Wednesday, June 29, 2022


It looks like we are at the 'data hiding' phase of things during this Novel Coronavirus Era.

" The upgrade required all 2022 death records to be reprocessed into the system.  As routine NVSS surveillance reporting resumes, users may temporarily observe lower death counts for prior weeks in 2022 as the backlog is reprocessed and reloaded into the system."

There is a 'system-wide upgrade' going on, so the 2022 data will be delayed for now.  It's a strange bit of timing.

VP had this inconvenient truth on the site the other day.  I wonder if there is any connection or coincidence with the CDC getting a software upgrade, and what we see below in Germany?

They're seeing the same thing in Switzerland. Swiss Policy Research is all over it:

It gets worse:

"Furthermore, there have been widespread and officially acknowledged reports of post-vaccination menstrual disorders (over 30,000 reports in Britain alone); official reports of vaccine adverse events including death in breastfeeding babies (over 60 reported cases in Germany alone); a still unexplained, transient increase in neonatal deaths in countries like Scotland; and reports by Austrian midwives of an increase in complications during pregnancy and delivery after covid vaccination. Meanwhile, Pfizer has never even finished its vaccine trial in pregnant women.

Theoretically, covid vaccines might impact conception and pregnancy in direct ways (e.g. via ovaries or sperm cells) or in indirect ways (e.g. via immunological, hormonal or vascular factors, including micro blood clots). An official Japanese biodistribution study showed that non-trivial amounts of Pfizer mRNA vaccine lipid nanoparticles do indeed end up in the ovaries, but there is currently no evidence that this impacts ovarian follicular function in a negative way."

Why any clear thinking individual would cast their lot with a media and a CDC that has lied to you for ages is beyond me.  This information should be front and center.  The fact that you have to get it from a broken down English teacher working in the Bad Neighborhood is testament to how far our institutions have fallen.

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