Saturday, April 30, 2022

GAB Founder Says: ELON MUSK You Can Keep TWITTER

I remember during the past few years when real conservatives, Establishment CONservatives, RINOs, Donald Trump, and a host of others in the 'not progressive' camp would talk about alternatives to TWTR.  They would talk about:
  • Parler
  • Gettr
  • Truth Social
Even though Gab has been out for at least 6 years, they would never mention it.  If I knew about Gab as an option, why wouldn't they know and or mention it?  The only person I hear mention Gab is Royce White, who mentions it as a landing place when he's talking on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast.

No one else mentions it at all.  The fix is in.  It's been in for a while.

Andrew Torba, who has had his platform de-platformed from everything, including all the major payment processors, sent out a great email about the news of the Musk "purchase" of Twitter.  Here's a sample:

"Elon can have Twitter.

People falsely assume that Gab is a “Twitter knockoff,” but this hasn’t been the case for several years. Functionally Gab is more like Facebook. We have Gab Groups, Gab Marketplace, Gab News, Gab TV, GabPay, and much more on the way. We aren’t and haven’t been competing with Twitter for years. Facebook users are our core target market.

We quickly realized back in 2019 that the vast majority of people in the United States are simply not on Twitter. The first issue is that over half of Twitter’s “users” are bots. The other half are young inner-city Democrats and journalists, but let’s be honest these people are basically robots too.

The bottom line is these aren’t our people. This isn’t our target market. The majority of people who remain on Twitter today will never use Gab because they will never survive in an environment with true free speech. There is finite number of conservative Twitter users who will make the switch, but tens of millions of Christian Facebook users who want off of Zuckerberg’s demonic plantation.

If anyone is doomed by Elon Musk buying Twitter it’s Parler, Gettr, and Truth Social.

The entire value proposition of Parler, Gettr, and Truth Social was being “not Twitter.” None of them even offer a free speech Terms of Service. In Parler’s case, they bent the knee to Apple and started censoring to get back on the App Store. In Gettr’s case, they ruined their reputation on day one by censoring right-wing political dissidents. Truth Social is a disaster that uses Silicon Valley AI to censor. Its main attraction–President Donald Trump–doesn’t even use his own platform.

I predict that Elon Musk buying Twitter will force the left to balkanize into niche platforms of shared values like the right has. We will see the Gab, Parler, and Gettr of the left pop up. I’ve been talking about the fragmentation and decentralization of social media into smaller niche communities for several years now and things are about to accelerate in this area. That’s a good thing. It means Silicon Valley is losing power and fast.

Bloomberg is reporting that Twitter’s source code has now been locked down to make it harder for current employees to make unauthorized changes to the platform. This tells us that Twitter’s Board recognizes the total and complete internal meltdown that is happening right now.

We’ve seen rogue employees and contractors at Twitter before. Remember the time a random contractor, not even an employee, deactivated the account of the President of the United States? Or how about the former Twitter employees who ended up being spies for Saudi Arabia?

Elon now has to deal with 7,500 far-left Twitter employees and I sincerely wish him all the best in absolutely clearing house and starting from scratch by firing every last one of the existing employees. Needless to say, this won’t be an easy task, nor will be upending Twitter’s policies and technology.

Aside from the internal war and struggle that Elon is about to endure at Twitter he will also face a variety of external attacks from the media, the government, the ADL, and Big Tech giants like Apple and Google who control Twitter’s distribution destiny on the app stores.

Apple’s market cap is 2.7 trillion dollars. Don’t think for one second they won’t ban a $44 billion dollar app like Twitter from their app stores. Fortnite is owned by a $28 billion dollar video game giant and was the most popular video game in the world at the time, but that didn’t stop Apple from banning their app from the App Store without blinking. It won’t stop them from banning Twitter either.

Torba has had The Top of the Pyramid pinch off his access to everything in the mainstream.  He started Gab, it became popular, the Eye of Sauron noticed, and they tried to destroy him and his product.

It's an impressive bit of perseverance on Torba's part.

He goes into it here, on Tom Woods' podcast:

Gab is there, ready to go.  As well as other features, they have Gab TV, Gab Marketplace, and a place to post without the Twitter mob of blue check SJW Wokesters trying to ruin your life if you think that men cannot get pregnant.

Think I'm kidding?  Even with the Musk invasion of Twitter, go on the platform now and demand that everyone understand that there are only two genders, and that one of them, males, cannot get pregnant.

Have fun with that.

Go here instead:


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