Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Money for UKRAINE, Just not for U

"The two major political parties are the two wings of the same bird of prey."

This is one of the main takeaways you get when you go through your libertarian phase.  I went through mine big time from 2009-2015.

Elucidating this well is Glenn Greenwald, who hits another home run with his latest:

GG notices that the shreds of whatever is left of 'the left', as well as MAGA nationalists, and people like Tucker Carlson are the only people asking the question: who benefits from these expenditures?

Greenwald provides this handy chart so you can see who is benefitting, and quite nicely I might add:

Look at those returns. Must be nice.

So now the Usual Suspects have their war.  The part of this that's so wild, is not only are there food and baby formula shortages, but The Narrative is telling Boobus Americanus to put Ukrainian flags in their bio, ignore the price of living, and grovel before the MIC.  And the Democrats are behind it, and making it work!

Look at the list of people who are anti war.  This is unprecedented:
  • Tucker Carlson
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Noam Chomsky
  • Glenn Greenwald
  • Yours Truly
  • MAGA Nationalists
  • World Socialists
Say what you want about Chomsky, but he braver and more consistent with the Truth than the NeoCon weirdos who pose as "republicans":

For those of you too young to recognize, that's how "the left" used to talk.  They were anti-war through and through.  Even if Bad Orange Man Bad gets it right about peace and diplomacy with Ukraine, you shout it out and push the right message.

The incredibly strange list of anti war allies above is leading to an interesting election season in a few months.  I've never seen anything like it, and neither has Greenwald.

Here's how you can help me out during The Current Year:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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