Monday, June 6, 2022


Controlling the Narrative is no longer a secret:

Our Overlords are meeting in Davos to not only see to it that my latest YouTube video was banned, but also make sure that 'climate change' is discussed in only one manner.  Susan, seen above, has no science background whatsoever.  This doesn't matter if you're on the correct side of The Narrative.  It DOES matter if you're on the incorrect side of The Narrative.  See how this works?  You can be Fred Singer or Richard Lindzen or Kari Mullis, and you're a skeptic / crank / conspiracy theorist / disinformation peddler.  If you're a History and Literature major from UC Santa Cruz, home of the Banana Slugs, you get to stifle speech and ideas.

And people wonder why the moniker "clown world" is spreading.

Doomberg's latest post reminisces about how the leftist / atheists of the past would be shocked over the lack of critical thought around 'climate change / global warming'.  Doomberg uses Carl Sagan as a lens to see how different things are today:

The above quote comes from a 1996 interview with Charlie Rose.  That isn't ancient history.  It sounds like something from another world, however, because now you have Davos Man and the Globalist faction openly saying that there is no more scientific debate.

Today's ruling class, the "Neo liberal rules based world order", is angry that anyone dare dissent from their ideas. They're also pissed that the Rabble might hear a dissenting opinion, or realize that science is supposed to be eternally challenged.  That's why you hear oxymoronic slogans like "the science is settled" or "it's a scientific certainty" from these people.  Only a scientific illiterate or someone afraid wouldn't welcome intense scrutiny.  That's how "The Science!" is supposed to be done.

You should expect this current garbage ruling class to act this way.  That's what they've always done.  They're after power at any cost.  The regular people around you who unthinkingly inhale this nonsense are the people to avoid.

Go your own way and build your own thing.  It's much more rewarding than debating "climate change!!" on Fbook with some clod who thinks censorship is acceptable.


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