Tuesday, June 28, 2022

An Inconvenient DEATH

Or maybe it's convenient:

There are a few key quotes from this article that should make you think twice.

"In a private meeting Hutchinson previously said Meadows was warned in advance that there could be trouble on January 6.

Her video deposition was used to support the committee's argument that several of the Republicans later sought presidential pardons.

'We had intel reports saying that there could potentially be violence on the 6th,' Hutchinson told the panel, in a portion of a transcript shared in court documents in April.

'And Mr Meadows said: 'All right. Let's talk about it.'"

In advance? If that's the case, why wasn't there a wall, or a wall of security around the building?  Why is there video of people being let in by the authorities?  I thought that it was DJT's words that spurred people to go to the capitol - that it was not planned.

Here's the money quote from the story.  So inconvenient that Mr. Stenger won't be able to speak further on this:

"Stenger previously served in the United States Marine Corps, and spent 35 years in the Secret Service.

He was the chief law enforcement officer and head of protocol for the chamber since April 2018.

In February 2021, Stenger told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the role of 'professional agitators' needed to be investigated.

He said: 'There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6.

'Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators."

The 'funding and travel of professional agitators'.

That's pretty interesting.  Seems like there is a group of people who want this absurd and clownish 'insurrection' narrative to continue.  Looks like they might get their way as Mr. Stenger won't be around to purposefully or accidentally say anything to sidetrack The Narrative.  He suddenly died the day before the hearings.

It will be interesting to see what Cassidy Hutchinson has to say.  I hope they don't go the Tessie Hutchinson route.....


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