss in the 2020 election (if he runs), the legitimacy of the state will be brought into question. That is a dangerous business that politicians of both parties would be wise to avoid. After all, they will be the first people hanged from the nearest lamppost if widespread 4GW comes here. An impeachment that leads to the checkpoints going up all over rural America is a very bad idea."

The Electoral Map referred to is below.  Look at it and think about Trump getting impeached.  It won't be pretty.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Lessons From the Odyssey: Book 12 - Scylla and Charybdis

Lessons from The Odyssey, Book XII. Scylla and Charybdis 

Odysseus talking to Circe. Kirke - Kirk - Circe Church (controller of a flock of animals. 

"Three times in the day does she vomit forth her waters, and three times she sucks them down again; see that you be not there when she is sucking, for if you are, Neptune himself could not save you; you must hug the Scylla side and drive ship by as fast as you can, for you had better lose six men than your whole crew.' 

"'Is there no way,' said I, 'of escaping Charybdis, and at the same time keeping Scylla off when she is trying to harm my men?' * 

Here is one of the lessons we cover. Odysseus wants there to be a third choice. There often isn't a third choice. No one will offer you one, do you have to choose between a bad choice and a worse choice. This is a LIFE lesson. The Odyssey is filled with them. I cover 3 of there here in this Video Lesson. 



This is the text from which I read in the video:

1) Three times in the day does she vomit forth her waters, and three times she sucks them down again; see that you be not there when she is sucking, for if you are, Neptune himself could not save you; you must hug the Scylla side and drive ship by as fast as you can, for you had better lose six men than your whole crew.'

"'Is there no way,' said I, 'of escaping Charybdis, and at the same time keeping Scylla off when she is trying to harm my men?'*

"'You dare-devil,' replied the goddess, you are always wanting to fight somebody or something; you will not let yourself be beaten even by the immortals. For Scylla is not mortal; moreover she is savage, extreme, rude, cruel and invincible. There is no help for it; your best chance will be to get by her as fast as ever you can, for if you dawdle about her rock while you are putting on your armour, she may catch you with a second cast of her six heads, and snap up another half dozen of your men; so drive your ship past her at full speed, and roar out lustily to Crataiis who is Scylla's dam, bad luck to her; she will then stop her from making a second raid upon you.


2) "Immediately after we had got past the island I saw a great wave from which spray was rising, and I heard a loud roaring sound. The men were so frightened that they loosed hold of their oars, for the whole sea resounded with the rushing of the waters, but the ship stayed where it was, for the men had left off rowing. I went round, therefore, and exhorted them man by man not to lose heart.

"'My friends,' said I, 'this is not the first time that we have been in danger, and we are in nothing like so bad a case as when the Cyclops shut us up in his cave; nevertheless, my courage and wise counsel saved us then, and we shall live to look back on all this as well. Now, therefore, let us all do as I say, trust in Jove and row on with might and main. As for you, coxswain, these are your orders; attend to them, for the ship is in your hands; turn her head away from these steaming rapids and hug the rock, or she will give you the slip and be over yonder before you know where you are, and you will be the death of us.'

"So they did as I told them; but I said nothing about the awful monster Scylla, for I knew the men would not on rowing if I did, but would huddle together in the hold.In one thing only did I disobey Circe's strict instructions- I put on my armour. Then seizing two strong spears I took my stand on the ship Is bows, for it was there that I expected first to see the monster of the rock, who was to do my men so much harm; but I could not make her out anywhere, though I strained my eyes with looking the gloomy rock all over and over

"Then we entered the Straits in great fear of mind, for on the one hand was Scylla, and on the other dread Charybdis kept sucking up the salt water. As she vomited it up, it was like the water in a cauldron when it is boiling over upon a great fire, and the spray reached the top of the rocks on either side. When she began to suck again, we could see the water all inside whirling round and round, and it made a deafening sound as it broke against the rocks. We could see the bottom of the whirlpool all black with sand and mud, and the men were at their wit's ends for fear. 

