Sunday, February 20, 2022

The WOKE Will Cavalierly Ruin your CHILDREN

At this stage if you or your close friends are voting or in any way supporting these people you deserve what you get.

I don't usually write like the above, but the asian community pushed back in San Francisco and voted / recalled the wokest of the woke off their school board.  Why more communities don't do this is beyond me:

"The mainstream press smeared the recall campaign as a right-wing movement funded by billionaires who tricked everyone. The city’s Board of Supervisors president said it was driven by “closet Republicans and most certainly folks with conservative values in San Francisco, even if they weren’t registered Republicans.” One recalled school board member wrote: “White supremacists are enjoying this.”

There are so many secret right-wingers in San Francisco, it seems, because about a third of registered voters cast a ballot, a huge turnout. The recall saw support from across the city. Every neighborhood, rich and poor cast votes. It was a massive landslide.

And it was especially galvanizing for Asian parents. Why would that be? Two reasons: Board member Allison Collins had written that Asian parents have a slave mentality, are “house n***ers,” and embody white supremacy, which I guess Asian parents didn’t like. Collins and her former co-board members also eliminated the city’s top elite high school entrance exam, effectively gutting the only public path for high achievers in the city’s school system. And so the landslide was especially stark in more heavily Asian neighborhoods: 84% of Chinatown voters were for recalling Collins, 84% of Richmond voters were for it, and 87% of Sunset district voters were too."

Look at how the Asian community doesn't care what they're called.  The press calls them everything in the book, and Collins, who called them even worse, was blasted out by over 80% of the Asian community.  Yes, they fired a black woman, who lived on Twitter and tweeted the most wokest stuff imaginable.

They might be too late, as the WOKE destroyed the test in public school:

Notice how the article plays on the emotions of the civilized communities of the world.  They begin with a description and picture of a sad girl. That works wonders with the white community, especially white women. Karens go particularly bananas when they see someone sad - particularly someone from a neighborhood they'd never live in.

The Architects of Destruction know this.  That's why they do it.  Then, it's magic word time.  


This is a magic word.  Stated differently, you're supposed to look at the complete annihilation of the Ivy League creating honors level test-in high school because it "increased diversity".  Diversity doesn't mean anything.  Does more 'diversity' increase student performance?  Does it affect anything?  Do students get better grades and get into better colleges? Of course not - it's witchcraft at this point. It's a word that is intended to shut people up.  After all, how can you be against diversity?  The fact that there is no school, no district, no study, no data whatsoever that shows that 'diversity' helps student performance is irrelevant.  It really is magic.

Back when I was on FBook, I used to invite my most absurd woke friends to move into my district (cheap!) and send their children to my district's schools.  We are 99% diverse.  No takers.  We have tons of fights.  We had a shooting two weeks ago.  But none of these woketards ever seem to want to send their precious children to where I work.  We have tons of diversity.  It's all so confusing.

So the WOKE ruined the Bay Area test-in school.  The case is in court, so maybe they'll get it back.  I doubt it.  It's in court in the Bay Area, so 'diversity' will win out, and scramble the already progressive brain of the judge.

Then you'll see the parents pull their children and use the private schools and home school. Either way, it's a win.

Lastly, here is an example of more magic words:

"The school board’s greatest hits were: trying to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars covering up a historic mural they deemed offensive; deciding they needed to remove the names of right-wing goons like Abraham Lincoln and Senator Diane Feinstein from the city’s schools; declining to allow a gay father on the parent committee for the reason that he was white; demanding that any discussion of “learning loss” during lockdown be reframed as “learning change” ..."

"Learning Change".

The lockdowns ruined the schooling of millions of children.  I have had a front row seat watching this over the past two years.  However, the WOKE never admit defeat. They were pushing for more lockdowns, more masks, more Big Pharma, more SARS REMIX Juice.  Now that there is quantifiable evidence of learning loss, they simply call it 'learning change'.  The worst part of the video (I watched it so you don't have to) is that you see heads nodding in agreement; the hive-mind brains instantly realizing that this word salad switch will quickly do the trick.

See how easy it is?

The fact that the asian community blasted these people and are immune to the nonsense is admirable.  Hopefully they took action in time.

The Specialized High Schools survived the deBlah NYC mayoral era.  The reason is that the real liberals of the 1970's realized that the regular people could have a shot at the top of the pyramid if there was a test-in merit based high school alternative.  Then they codified it into the NY state charter.

Those kinds of liberals are gone.  Now we have the lying SJW WOKE disaster pieces you see above.  

Plan and navigate accordingly.

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