Monday, June 27, 2022

Progressives are KILLING IT!

You know how we're all supposed to stop Global Warming by not using fossil fuels?  It turns out that fertilizer is processed using chemicals and natural gas ... lots of them.

The Warmists (the "international community" you read about in all the articles on this topic) somehow got the entire country of Sri Lanka to use regular old style organic fertilizer.  The problem is, it doesn't work at scale, and it led to a food shortage.  This was BEFORE the supply chain issues of today.

The results are catastrophic:

Sri Lanka wanted to virtue signal to the 'international stage' by getting rid of chemical and petrochemical fertilizer.  Now the country is starving, but at least the liberal arts majors posing as climatologists in the WEF and the EU can walk around with smug smiles on their faces knowing that they ... made a difference?

But I guess children starving is ok, as long as you speak the magic spell wordsmithery: "Climate Change".

Apparently, that isn't enough:

Let's look at the beginning of the article again, and process what it says:

"The European Union is divided on how to help poorer nations fight a growing food crisis and address shortages of fertilisers caused by the war in Ukraine, with some fearing a plan to invest in plants in Africa would clash with EU green goals."

"... would clash with EU green goals."

Remember Sri Lanka?  That story is months old.  But the bureaucrats in the EU think it might be a good idea to do the SAME THING in other countries because, well, climate change.

Got that?

Let's have people, mostly the young, old, and infirm, starve to death so that the magic spell Climate Change Goals can be 'achieved'.  If you haven't figured out that these people, who fly around in private jets, eat meat, drive in blacked out SUV's aren't looking out for you or the 'climate', you're stupider than I thought.

I'll end with this.  You know how we're all supposed to be driving electric cars, flying electric planes, eating bugs, and biking to work every day?  Where do you think the extra metals and minerals will come from?  Where does copper for the wiring, batteries, and cables come from?  The cobalt in the batteries?  Lithium?  Any guesses?  If we are to meet the "climate goals" of our overlords, 'netzero by ____' then look at what is necessary in the mining world:

Yes, that means that there will need to be 42 times MORE lithium mined in 2040 than right now, to eliminate fossil fuels from the equation.  The "netzero" fantasy is just that: a fantasy.

That should make you extra upset, as the people you seem to still listen to are willing to starve people in the developing world to death for an unattainable goal.  Guess what those gigantic mining trucks and other equipment use? Diesel.  And where will you get your mine permitted?  No country in the West will go for that - remember Global Warming? There will be none of that. 

You could try South America.

Bolivia has a ton of the resources necessary. Good luck becoming profitable - right up until the socialists in charge take you operation over.  And you'll be using indigenous labor as well.  You good with that?  

Don't even get me started on wind power.  It is a bad joke of an energy source, and the destruction of the environment has already started because of these abominations that aren't even carbon neutral.  How do you think the concrete base and steel towers are made? Where does the copper come from for the wires to connect to the grid?  Haven't we covered this already?:

Like I said, it's all good.  All you have to say, like Harry Potter with his wand, is the magic spell word: ClimateChange! ... and everything stated here is fine.  It's all good.  The Progressive / Liberal / Democratic Party apparatchiks are making a KILLING.  

Eventually, when the costs get so high, people will stop listening to these repellent sickos.  

But not yet.  Apparently more pain is required.


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