Thursday, June 30, 2022


Here in Clown World, aka the section of the world that is ruled over by the Neo Liberal Rules Based World Order, we put Ukrainian flags on our bios, we celebrate 'diversity', we have Pride Month, we support 'green' energy, and we worship St. George F.  We also think rhetoric and feelings rule the day.

In other parts of the world, parts that are based on real things and consequences, they understand that rhetoric and feelings are meaningless if you flip the switch and the lights don't go on, or you turn on the heat and there's no power, or your grid has rolling blackouts.

Energy is life, and you need energy to survive. 

Putin! did something that the NWO didn't like.  There were many reasons for it.  The pets in the Western Corporate Media dialed up the rhetoric, put flags in the bios, told us all sorts of lying nonsense ('In 10 days Putin runs out of weapons' .. that was 2 months ago), and yet the Russian economy is fine, and the ruble is stronger than before.  Why?

People need energy, and they really need oil and gas and coal.  They are buying it from Russia, because they have it:

"Despite looming sanctions and import bans, Russia exported $97.7 billion worth of fossil fuels in the first 100 days since its invasion of Ukraine, at an average of $977 million per day."

Look at all the EU and NATO countries on the list.  They seem to think that you can wish for something to happen, and that's all it takes.  

The countries NOT part of the Neo Liberal Order are going to buy fossil fuels from whomever has it, and Russia is one of the top suppliers in the world.

You have China, India, and S. Korea on that list above.  Not only have they NOT condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, they will continue to buy from Russia. Not on the list (yet) are Indonesia and Brazil.  What are the combined populations of all of those countries: 4 billion?  Brazil isn't part of the Neo-Liberal clown world.  Bolsonaro openly mocks the leadership of Ukraine.  Those 4 countries probably represent at least 2/3 of the world's population.

In general, countries that have energy have seen their currencies strengthen, while those who import it have seen their currencies weaken.  The ruble, dollar and loonie have done well.  The euro, Turkish Lira, and the yen have collapsed.

Now that we're in WWIII, you have to, more than ever, stop listening to Corporate Media, and find reliable sources that will explain things in real world terms.  The 'western' corporate media has some of the worst despair merchants, always lying and projecting what they want, and not what is.  As we've learned in the past, Social Justice Warriors always lie, and they always project.

Don't give them your time.


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You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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