While we were taken up with this, and were expecting each moment to be our last, Scylla pounced down suddenly upon us and snatched up my six best men. I was looking at once after both ship and men, and in a moment I saw their hands and feet ever so high above me, struggling in the air as Scylla was carrying them off, and I heard them call out my name in one last despairing cry. As a fisherman, seated, spear in hand, upon some jutting rock throws bait into the water to deceive the poor little fishes, and spears them with the ox's horn with which his spear is shod, throwing them gasping on to the land as he catches them one by one- even so did Scylla land these panting creatures on her rock and munch them up at the mouth of her den, while they screamed and stretched out their hands to me in their mortal agony. This was the most sickening sight that I saw throughout all my voyages."

Saturday, November 16, 2019

G. E. D. Report #37 - Call Things By Their Right Name

There comes a time when it is time to tell the truth, to talk about things the way they are. Oftentimes, particularly these days in America, people talk not only in a strange SJW code, but also only about approved topics. In this video essay, I discuss instances where the reaction to spoken words or topics have caused serious reactions.

These events are spoken of through the lens of our Overlords' behavior in recent years. For reasons unknown, our Keepers of the Narrative are OK with protecting serial molesters, warmongering politicians, liars, and peddlers of ignorance. When someone who has never gotten a speeding ticket (me) is kicked off Twitter, or a big shot like Owen Benjamin, who has never hurt anyone, is denied all Social Media, one must wonder about the power of Calling Things By Their RIght Name. 

I urge you to do that. Truth is powerful. Young people love honesty. If you wish to have a legacy, be known as someone who is honest and speaks the truth. It will set you apart.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dump Facebook

Facebook will violate every aspect of your privacy, both for profit, and for nefarious, Deep State related motivations.  They need you on Facebook.  A document dump shows how awful this company is.  I'm planning on dropping my seldom read, business FB page next month.  My personal FB page was deleted a year ago.

If "they" need FB to use your information, and you don't like that - don't use Facebook.  Makes sense to me.

Here are some of the key revelations from the document dump, including from reports published from earlier leaks:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Us and Them

While the rest of the world, in this case China and Turkey, are doing this:

The first freight train to make its way from China to Europe has passed through the Turkish capital. The China Railway Express is also called the "Iron Silk Road." It's part of Beijing's far-reaching 'Belt and Road' infrastructure project. China aims to use the train to transport goods across the two continents in less than two weeks. Shamim Chowdhury travelled to Ankara to meet it. #SilkRoad #BeltandRoadInitiative #China

The United States is working on this:

San Francisco is the heart of the Progressive Experiment, and much of America looks to it as a bellwether introducing the next chapter of the American Story.  What is important to you, or to your country, or to your overlords?  I look at the action - not the rhetoric.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

G. E. D. Report #36 - Bad People Don't do Good Things - Corporate Media Edition

G. E. D. Report #36 - Bad People Don't do Good Things - Corporate Media Edition

The Epstein Affair may never be closed. However, it's good to see how your Corporate Media Overlords behave. Because Project Veritas exposed ABC news as a completely fraudulent organization, useful knowledge is right in front of you. The Corporate Media was willing to protect power, in this case a man who ran point for a young woman molestation ring, to the point of burying a story that fell into their lap. 

The reaction to watch (as it is the reaction that is always more valuable), is that ABC and CBS teamed up to find the whistleblower and get that person fired. Think about that. Ms. Robach was told her story lacked credibility and importance, and ABC did nothing. When their bad behavior was exposed, all of a sudden they want to do due diligence and root out a whistleblower. Suddenly they want to ... be journalists and put in work. Unbelievable. Bad people don't do good things. They'll do bad things all the time, and Corporate Media has been completely exposed. 

If you follow any corporate media source, or take them seriously - you're idiotic and naive.

What 'Up 1400%' Looks Like

I did a post and an email about the restored 1918 Junior Classics the other week.  There  were some people who didn't understand what I was talking about.  One woman even unsubscribed from my email list in frustration.  "I don't understand why I'm getting these emails and I don't understand what they're about."  That's a direct quote from a mother of one of my students who not only volunteered to get put on the email list, but wrote her address personally by hand.

But I digress.

What I am trying to tell those of you who see what is happening, is that there is a backlash against the Great Dumbing Down of American schoolchildren.  This fundraiser for Colliers Junior Classics wanted to raise $28,000.  It has reached almost $400,000 and there are 3 days to go.

This set of books replaces the difficult to read and pro-western culture pieces that were taken out beginning in the post WWII era. Why and who took them out is the subject of a huge discussion, with many books to read - on your part.  The two best books on this are John Taylor Gatto's The Underground History of American Education and The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty.  Gatto's book changed everything for me.

