Thursday, July 14, 2022

Green ELITES: Netherlands EDITION

We've seen Sri Lanka fall.  They are in for a huge amount of suffering, all so that they could get a great "ESG Score", and kneel before the Global Depopulationists who tell us we need to be worried about "Climate Change".

Here is the key part of what Michael Schellenberger noted about the collapse:

“But the underlying reason for the fall of Sri Lanka is that its leaders fell under the spell of Western green elites peddling organic agriculture and ‘ESG,’ which refers to investments made following supposedly higher Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria. Sri Lanka has a near-perfect ESG score (98) which is higher than Sweden (96) or the United States (51).”

Fantastic.  They had a perfect ESG score, so Davos Man was happy, and the multi millionaires at Blackrock were happy - let by billionaire ESG master wizard Larry Fink.

The nation is is shambles, children are starving ... but they were fighting Climate Change so I guess it is all worth it.

Now it's the Netherlands' turn:

This time, it's 'nitrogen pollution'.  Because 'climate change' has become a magic buzzword, and people don't look things up, the Green Elites justifiably feel that they can make any law, pass any policy, no matter how bad.

"The Netherlands is the largest exporter of meat in Europe and the second largest exporter of food overall after the United States, a remarkable feat for a nation half the size of Indiana. Food exports generate more than $100 billion a year in revenue. Experts attribute the nation’s success to its farmers’ embrace of technological innovation."

If the Netherlands produce and export so much meat, why would you pass a policy that would hamstring farmers so badly that they will not only go out of business, but also cause untoward starvation?  Is the nitrogen pollution so serious that they must do something?

Of course not:

There isn't a nitrogen pollution problem.  The numbers are better now than they were in the 1980's and 1990's.  And population has increased over that time.

So what is it about?

These people are fixated on depopulation.  They want a small, manageable global population where you are little more than a serf, and you will do as you're told. Their ideal system resembles an ant colony, and you're one of the drones.

They talk about this all the time.  They give each other awards for this kind of thing.  They've been on this project for decades at least.  Now they're going for the brass ring.

Is this a "Conspiracy Theory!?"  Notice that all they need to do is say those words and 80% of people's minds turn off.

If there is no nitrogen problem, why put in such severe restrictions?  Give me a logical reason.  I'll listen.

In the meantime, good for the Dutch farmers.  Their gov't is in thrall to the WEF, so it's necessary that they get tons of support. Go Dutch Farmers!  


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