Friday, March 25, 2022

Kyrie Irving 1 - New World Order - 0

Kyrie Irving stood his ground.  He never gave in.

Irving refused to get the BUG19 Juice. This meant he wasn't allowed to play any games in NYC. He could play in cities that didn't have the mandates.  He could sit behind the bench at home games.  He just couldn't play.  That, in these times, qualifies as "science".  It qualifies as "sound public health policy" (insert clown face emoji here).

Irving repeatedly and calmly explained to reporters that he didn't want to get the vaxx, and that he wasn't going to get it.  As things moved forward, he methodically explained that it made even less sense to get it as someone with all the vaxxes and all the boosters could still get CV19.  It was interesting watching white liberal sports reporters' heads explode during these conversations. These are men who who have been trained to never say a bad word about a black man like Kyrie Irving.  Ever.  Every utterance is gospel.  Then, along comes Kyrie blasting apart the vax Narrative, logically explaining his reasons why he wasn't going to get the Experimental Gene Therapy.  

The members of the ticket taking Laptop Class were vexed by Irving's actions.  Paid shill Stephen A. Smith continually called Irving "selfish".  Because you're not allowed to call Irving bad names, some reporters would quietly bring up that Irving had mentioned that he'd thought about Flat Earth Theory.

None of it worked.  They even tried the guilt trip method when mega star ultra smooth scoring machine Kevin Durant went down with an injury.  If you listen hard enough, you can hear the reporter's soul crying out in pain as Irving quietly explains his vaccine hesitancy:

Irving held out, as anyone with not only the conviction that Irving had, but also the $159 million in prior pre-tax earnings he's sitting on.  He was always holding all the cards. Ten toes down, Irving never wavered.

Now, here we are:

This being NYC, the Public Sector Unions are justifiably livid that a wealthy superstar can now go back to work, whereas well over 1000 unionized workers were fired because they wouldn't get the Vacation. 

“Talented detectives with irreplaceable experience were lost because of the mandate,” DiGiacomo said. “Athletes and performers more important during a crime wave than NYPD detectives?”

If you ask former 'mayor' diBlah, the answer would be an immediate "yes!"

We will see how this mess plays out.  The NYPD detectives have a case.

Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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