You can skip the history lessons and get yourself and your children up to speed not only by getting exam and English Literacy prep at my site, but also by reading the literature that forged the rigid, monumental, and airtight intellects of the past.

I don't make money from this fundraiser - I'm a contributor.  I find these events amazing as we've been told so many nonsensical things about the education and school in the past it isn't even funny.  It's good to see the Dirt People (that's us) rise up again and feed ourselves a hearty meal of intellectual nutrition.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Fix YOUR Education

My SUPA Presentational Speaking class is giving Informational Presentations. I went first. "How to Fix YOUR Education" was my presentation to the class. While I am not comfortable with how it sounded or looked, this recording has given me insight as to how I can improve future presentations.

I used the first part of the presentation to explain the origins of school, then I went into the 14 points of Education that the Private Boarding Schools to educate our Overlords. Thanks to John Taylor Gatto, Jonathan Hickman, and Aaron Glazer for presenting me with this information 12 years ago.

My inexpensive online ACT and SAT tutorials are here. They have helped students score high on the exams: 

Join my email newsletter for free here:

I gave a short presentation, "Why School is Broken and How We Can Fix it Free". Google video edited it into a short video. It's valuable to see how you look when you're presenting, so you get a better view of what to fix, and how to improve your body language. 

I'll upload the entire presentation later today. I don't like how I look or sound, but part of the learning process is to deal with things the way they are, not the way we wish them to be. 

Get ACT and SAT prep tutorials for under $20 here:

Gary North Talks to Ron Paul about Homeschooling

I subscribed to for 5 years.  It taught me a lot and changed my life.  While that sounds dramatic, it's true.  I learned about libertarian economics, the free market, and politics.  North has been around the block a few thousand times, and he shares his knowledge with everyone.  He shared the choice bits of information with his subscribers.  North was Ron Paul's staff economist - back in the mid 1970's.  After a short stint in DC, he became a newsletter writer, columnist, and keeper of the Freedom Torch.

I have followed in his footsteps.

This interview about homeschooling with Ron Paul is worth your time.  Dr. Paul is one of the few politicians I listen to.  He understands the origins of public schooling, as well as its real purpose.  I didn't know anything about any of this until I came across John Taylor Gatto's work and Gary North.  

Let's listen to some sage wisdom together.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Newsletter #15 – My Presentation to Students About Schule.

I gave a presentation today to both of my senior classes. I presented an informational, 8-minute talk on school, its origins, and how to fix it.

In the class, the students must rate the speaker and the presentation overall. I got pretty good marks. I also had someone record the presentation, so I could see how I look in real life. I didn’t give myself good marks for that. If you ever want to suffer, force yourself to watch your own presentation. I look like a poorly trained used car salesman, and I sound even worse.

The feedback the students gave me was useful, both for my online side projects, but also for letting me know what piqued their curiosity.

Many students were shocked to learn that:

· School was not created in America. It was birthed in Germany.

· The reason for creating school was to teach Germans to follow orders.

· It takes 15,000 hours to complete your K-12 schooling.

· Literacy in early America was around 97%- and the standards were higher then.

· The Private Boarding schools that produce our leaders follow a very different program.

Because I had only 8 minutes to work with, I wasn’t able to go deeper, but the classes were receptive and, naturally, appreciative of learning. A few even wrote in their evaluations that they had many questions after hearing what I had told them.

This reaction of curiosity is the key. I’ve talked to adults about this and they recoil in anger and frustration. It’s almost as if I had personally insulted them. Usually they call me names (Conspiracy Theorist being the most popular), then they run away.

My belief is that there is hope and salvation when someone is interested in odd, or unorthodox information – and wants to know more.

I never thought I would write this, but perhaps we should act more like teenagers.


Douglas Marolla

MVHS – Room 227

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Example that Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong

James O'Keefe may be the most important journalist of this generation.  I think he is.  He isn't afraid to show that the Epstein affair is deeper, sleazier and more dangerous than before.

O'Keefe isn't afraid to release incredible findings like this one.

A sitting congresswoman retweeted the information that is now out, that Corporate Media crushed the Epstein story.  Powerful people allowed a serial rapist / pedophile loose because..... they wanted it.  Then, incredibly, a sitting congresswoman, AOC, unretweeted the post!

