Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Crypto COLLAPSE: Look Out BELOW!

The Crypto ecosystem is collapsing.  What was once an intelligent stab at independent digital money, brought about by intelligent cryptographers (Hal Finney et al), has become a corrupt, Ponzi-esque dumpster fire.

Bitcoin was never intended to be:

  • A store of value.
  • Digital gold.
  • A dollar replacement.
  • Your retirement fund.
  • A get rich quick plan.
  • "Number go up." (laser eyes)
  • "Have fun staying poor." (laser eyes)

It was intended to be a trustless cash system, where it was mathematically etched in stone on the blockchain that your money was yours, and you could digitally send it real time to someone else.  You didn't need a third party (the 'trust' part) to determine that the funds were yours, or legit.  It's all very libertarian, and elegant in its simplicity.

Over the years the crypto world has become corrupt beyond recognition.  It looks like the chickens have come home to roost.

As I write this, the market cap for the crypto universe has collapsed from well over $3 trillion to $933 billion.  That's a big drop.

Terra Luna, a token / stablecoin outfit, went bust last week. Zeroed out.

The Celsius Network, a place where you could 'unbank' yourself, and earn huge yield on your money, went bust a few days ago.

Do you see the third name on the list above?  Tether is next.  Tether is the (theoretically) 1:1 dollar - backed stable coin that is used all throughout the cryptoverse to buy millions in Bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies.

The problem is that no one can see where the newly created Tether comes from, nor can anyone figure out if Tether is truly backed by anything of value.  Think of it this way:  The price of Bitcoin isn't really in dollars, it's in Tether.  Right now, Bitcoin = 20,570 Tether.

If Tether is a house of fraudulent cards. When it goes down, the whole cryptoverse will look even worse than this BTC chart:

Tether is the underpinning of much of the whole crypto economy.  If the charlatans who run Tether are unable to maintain 1:1 backing or confidence in their product, BTC will collapse, and most of the other cryptocurrencies will go to zero.

The cracks are already showing:

The combination of easy money, lack of discipline, the SEC asleep at the switch, Tether using smoke and mirrors to stay afloat, and people unwilling to recognize obvious frauds (Celsius was offering 20% return on deposits!) has allowed this to happen.  I think it's going to get worse. 

And yes, you can send me BCH at the address below, as it will be one of the 12,000 cryptos to survive the implosion.

These two are your go to guys for avoiding the Crash:

Here's how you can help me out during The Current Year:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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