Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Owen Benjamin is the undisputed heavyweight champion, in all weight classes, for Most Banned Celebrity.

He's made the point over the past few years that the real disease out there, the one that works, the one for which there is an easy and affordable cure, is fear. They use it on good regular people, and they get those good regular people to make awful decisions, ruin their lives, obliterate their families (or not start families in the first place), and keep them focused on destructive nonsense.

In my public speaking class, we are at the stage where we are looking at people making an argument. In an era of 'viruses', 'diseases', 'germs', and 'contagions',  it was particularly appropriate to analyze Benjamin's argument that they've constantly peddled fear via Time Magazine, and that fear and its concomitant despair are the real diseases.


From his website:

The Wild Journey of Owen Benjamin

"From Upstate New York to Hollywood to the country of Idaho, Owen Benjamin has been on quite the journey. Known as many names including the 'Big Bear' and 'Bard King of Beartaria', Owen leads a inspiring life of truth and adventure.

Owen Benjamin was born Owen Smith to John Kares Smith and Jean Troy-Smith, both professors at State University of New York at Oswego. He attended college at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh where he started performing standup comedy and also got his start in television at the student run station Plattsburgh State Television.

Here is one of the tweets that got Mr. Benjamin banned for life from Twitter:

This video on fear, and how it is weaponized and then used to keep you afraid, was on YouTube before it was erased. After watching it, please answer the following discussion questions:
  1. What is Benjamin's point about fear? Explain how he uses the covers, and their publication dates, to get his point across.
  2. Owen Benjamin shows how Time Corp. uses pathos (emotion) to keep the population in a state of fear. In your opinion and using the evidence presented by Mr. Benjamin, what are they doing to society, and why?
  3. Does Owen Benjamin present a compelling case in his argument? By using repetition, humor, and logos, did he get you to think differently about Corporate Media in general or Time Magazine specifically?
  4. Nobody under the age of 70 reads Time anymore (if it even exists). What are the venues that are used now to disseminate this type of messaging?
  5. EXTRA: Are there any particular ways in which the black community has been 'kept in a state of fear'? - things unique for communities like ours?


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