Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Trucks, Banks, the WEF, and CONTROL

There's a lot going on.

Taibbi has a substack post (I'm a subscriber) that's great for left leaning normies.  As always, I recommend it:

Get a load of that smug Karen.  She's the one freezing bank accounts, getting back at all of the unwashed mouth breathing regular people rabble she so detests.  She's in the club, and you're not.

Bow your head citizen.

Naturally, Taibbi, in every article, has to virtue signal his progressive creds:

"I’ve never owned a gun and have been sympathetic to gun control ideas for as long as I can remember. Sorkin, however, was not talking about gun control. He was theorizing a quasi-privatized vision of social control that would bypass laws by merging surveillance capitalism and law enforcement."

Taibbi makes sure he's not one of those awful gun people, that's he's on the good side of the force.  He does this quickly and then gets back to eviscerating the Establishment Big Bank Tool that is Aaron Sorkin. 

I felt compelled to comment:

""I’ve never owned a gun and have been sympathetic to gun control ideas for as long as I can remember."

Please don't virtue signal for your Liberal Progressive creds.

The people you so effectively criticize are surrounded by armed guards, or have exemptions to the gun control rules. When it comes down to it, they won't have to worry about you and your rhetorically fantastic laptop.

They'll win. They understand force. Eventually they'll say the quiet part out loud. That moment is coming close. Those bad people in flyover country get it. They've seen it coming for years.

They'll be fine."

Other than that, it's a great article.  Taibbi has a knack for bringing up things that your garden-variety liberals were against back in the W Bush days, and making the Bush policies look tame compared to what is going on now.  He's right about everything, and it is a great gift.  If I were to try to write to the Normie class I'd last about half a paragraph before shouting uncontrollably.

Maybe that's why Taibbi has a Substack page with thousands of paying customers and I have ... well, never mind.

Sprinkled within the comments are the usual "how could Trudeau, who I voted for, be so badddd!!!"

I replied to one comment like that, and told them to go into the conspiracy community, where they'd get more informed than anything in the mainstream.  

Hell, these 3 minutes will get you more informed as to what Blackface Justin Trudeau is about than anything you'll ever read in the Washington Post:

Maybe you get your info from the NY Times.  Here's what they expect the rabble to ingest in uncontrollably large gulps:

You see the double standard. Most sheeple do not:


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