Thursday, February 24, 2022

Covid Vaccines: The Next Vioxx?

Swiss Policy Research has produced some stunning and disturbing numbers regarding the SARS REMIX Juice:

SPR has gone through the data from Israel, and it's awful.  The comparison to Vioxx, the Big Pharma drug that was eventually pulled from circulation because it was causing fatal heart attacks, is an appropriate one.

There was a survey done in Israel, possibly the most vaxxed country on earth:

"In contrast to passive reporting systems like the US VAERS system, which typically cover only a fraction of actual side effects, the Israeli report is based on an active survey that directly asked booster recipients about any side effects they may have experienced.

Specifically, the report is based on a professional telephone survey, conducted between 19 September and 25 October 2021, that covered a representative, random sample of 2049 people, stratified by age group and gender, out of about 3 million people who had received a booster dose three to four weeks earlier. Such a sample size should be sufficient to achieve a margin of error of about 2.5% at a 95% confidence interval. The survey excluded, in particular, people who had already recovered from covid."

If you extrapolate the data to the United States, the corresponding numbers are ridiculously bad:

This is turning into a medical scandal of epic proportions.  I suspect the sudden loosening of the mask / BUG19 Juice passport / social distancing rules are attempts by the few who are clued in that there is going to be a wave of class action lawsuits against various actors and willing and unwilling role players.  

The insurance companies are already looking at the data, both here and in Germany:

"Meanwhile, new official vaccine safety data from Germany paints a similarly disturbing picture. On February 21, the CEO of one of the largest German health insurers (BKK ProVita) wrote an open letter to the president of the German vaccine regulator (PEI), noting that, based on their insurance data, 4% to 5% of all German covid vaccine recipients had sought medical care due to vaccine side effects (i.e. 2.5 to 3 million people), which would indicate an under-reporting factor of at least 10. The health insurance CEO called this a “strong warning signal” that required immediate action."

The same thing is happening here in the country formerly known as These United States.  Vox had this on the site 2 months ago.  The numbers most assuredly have not improved:

We all know that when it comes to the bottom line, people will speak up. 

The insurance companies have boards and shareholders to answer to, as well as customers.  Naturally, with the climate of fear, stigma and pressure present, there is no way in the world these companies will even suggest that it's the Juice that is responsible.  Not yet anyway.

Even the numbers in the SPR article are probably low.  As it mentioned, you probably could multiply the numbers by 10 and you'd get a more true assessment of the damage done by the BUG19 Juice.

That being said, the official numbers in Germany for children are not good:

Thus, in German adolescents, there are now officially more deaths linked to covid vaccines (8) than linked to covid itself (5). Moreover, based on official data there have been 10 times as many adolescents 12-17 who needed ICU care after covid vaccination (95) than after covid itself (9).

Ask yourself why the vax is being pushed so hard on children.  These people are sick.  While you're not allowed to sue Big Pharma (a result of insurance companies unwilling to underwrite the vax damages done in the late 70's & early 80's), people will go after doctors, health officials, and possibly members of the media for their incessant beating of the jab drum.

Things are so bad in Israel there is now "The Testimonies Project" where you can hear the stories from real people.  It's on Rumble, because YouTube would censor and erase a video like this instantly:


The CDC, after many years, "updates" its Early Childhood Milestones.  I wonder why? Notice the 'official reason' is to make it easier on parents.  After redefining 'vaccine' and 'herd immunity', they are now redefining established developmental milestones.  Odd that they're later on in a child's life.  If the CDC were doing its job ... wouldn't they be earlier?


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