Thursday, March 24, 2022


The problem is, no one is taking Biden's calls.  

You heard that right. Whatever gravitas the USA had, is gone.

Saudi Arabia AND the UAE are not even picking up the phone.

Mr. Doshi goes further back than most in analyzing the problem:

"The slide in U.S. prestige in the Middle East may be traced to President Obama’s two-term reign. The cornerstone of his foreign policy sought to distance the US from its traditional Arab Gulf allies as well as Israel to “normalize” Iran in the region. Obama forced through the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal with Iran that gave it access to over $100 billion, of which $1.8 billion in untraceable cash was flown into Tehran. This, it was thought, would allow the US to extricate itself from its Middle East security commitments and seal President Obama’s foreign policy legacy.

The appeasement of Iran by President Obama’s administration, seen by the moderate Gulf Arab states as little short of betrayal, is pursued by the Biden administration (“Obama 2.0”) with even greater zeal. Among President Biden’s earliest Executive Orders was one which rescinded the “terrorist organization” designation imposed by the Trump administration on the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen to push rapprochement with Iran. This led within weeks to a spate of missile and drone attacks by the Houthis in Saudi Arabia. In January, the Houthis carried out an attack with missiles and drones on Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. The recent attacks on Abu Dhabi are the most serious escalation of tensions in the Arabian peninsula since the drone and missile attack carried out on critical Saudi Aramco oil facilities in September 2019 which was also claimed by the Houthis."

The current fake administration doesn't seem to understand how things work.  I realize that the Leftist NWO zeal to destroy the once proud United States is paramount. However, this is simply cloddish and stupid policy.  Not only is this current administration dedicated to "fighting climate change", they are pissing off America's main oil suppliers by encouraging their enemies.

Irina Slav nails the current problem from a slightly different angle:

"This is not a good place to be for a government that bet on a fast transition away from fossil fuels. It is an especially bad place to be in an election year. No wonder, then, that the Biden administration is ready and willing to offer an olive branch to the industry it has pointedly been working against since the start of Biden’s term. It also appears ready to offer an olive branch to countries such as Venezuela and Iran, both sanctioned by the previous administration and with sanctions upheld by this one. Talk about U-turns

At home, the Keystone XL cancellation, which took place on Biden’s first day as U.S. president, the federal land drilling moratorium, the annulment of an oil and gas lease sale that the Department of Interior was more or less forced to hold despite its unwillingness, and the cancellation of another lease sale were all clear signals that the Biden administration will not work with the oil and gas industry… until it had to."

So we are now in a place where not only have the companies that supply America with energy been hamstrung because a teenage girl with a crooked face said 'how dare you!', but also at a time where the president of the United States phone calls don't get answered.

Things are going to get interesting and expensive.  As Irina Slav ends her article: "...if you’ve ever been cold you’d know that when the temperatures drop ideology and climate change anxiety die very quickly."

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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