Tuesday, May 3, 2022

And the Hit (Pieces) Just Keep On COMING

"The flak only gets heavy when you're over the target."

It looks like a few people are over the target, and the Power Elite are angry.  Last week was a banner week for hit pieces on people who have refused to bend the knee to the Neo Liberal Rules Based World Order (or whatever they're calling themselves this month).  If you recall, you're supposed to cheer, clap, and perhaps cry a little in joy when thinking or social media posting about: unchecked illegal immigration, diversity, multiculturalism, defunding the police, gender doesn't exist, getting mRNA gene therapy, Ukraine Flag in your bio, and any other policy that contributes to weakening These United States.  

If you question any of the above, however mildly, you're a problem.  If you even slightly talk about Traditional Western Christian Old Time American values ... well, you're a huge problem.

Royce White was interviewed by the Washington Post for 3 hours.  They took part of one sentence, and then managed to come up with this paint by numbers pre-written journalistic abomination:

Normally I would link to the article, but we already know what it says.  Admit it, you know the main 2 or 3 talking points in the piece, as they're always the same.

White went on Jason Whitlock's "Fearless" and UNLOADED on the Washington Post.  "Never talk to the Media" is the best advice, but in White's case, I think he thrives on the conflict:

From Youtube:

"Minnesota congressional candidate and former NBA player Royce White passionately responds to a lengthy hit piece published in Thursday’s Washington Post. Jeff Bezos’ publication printed a profile that framed White as a supporter of “white nationalism” and the darling of the “far-right media.” White, who is black, joins Jason and T.J. Moe for a one-hour conversation to rebuke the false narrative. White is challenging Ilhan Omar for her seat in the House. Jason argues that White’s eloquence and righteousness are a threat to the entire political establishment. The hit piece on White included anonymous quotes from someone claiming to be a former coach of White and an alleged family member. White’s response to all of it is fearless, authentic, and a must-listen."

Then, it was Tucker Carlson's turn.  Someone in my building born in the Cretaceous Era gets the paper delivered - one of the 27 people left in NYC who get The NY Times at the door.

The cover was so laughably bad I took a picture of it.  This is considered front page "journalism" from 'the paper of record':

"White Fear".  I wonder how it's different from all the other types of fear.

Because the intellectual mushrooms who run The NY Times are fantastically wealthy, as are the clods who run the Washington Post, they have to frame everything by race.  Everything.  "White Fear".  It's all so tiresome and stupid, and it shows you how out of touch they are thinking that this 2014 tactic would work.

Greenwald and Carlson had a field day with it on Twitter:

Shouting all the same tired phrases is a strange way to try to move opinion.  Maybe it's the 2022 midterm election democratic panic that's got them worried.

Either way, they keep pushing out tone deaf hit pieces like this one.  Jennifer Rubin has "Long TDS", and apparently there's no cure:

Yes, that's Orange Man Bad, in front of a church, holding a bible. And yes, this is an opinion piece from last week.

Something's got the Power Elite spooked.  It looks like the Rabble have had too much to Think, and they need to be put back in their place.

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