Saturday, November 27, 2021

How to Destroy a School System

The NYC public school system has always been a mixed bag.  However, there were always pockets of success as well as local programs for academically inclined families and students within them.

I'm a K-12 NYC public school product.  I was part of an SP (special progress) program in middle school.  We had our math and science classes sped up so we took our NYS math exam at the end of 8th grade instead of 9th.  I wasn't unique - there were many such programs throughout the city.

Then the identity / equity / SJW / WOKE infection set in.  This left leaning cancer, run by bioleninist status seeing mediocrities got control.  The midwit virtue signaling status jockeying activists saw their opportunity.  As the system was already flawed and weak to begin with, after Mayor Bloomberg left town it was all over.

They almost succeeded in getting rid of all merit based programs in the NYC public school system. For those of you who don't know, there are around 1.1 million students in the system. 

The asian population led the charge and battled back over the past few years.  They saw their avenues to success getting pinched off by bureaucrats 

They mobilized and fought back:

The key to the article is the stultifying levels of incompetence and ignorance, combined with the arrogance that goes with people who know nothing about how systems are built.  These people know only how to destroy.  Warren Wilhelm, aka Bill deBlasio, a wealthy white patrician from Cambridge Massachusetts, led the charge as mayor.  

Luckily, the original ethos of being a New Yorker survives in its most recent immigrant communities.  The irony is off the charts.

The following excerpt is a textbook study in how these arrogant and stupid people knowingly destroy a system. The fact that it will fail is immaterial.  They get paid.  They bathe in the bonhomie of Woke Progressivism, they call other people racist, and the press (except the NY Post) adores them.  

You would think the wealth would push back.  Wealthy New Yorkers virtue signal and say the right things in public.  They don't care.  They send their children to places like this.

Here is the above mentioned excerpt:

"The DOE’s dysfunctional response to the lockdown left the most vulnerable students even worse off. And the department continued to show its misplaced priorities when it seized the opportunity to eliminate grades, upend gifted-and-talented programs, and turn selective admissions into lotteries.

The lockdown occurred nearly three-quarters of the way into the 2019–2020 school year. By that time, students should have had a sense of their performance, but no grades were given and no failures recorded. The city seized its excuse to stop measuring the performance of both students and teachers, even though many students’ families protested that completed and documented work was ignored.

Selective programs also came under the gun. The city announced that honors math classes would be eliminated in Wagner Middle School; algebra dropped at the Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies; and advanced-placement classes reduced at LaGuardia High School. In testimony to the failed logic of these efforts, the Wagner Middle School principal offered that the honors math class had to go because too many students wanted to enroll in it. Fortunately, in these cases, parental resistance led the schools to back down.

Gifted programs remained in the crosshairs, however. Admissions to such programs had relied on objective tests prior to 2020. But the DOE, using Covid-related school closures as cover, cut back gifted education. Asian parents understood that this again implicated their children, as Asian students account for 43 percent of the Gifted & Talented seats. The lesson from de Blasio and the city education establishment was that identity trumped merit. By 2021, the DOE had announced the termination of gifted programs for the following year, to be replaced by “acceleration for all.” To propose “acceleration for all” is to suggest either a fantasy or suppression of the highest achievers. This time, parent groups were unable to stop the changes to the gifted programs.

The underlined sections are mine.

Would you send your child, or want to go to a school, where he couldn't fail?  Where nothing was measured?  All under the idea that doing so would be 'racist'?

Me neither.  These people only know how to destroy.  It's why you see them in public bureaucracies and no where else.  Ever.

Avoid them at all costs, and build your own programs.  The future is private.


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