Someone very powerful must not want the information out, or at least for her to retweet it.  I guess all of that 'girl power' and 'hashtag me too' stuff is for the proles.

Someday the archeologists will look back on these days and wonder what the hell was going on.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Newsletter #14 – Do As I Do, Not As I Say

The seniors and I have talked a lot about the ‘next step’. They are anxious about going to college – mainly the huge cost that is associated with it. As usual with young people, the time cost of four years isn’t the problem, it’s the monetary cost.

They feel that they are under immense pressure, and I think they’re right.

A few times a week, they ask me what can they do if they don’t go to college. That’s a difficult question to answer because the people who have managed to do well for themselves without a degree usually get into a niche where no one cares about a university diploma. Many have ported their career / job onto the internet, and done ok.

It’s difficult having this conversation because pressure comes from many directions.

I use my second career teaching online as an example of thinking about options. Coming from the pre-www generation, I have taken what I do and moved it to the Web. My latest $19 SAT Verbal class is here:

If you think that’s a shameless plug for my class, you’re right.

But the benefit of showing teens that I am trying to make a go of an old profession that is running out of runway, teaching, and putting it somewhere else and going digital, is that they can use their more dynamic imaginations and do the same.

The combination of grant money, internships, online income, and IRL (ask your child) income should at least alleviate the rough financial road ahead. If a high school senior can take pieces of advice from us and carve a manageable life path from it, the gratification of navigating that struggle will be priceless.

I have internship and program advice here – FREE:

I don’t envy high school seniors today. I think they have a tougher time of it. We should all try to help using 2019 era suggestions, not 1989 era suggestions.


Douglas MarollaMVHS – Room227

Friday, November 1, 2019

The High Cost of Political Correctness

ZMAN: "Way back in the before times, when terms like “multiculturalism” had not escaped the academy, it was assumed that science and math were immune from the politicization that was ongoing in fields like history. After all, history is about storytelling, while math is about getting the right answer. Surely the right answer fields would not succumb to the growing lunacy on the Left, with regards to race, sex and ethnicity. Yet, here we are in the current year and the Left has declared a fatwa against math."

This is simply the result of the vapors taking over the barking at the moon fanatics who run our institutions.  The problem with their Radical Egalitarian philosophy is that now Science! and evidence has blown up their worldview, so they must now tear down the world.

It's easy to see how this ends, and who will get hurt the most.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

More Evidence of National Divisions

I just had a conversation with Truck Driver Quincy Johnson about the eventual crack up of the USA.  I think it will happen.  Charles Hugh Smith just wrote a post about the topic, and it seems that he agrees with me.

There is no way these varied groups of people will be able to exist under the same regime.  Academia and its SJW race based / anti-white psychosis, Hollywood and its ally The Corporate Media.... regular people; there is no future with these groups coexisting.  Smith sees the same picture I do, with his evidence:

"The turmoil over "facts" and "fake news" is another manifestation. As financial commentator Ben Hunt recently put it, the "tells" are all being manipulated to support a dominant narrative. So the unemployment rate, consumer inflation and the stock market are all manipulated to support the illusion that all is going swimmingly.

As the distance between these fantasy "facts" and experiential reality widen, trust in these "tells" (i.e. trustworthy indicators) declines.

As trust in these "facts" and the "experts" who gin them up declines, the corporate media and authorities double-down in support of their fictitious "facts": any doubters are "conspiracy theorists," purveyors of "fake news," or dastardly Russian stooges repeating "Kremlin talking points."

There is no middle ground left in such a state, and indeed, no desire for middle ground, as the mere existence of middle ground would mean whomever demands 100% agreement with their position is not going to get it."

The Elite and Governmental Class have played 'divide and conquer' for a good long time now.  The chickens are coming home to roost.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Literacy in a Bygone Age

This is from the introduction to the Collier's Junior classics - from 1918.  These were stories for young people at the time.  When you look at how not only this introduction, but the stories themselves were written, you realize that we have been dumbed down to a point of near oblivion.

I'm under the impression that people are finally starting to realize this, but it sure has taken a long time.  Notice as well, that Charles Eliot is the progenitor of the Harvard Five Foot Shelf, itself proof of a more literate age.  Exhibits #349,988 and 634,976 of the Real America that was, and the Fake America that exists now.


