Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Remember the "climate change is an existential threat!" talking point in 2018-2019?  It was temporarily removed during the Novel Coronavirus Era - shoved to the side and completely ignored until that Narrative ran out of steam.

They brought it back slowly, around a year ago.  Then Putin happened.

You know how concerned the EU, the WEF, the UN, and the top brass in the USA are about the climate and carbon emissions?  They've no concern whatsoever.  It has only and always been a way to control you by either making you poorer, or forcing certain laws on you (in the interest of Climate Change of course).

How seriously would you take noted scientist John Kerry flying in on a private jet, lecturing you about Global Warming and carbon emissions, and explaining how you need to stop using fossil fuels?


This latest development lets you know that they are completely full of it:

"... in an effort to save natural gas."

I'll translate: "our people will flip the switch and expect the lights to go on, and to be able to charge their iPhones and go on Social Media.  They will riot and come after us like the people in Sri Lanka if there is no electricity."

The article does not contain the words 'climate change'.  I did ctrl-F just to check.

When it gets cold in the winter, Germany needs natural gas to heat its homes.  55% of natural gas, until a few months ago, was supplied by Russia.  Technically, they are saving natural gas by using coal, but what about the "existential threat?!!" 

Here's the info on the coal fired power station pictured above:

"Neurath Power Station is a lignite-fired power station at Neurath in Grevenbroich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located to the south of Grevenbroich, and it borders the municipalities of Rommerskirchen and Bedburg. The power station consists of seven units and it is owned by RWE. It was named as the second biggest single polluter for carbon dioxide emissions in the European Union in 2019 by the EU's Transport and Environment Group."

Germany could reduce its carbon emissions for baseload power to near zero if it wanted.  They have the nuclear power, but are turning it off.  Nuclear is the answer if you're concerned about "climate change", as it emits NO carbon.  You need to realize it's all a game to them - a game for acquisition of your capital and to control you.  There is no noble concern for your health and well being, nor for that of the earth either.

Irina Slav explains how these Noble Priorities vanish, as they were clownish, cloddish canards in the first place:

"Funnily enough, politicians on both sides of the Atlantic continue to talk about the energy transition although the talk increasingly sounds like a scratched record. Look at this press briefing with Energy Secretary Granholm, for example.

All the talk about clean energy being the only way forward certainly seem to be evidence that Granholm has an excellent rote memory but not much else. I especially liked her praise for refiners who have turned their refineries into biofuel production facilities… a day before she met with refiners to ask them to boost oil refining capacity.

Meanwhile, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the EC’s President is calling on people to reduce their thermostats by 2 degrees, apparently forgetting we are in summer now, not in winter, and if we’re talking about energy savings, we should be turning thermostats up. Again, it smacks of an automatic repetition of an idea that has pretty much lost its meaning."

It never had any meaning in the first place.  

At least the German Government has an answer to the whole problem.  They will rhetoric harder.  I'm sure it will make a difference:

"The German government recently called on citizens to cut back their energy use in light of the strained supply situation.

“It’s obviously Putin’s strategy to make us insecure, to drive up prices and divide us,” Mr. Habeck said. “We will not allow that to happen. We will defend ourselves resolutely, precisely and thoughtfully.”"

All the while burning coal, polluting the air, turning off nuclear plants, and ignoring the Inconvenient Truth that coal is the worst offender if you are buying into the 'climate change' Narrative.


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