Thursday, June 9, 2022

It's Going to Get WORSE

Irina Slav is keeping me informed about all the bad Energy Decisions afoot in the EU. I am a subscriber to her page, and recommend her work:

The EU is going to ban insurers from insuring Russian oil.  That will show Putin!

Irina Slav predicts, correctly, the following:

"So, we have:
  • higher government spending for governments already burdened by a lot of pandemic spending, 
  • higher energy prices, 
  • higher oil import bills, and shrinking global oil supply, which means 
  • higher oil prices overall.
This in turn will lead to the need for even more government help for consumers and businesses, even higher oil import bills and so on. It’s a rather pretty vicious circle as far as vicious circles go."

Ms. Slav is correct, of course.  

She brings up the question of whether these people are stupid or malicious.  There were some clueless conservative commenters who are SURE that these EU people are simply stupid.  Slav words things a bit better, and opens up that she's considering a - gasp! - conspiracy (emphasis mine):

"This seems to be an opinion shared by the decision-makers in Brussels. Indeed, it makes sense. In fact, it makes so much sense that I have had the growing suspicion — which I’ve shared previously here — that in their endless efforts to make the transition work, EU politicians may well choose a course of action that seeks to make fossil fuels prohibitively expensive in order to boost the competitiveness of wind and solar, and EVs.

To be perfectly honest, this still sounds a little too conspiratorial for my taste and I’d rather bet on incompetence driving decision-makers to the decisions that will put us all in the vicious circle. In other words, I’m inclined to believe that the acceleration of the energy transition as prompted by the oil crisis is more likely an unintended rather than an intended consequence.

The reason for this belief of mine is that this acceleration will also have major unintended consequences of the sort that simply cannot be intended. Unless, of course, one argues that blackouts and energy rationing are part of a plan to significantly reduce energy consumption in the most active consumers as part of another, bigger, plan to rearrange world order. And this is how we enter another vicious circle, this time a circle of speculation, that I’d rather not stay in. I’ll wait for evidence."

I don't think these people are stupid at all.  And Ms. Slav should see that the 'evidence' is right in front of her.  They know how people work, how to get power, and how to hold on to it.  This was my comment, mostly directed toward the "don't attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity" crowd:

"Great article. You've nailed the vicious cycle that will ensue with yet another poor decision. I don't think these people are "stupid" at all. They're trying to maintain their world order, no matter the cost. Weak, hungry, desperate people with no access to regular energy sources are very easy to control. That may sound harsh and ridiculous to us, but these people don't care. They want power, and will do whatever it takes to consolidate power and maintain it.

Russia, China, India and Iran (and others) want no part of the "Rules Based Neo Liberal World Order" or whatever they're calling it these days. The forces at work who have destroyed once proud western Christian nations have no place to land this time around. To me, it all looks quite religious, for lack of a better term.

And the "how long will people tolerate this!?" question has been answered already. The 'land of the free' citizens dutifully wore a useless mask on their faces, closed their businesses and churches, kept their children home from school, and did as they were told. All the while their health authorities were publishing data that 99+ percent of those under 70 were effectively at no risk.

They bent the knee for Cough Lockdowns. They will now sacrifice for Climate Lockdowns. How those lockdowns look will remain to be seen. Perhaps something like this - and it will work:

ATTN: "Power will be curtailed tonight as we need to sacrifice 3 nights this week all summer to fight climate change." Thank you citizens of (fill in western city here). #savetheplanet #followthescience "

In case you think I'm wrong, here's one of the top lieutenants of the NWO recently telling us that BUG19 really wasn't that big of risk, that the survival rate was not much worse than the regular flu:

And people wonder why 'STUPID19' is one of my most popular labels on this blog site.

Those of us who recognized what Gates said above, spoke and wrote about it in the Spring of 2020 were maligned, censored, banned, and ridiculed.  The lizards at the top of the Pyramid will put the boot on your throat, especially if you're afraid of being called bad names online.  

Don't let them do that.


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