"The purpose of The Junior Classics is to provide, in ten volumes containing about five thousand pages, a classified collection of tales, stories, and poems, both ancient and modern, suitable for boys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age. The boy or girl who becomes familiar with the charming tales and poems in this collection will have gained a knowledge of literature and history that will be of high value in other school and home work. Here are the real elements of imaginative narration, poetry, and ethics, which should enter into the education of every child.

This collection, carefully used by parents and teachers with due reference to individual tastes and needs, will help many children enjoy good literature. It will inspire them with a love of good reading, which is the best possible result of any elementary education. The child himself should be encouraged to make his own selections from this large and varied collection, the child's enjoyment being the object in view. A real and lasting interest in literature or in scholarship is only to be developed through the individual's enjoyment of his mental occupations."


Sunday, October 27, 2019

G. E. D. Report #35 - The Remnant Explained

I sent out an email about the Remnant making moves regarding their children's literacy. There is motion out there that people are taking matters into their own hands and getting olden days classic literature into the hands of young people. This fundraising campaign is just one example: 

People had a difficult time understanding what I was talking about. The schools have failed. This fact alone is difficult for people to accept because they have an emotional attachment to Public School The Public School system has become America's national religion, and it must not be blasphemed. The Remnant is that top group that doesn't go online and shout and yell about the nonsense going on politically, socially or economically. It motors on as best as it can. The best essay to read on The Remnant is here: 

I'm doing my own lessons online to get to these people, and provide them content at a low price. My latest SAT Verbal video is here, at a cost that is manageable: 

My email list opt-in is here:

SAT Verbal - Online Class - Get the Score You Want!

My SAT Verbal prep tutorial is here! I have an hour and a half of prep for you that covers the basics you'll need! The Reading Comprehension and the Writing sections are explained and analyzed so you can get to the SAT Exam confident and ready!

Everything you need is here:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Pendulum Swings the Other Way

Vox Day has engineered a release of the 1918 Colliers Junior Classics via an IndieGoGo fundraiser.
You can find it here.
He posted on his site the Introduction to the 1918 version.  Those of us familiar with the slow destruction of the Public Education System, and the glorious levels of literacy among the population before the implementation of forced taxpayer funded school, the level of language and the topics presented are known.  For those who do not understand what has been done to 'the system' will be confused, yet curious, how a group of books for children could have been so well written and so rich in concept and meaning.

I am reprinting what Vox Day put on his blog, so you can see it for yourself: 


800 percent and rising

The campaign for the 2020 edition of the Junior Classics continues to go from strength to strength. To explain why it is important, consider the following preface from Volume 4 of the 1918 edition, "Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry", which was excised from the 1958 edition for reasons that will be obvious to anyone who is conversant with the concept of social justice convergence and the long-running cultural war against Christianity and the West. And it probably will not surprise you to know that all three of the stories referenced in this preface were also removed from the 1958 edition.

The preface and all four stories will, of course, appear in the 2020 edition.

The word chivalry is taken from the French cheval, a horse. A knight was a young man, the son of a good family, who was allowed to wear arms. In the story "How the Child of the Sea was made Knight," we are told how a boy of twelve became a page to the queen, and in the opening pages of the story "The Adventures of Sir Gareth," we get a glimpse of a young man growing up at the court of King Arthur. It was not an easy life, that of a boy who wished to become a knight, but it made a man of him. He was taken at an early age, sometimes when only seven years old, to the castle of the king or knight he was to serve. He first became a page or valet, and, under the instruction of a governor, was taught to carve and wait on the table, to hunt and fish, and was drilled in wrestling and riding on horseback. Most pages were taught to dance, and if a boy had talent he was taught to play the harp so he could accompany his voice when singing to the ladies.

By the time a boy was fourteen he was ready to become an esquire. He was then taught to get on and off a horse with his heavy armor on, to wield the battle axe, and practise tilting with a spear. His service to the ladies had now reached the point where he picked out a lady to serve loyally. His endeavor was to please her in all things, in order that he might be known as her knight, and wear her glove or scarf as a badge or favor when he entered the lists of a joust or tournament.

