Monday, May 9, 2022

Roe vs. ROE

It looks like the decision to get an abortion might not be the Supreme Court's decision, or anyone else's for that matter:

Vox had this on the site, and recognized instantly the "Misleading!" tag. This is the thing that is  particularly noteworthy.  Notice, the magenta haired poly-sci and Humanities majors who run twitter have deemed it 'misleading'.  I get a bit upset at twitter for doing things like that, then I look at the comments and replies below these kinds of tweets from official sources.  The comments and replies below it AND the ones below Toby Young's tweet are stultifyingly stupid, subhuman, and show you how powerful The Narrative can be.

NPC's see a tweet like Dr. Loupis', and suddenly become number crunching statisticians, looking at the information and parsing it to fit to the 'safe and effective' narrative.

So strange that none of these 'people' (or bots or NPC's) ever did that kind of statistical analysis when it came to the severity of BUG19 in the first place.  I have Long BUG Fatigue, so I'm too tired to look, but wasn't the survival rate for anyone under 70 something like 99.995%?  

This kind of non-analysis and double standard is part of the program, so you have to realize that all I'm doing is showing you to simply ignore the Mainstream Trend, and think for yourself. 

I personally know a woman in her early thirties, in the medical field, who got the JUICE early in her pregnancy, and lost the baby.  She thinks it was the Fauci Medical KIT that did it.

She's probably right, and not even the staff of twitter, pictured below, can convincer her otherwise:


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