Tuesday, July 19, 2022

BUG19: Post Mortem

The good guys at Riverside Green linked me to Scott Locklin's BUG19 write up.  He wrote two of them. The first one is from August 2021, and it nails aspects of the Expert Level God Mode screw ups of the "Establishment" better than just about everybody.

I was particularly focused on his paragraph on lockdowns.  Working in the Bad Neighborhood, I saw the human carnage, physical and psychological, that ensued after these disastrous yet easily avoidable policies.  Two of my 12th grade girls tried suicide.  Another refused to come outside after a few months.  These were from my best class - the top scholars in the building.  The less capable high schoolers suffered worse fates.  Denying physical contact and social outlets to teens is bad enough.  When you're in an area where the stress level is always high, and the normal way of life is difficult enough ... then the Laptop Class and their minions force you inside during the late spring and summer months ... it isn't rocket science, or any other kind of Science! that's required to figure it out.

Locklin walks us through the Lockdown debacle:

"Lock downs. They mostly didn’t work. Remember when opening Texas back up was tantamount to genocide? Yeah, I remember that. Remember when everyone in Florida was gonna die unless they lock up immediately? I remember that too. Remember when Georgia committed genocide by opening in summer of 2020? Remember when everyone in Sweden was going to immediately croak? None of those things came to pass. Locked down California had a higher death rate than not-so-locked down Florida who mostly did the sane thing of protecting their numerous old people rather than locking everyone up where they could cough on each other. Sweden did better than most of Europe. Nothing big happened in Texas or Georgia when they opened up, other than small businesses coming back to life. Remember when California, Connecticut, Massachusetts saved all those lives by implementing harsh lock downs? Well, that actually never happened at all. You can juggle the statistics in a way that make it look like there is some marginal effect here, but whatever it is, the effect is marginal, where the effect on people’s every day lives was enormous and entirely negative. Aka lock downs are basically ineffective outside of some very narrow circumstances, like cutting off air travel (which the establishment was against, and they now lie about) and living on an island. Quarantine sort of works, but it needs to be applied in a sane way, for example, the way it was with measles and polio outbreaks before vaccines. Just locking everyone up doesn’t work. It’s definitely the favorite technique of tyrants; has been since the 1600s. Didn’t work back then either, but it sure made people poor and angry. Reminder: only the Swedes (and Japanese and Belorussians but we don’t talk about them) got it right. I know it makes the human soybeans real mad: but they were right and the totalitarian numskull official “experts” were wrong.

The lockdowns here in NYC were scientifically fraudulent from the get go.  We couldn't go to work, school, or church, but we ALL could go to the liquor store, grocery store, or lotto store.  Everyone could congregate in those 3 places.  OK.

You should have realized, like I did, that this obvious nonsense was fakery from the start.  The only thing I was truly shocked by was the number of human lemmings screaming at me about how this was 'good policy' and 'keeping you safe'.

I'm not surprised by the herd-like behavior anymore.  And when they do this thing again, I won't be caught flat footed.

Locklin goes into Vaccine Efficacy in his piece.  Remember, this is from August 2021 - almost a year ago:

"Vaccinations efficacy. Most people think of various kinds of ronavax as a sterilizing vaccination the way polio vaccines are; not so. This has obvious and non-obvious consequences. The obvious one is you could be vaccinated and get sick or die of ‘rona anyway. The not so obvious one is that this will simply cause the virus to become more easily spread to people who have been vaccinated: that’s how evolution works. It may also become more deadly: this happened with a non-sterilizing vaccine for a chicken herpes virus. While the preliminary large scale evidence for vaccination effectiveness is reasonably convincing by now, it’s far from definitive, and is entirely short term. Back when it seemed it might be Orange Man Vaccine, they sure were cautious about shipping things too soon. It is entirely possible vaccinated countries start getting the ‘rona at rates comparable to what one would expect come winter time, we’ll know this science experiment was a towering error. Especially if the deaths peak up as well. I’m not saying that will happen, but it could happen, and nobody should accept “muh variants” and “muh booster shots” as explanation and solution.
Indeed, eventually, vaccine or no vaccine, the virus will eventually be just another coronavirus endemic in the populace, just as it was in 1889 when HCoV-OC43 probably became endemic. There’s an obviously true thing our psychological terrorist “technocrats” and their enablers won’t tell you. Barring huge breakthroughs SARS‑CoV‑2 will be with us forever. It will be with us for so long, eventually it will no longer be called SARS-Cov-2; it will have some other more innocuous name like HCoV-NL63 does. It will eventually just be another respiratory virus of no particular distinction. No lung borne ailment, let alone a viral one, has ever been eliminated by humanity. FWIIW the attention paid to coronaviruses now may end up telling us a lot of sudden death or clotting or viral pneumonia is associated with rare reactions from the other endemic coronaviruses. Would be interesting to know; probably a good many human ailments we attribute to nonsense like eating bacon are actually viral or bacterial; our science is so bad here it took until 2005 to fully recognize the fact that human ulcers were caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Oh yeah, while I’m at it; there sure are a lot of “95% effective” vaccines. I have not looked closely at the raw data, but the probability of there being multiple 95% effective vaccines seems pretty low to me; even based on Benford’s law. When I see 95% all I can think of is p-value hacking. FWIIW CDC fucked up looking at breakthrough cases, because, I guess, it would be bad marketing for the vaccines. Evidence becoming overwhelming though. Iceland is looking pretty bonkers. So much so, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist has stated that herd immunity must be achieved via viral infection. Only “kooks” seem to have noticed this, and it may be wrong, but Iceland unlike the US is still a serious country, so it must be taken at least as seriously as the idea that a 17 year old who already had the ‘rona must be vaccinated."

Locklin's second wrote up is more recent, and just as good.

Ignore the "experts" and the Corporate Media.  If that isn't obvious at this point, I don't know what else to tell you.

Anti-Police riots were OK.  Going to school or church were not.  Got that?


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