To become a knight was almost as solemn an affair as it was to become a priest. Before the day of the ceremony he fasted, spent the night in prayer, confessed his sins, and received the Holy Sacrament. When morning came he went, clothed in white, to the church or hall, with a knight's sword suspended from his neck. This the priest blessed and returned to him. Upon receiving back the sword he went and knelt before the presiding knight and took the oath of knighthood. The friends who accompanied him now came forward and handed him the spurs, the coat of mail, the armlet and gauntlet, and having put these on he girded on his sword. The presiding knight now bade him kneel, and, touching him three times on the shoulder with the flat of his sword, he pronounced the words that received him into the company of worthy knights: "In the name of God, of St. Michael, and St. George, I make thee a knight; be valiant, courteous, and loyal!" After this he received his helmet, his shield, and his spear, and the ceremony was completed.

The knight's real work, and greatest joy, was fighting for some one who needed his help. Tournaments and jousts gave them chances to show off their skill in public. We must remember that there were no big open-air theatres in those days, such as the Greeks had, no public races or trials of strength such as the Greeks held in the stadiums, nor were there chariot races or fighting gladiators such as the Romans had at an earlier day. Tournaments or jousts were the big public entertainments, and you will find a famous description of one by Sir Walter Scott in Ivanhoe, in the volume "Stories that Never Grow Old," the tournament of Ashby-de-la-Zouche. In it you will find a clear description of how the field of contest was laid out, of the magnificent pavilions decorated with flags, and the galleries spread with carpets and tapestries for the ladies.

The same qualities that made a manful fighter then, make one now: to speak the truth, to perform a promise to the utmost, to reverence all women, to be constant in love, to despise luxury, to be simple and modest and gentle in heart, to help the weak and take no unfair advantage of an inferior. This was the ideal of the age, and chivalry is the word that expresses that ideal. In all our reading we shall perhaps find no more glowing example of it as something real, than in the speech of Sir Jean de Vienne, governor of the besieged town of Calais who, when called upon by King Edward III of England to surrender unconditionally, replied:—

"We are but a small number of knights and squires, who have loyally served our lord and master as you would have done, and have suffered much ill and disquiet, but we will endure far more than any man has done in such a post, before we consent that the smallest boy in the town shall fare worse than ourselves."

And this story you can find in the volume "Tales of Courage and Heroism," entitled "The Noble Burghers of Calais."

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Newsletter #13 – The Remnant is Trying to Tell You Something

Albert Jay Nock wrote a wonderful essayin 1936 called “Isaiah’s Job”.  In the essay, Isaiah is tasked by the Lord to go to the masses and let them know that they have totally lost their way, become corrupt, and that no more nonsense will be tolerated.  Isaiah is to tell them that they’re completely wrecked and broken, and they need to straighten up – and this is their last chance.  Isaiah is thrilled with the task, but then he’s told that it won’t do any good.  Shocked and curious as to why he should bother talking to the masses in the first place, the Lord says: 

Ah," the Lord said, "you do not get the point. There is a Remnantthere that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it."

I read this essay for the first time many years ago and I never forgot about it.  Anyone reading this who has had unpopular or unapproved thoughts, or asked insightful and difficult questions in class knows what I’m talking about.  Most people belong to The Masses – people who do nothing but repeat what they’re told and parrot secondhand ideas.  I have had some real independent thinkers and intellectually curious students over the past 24 years – I remember all their names.  I always thought of Nock’s essay when they came to class and fearlessly contributed to the discussion.  Was there actually a Remnant or was it just a nifty turn of phrase on Nock’s part?

The Remnant that Nock mentioned in his essay is out there, and I think I now have proof.  

For decades, the school system has gotten watered down, concerned with frivolities, slowly chipping away at a system that was, if not good, at least dedicated to imparting the Educational Basics to its students.  One of the ways that our Rulers ruined the system was they replaced difficult reading material with easy material – usually faddish nonsense that was supposed to “speak to the modern student.”

Yeah right.

There is a growing movement to return school to the olden days methods, teaching literature that is challenging, directed, and multidimensional.  Parents want to feed their children intellectual steak and potatoes for dinner – not pop tarts.  The literature of our grandparents was rich in both language and meaning.  They were pushed and challenged by it and their grasp of grammar and English proves it.  My mother is 72 years old and can tell you, with ease, the difference between a transitive verb and an intransitive verb.  Can you do that?  You don’t have to answer.

