Monday, May 2, 2022

The School Toolkit is BROKEN

Tragedy struck our district last month.  

A 16yr old girl was stabbed to death.  The details are not murky, as the stabber was on social media, with the knife in full view, talking about what she was going to do.  The event itself was filmed by countless cellphones.  While I declined to watch the video, it would be easy to find someone with it and see this girl's life end on the street, in the middle of downtown.

What this short post and video are about is the way to fix things.  The toolkit that the school leaders have to try to stop this kind of senseless violence is broken.  Perhaps it was stolen.  The deterrence that existed in 'the old days' is gone.  Even after such a horrible event, the layering on of being nicer, being kinder, having more peace in the neighborhood, has already begun.

There isn't anything wrong with those things.

However, where is the tough love?  Where is the deterrence? Where is the respect and its concomitant fear? They're nowhere to be found.  This being NY, I suspect the somewhat feral killer will be in the System until she's 21, and then set free.  I hope my cynicism is misplaced.

Discipline, especially harsh discipline, hurts feelings.  It's seen these days as discriminatory, as well as all the other 'bad' things that are 'wrong' with today's world.  I work in a neighborhood that is broken.  The tools at leadership's disposal won't fix it.

Maybe that's the goal.

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