Sunday, July 10, 2022

The REAL Insurrection: Sri Lanka COLLAPSES

"When people have lost everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose it!" - Gerald Celente: Trends Research Journal

We are witnessing this phenomenon on a nation wide scale in Sri Lanka.  As we have seen before, the desire to be smiled upon by the Neo Liberal Elites and their 'climate' goals did the now deposed prime minister in:

The reason why the Prime Minster left is because there are roving gangs, as well as the tens of thousands of people you see above, going around the country looking to string up the Political / Wealthy class.

That's what an 'insurrection' looks like.  Not the clownish nonsense you're told by the American Neo Liberal Corporate Press.  

The Big Bear explains:

"Sri Lanka’s economy has collapsed. This is what an actual January 6th looks like not the fake one that America scripted. The IMF won’t bail them out either. 80% of the population currently can’t get daily meals. They had a middle class last year. This was the country that known pedophile, science fiction author, and inventor of frauds like the satellite, Arthur C. Clark fled to to avoid arrest and openly live with young boys. The country has been morally broken for a long time. But now it’s financially broken. They also just ran out of all fossil fuels and no one will ship them any because their money is worthless. Imagine currently being on that island? And the news isn’t reporting it because it scares them. This is never far from any country functioning on a fiat currency. And no Bitcoin is not a solution, as Canada will tell you. Yesterday all of their digital banking shut down for a full day."

What is required at this time in history is real talk.  Vox Popoli says it here:

"The European countries absolutely need to surrender (to Russia) now, before the weather turns cold and their need for heat and electricity rises. But as with the defeated Ukrainian military forces, it is unlikely that their globalist masters will permit them to do so. After all, the globalist elite doesn’t care about freezing Poles, Germans, or Swiss any more than they do about their starving Ukrainian cannon fodder."

He's mentioning this because the seeds of what you see above in Sri Lanka are being planted in the West.  Switzerland has realized that the looming gas shortage is going to be at such a serious level, people will freeze or starve.  Germany is now not only burning coal, but you can't find a wood stove or firewood if your life depended on it (which in 4 months it will).

The globalists who Donald Trump talked about are in the process of trying to manage the destruction of the Modern West, while maintaining power, and rebuilding the ruins in the vision they see as heaven on earth.

Does that sound religious?  It should.  Only zealotry explains the decisions to ban / limit wood burning in NY or NYC.  Remember, NY isn't Sri Lanka. However, the mindset and the globalist puppetry decision-making is the same.

Sri Lanka is the canary in the coal mine.  Get a landing place outside of the city.

Visual Capitalist's Avery Koop details several reasons for this crisis and the economic turmoil has sparked unrest over the last several months. This handy and convenient visual breaks down some of the elements that led to Sri Lanka’s current situation:

Left out in the 2021 note is that the 'ban on imported fertilizers' was so that the EU, WEF, and Globalist bureaucrats would smile on Sri Lanka, as Natural Gas is necessary to make industrial fertilizer.  This ban would then help fight ... wait for it ....

Climate change.

How's that working out now?

Coming soon to a modernized western nation near you.


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