This growing group of people is hungry for a return of what worked for children in the past.  The Junior Classics from 1918 are back on the market.  There is a fund-raising campaign to get them published and delivered to customers.  A generation of Americans was raised on these books.  They can be difficult at times, but they’re full of nuance, adventure, and artistic style. 

They wanted to raise $28,000 for the project.  They’ve raised … $202,000.  Over 700% of what they asked, and there are still 25 days left in the campaign.  Someone is tired of the weak, lifeless and dull material in school these days, and they’re talking with their wallets.  

Maybe it’s the Remnant.

Douglas Marolla
MVHS English – Room 227

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How I Write a Thank You Letter

I just finished a program with that showed us ways to build our online presence for our classes.  I have always needed a way to translate my real world success as a teacher in the Bad Neighborhood and turn it into online success and sales.  The woman who ran the program did a good job, was organized, and used online tools well.  Here's how I thanked her for it.

Dear _____,

Sorry about the delayed response. I did the survey a few days ago - thanks for the heads up.

Thank you for including me in in the Incubator. I signed up almost on a whim, figuring it was both in the budget, I had the time, and I really like the Teachable platform. I enjoyed my time working with you and the teams, and hopefully we can keep the fire going. You ran a good program, with clear goals, and were able to get us to focus on what was important. It can be difficult to keep a group that size on task, particularly with only monthly meetings in person. I think you did a great job and I can see you had some experience teaching. It came through. Part of me wishes someone of your caliber would go back into teaching as we need quality people. However, the other side to that argument is that you're in the place where the future of teaching exists, so that's a plus for you and the profession.

I have needed to do an SAT course for my 'online school' for a while now, so I think that will be my next class. Not very exciting, but my audience needs this kind of content, and it is the kind of value my customers, real and potential, expect. I have the materials I need, and I'll plan it out and record lessons during the next week or two. For me, that's the easy part. It's the marketing and the list building that is difficult and slow.

The thing you did best was inculcate in us that action, doing something, is the best path for building our online project. Listening to a podcast, reading a book on marketing, analyzing ad copy -- none of these things is taking action. At a granular base level this was the best line of attack possible. This is the focus I will maintain, thanks to you and how you organized the Incubator.

Thanks again, I had a good time, while learning a lot. I will revisit the materials and keep moving forward.

Douglas Marolla


Use this style of writing and organization as a template.  The lead sentences for each paragraph are the keys, as it allows you to state your point, then give detailed opinions in a way that clarifies things for the reader.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Who Runs Mexico?

It sure doesn't seem to be the government steering the ship.  After this debacle, it looks like the Drug Cartels run, at least, large sections of the country.  ZMAN says it best:

"The operation by the Mexican government to arrest Ovidio Guzmán López, the son of former drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán, and then turn him over to the U.S, may be more than a typical Latin bungle. It has revealed that Mexico is a failed state, largely controlled by large criminal cartels.

At some level, even the dullest member of the America foreign policy elite understands that Mexico is not a normal country. The Mexican government does not have control of its territory. Much of the population is ruled over by local warlords, who operate various criminal trades. Some of those warlords wear expensive suits and show up at Davos to party with the global elites. The vast manufacturing and distribution operations in Mexico are there because global business can operate there outside the law.

A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)
A burning bus, set alight by cartel gunmen to block a road, during clashes with federal forces following the detention of Ovidio Guzmán López, son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán. (Jesus Bustamante/Reuters)

The thing that the reader can't help but notice from the Washington Post article, is how good the journalism is.  It is a dispassionate, informative and detailed report. The pictures are amazing.  Neither the words "Trump" nor "immigration" appear in the article.  The word "wall" appears once, but it's used when they explain that Drug Kingpin Guy was behind 15 foot high walls in his huge gated compound.  This total pratfall by the Mexican Federal Government, a Socialist enterprise, is handled with journalistic integrity and Solon like solemnity by the Washington Post.  

This is an example of the thrashing around and panic of a dying Corporate Press Corps.  The other articles  in WaPo about Mexico and the border are about how 'walls don't work' (I guess Kingpin guy didn't get the memo), the crazy Orange Man Bad, and how unchecked immigration from Mexico is not only completely beneficial with no downside, but anyone who questions it is a bigoted xenophobe.  My guess is the author of the article had a thrombosis while having to avoid writing about Trump.

The Corporate Press is the Enemy of the People.  People of all ideologies should avoid it.