Sunday, November 28, 2021

An Insider Speaks OUT About the BUG JUICE

One of the things that sends the Religious C0vid NPC's into fits is when you talk about how fast the Bug Juice was brought to market.  Remember, these are the same people who howl about 'big Pharma', the Sackler family, corporate profits, the Trump administration ... until all of those things are put under the heading of C0VID!

Then it's all ok.

Witness the stupid:

It turns out that the 'conspiracy theorists' who have been vilified in the Corporate Press have been right about a great many things.  One of them is how the JUICE has been rushed, and it came to market at a speed that is not only unlikely, but impossible.

This is first hand testimony from someone in the industry.  The writer works as a top flight, 10 year veteran data analyst, looking over trials and rigorously going through various phases of drug studies, and then reporting the results (good and bad) to the relevant parties.

Take note at how quickly the Bug Juice came to market, as opposed to how slowly it should have:

Here is some info you might find interesting. I will bore you with as much information as I can, and you can pare down as wanted.

A result of the Nuremburg Trials (result of WWII), the Nuremburg Code (the beginnings of Good Clinical Practice – GCP) was created. GCP were a set of rules that protect research participants. The primary point is that the benefits of research should outweigh the risks. It also includes voluntary participation and withdrawal, as well as Informed Consent.

The Nuremburg Code was enhanced in 1964, via the Declaration of Helsinki (and it continuously gets updated) however, the emphasis is that the health of the patient is the physician’s number one priority.

In order to ensure trials are being conducted according to these GCP principles, an unbiased trained professional must go to the clinic/hospital where the trial is being conducted, and review all the data on site for that trial, including standard detective work (keeping eyes open for any odd occurrences).

Here’s how that works. Let's use a hypothetical example:

A Sponsor (ie: the drug manufacturer) has an Investigational New Drug (the IND is worked on in a lab for about 6 ½ years before it’s ready for human use) that they believe will have a therapeutic effect. For this instance, let’s say the Sponsor is JonesPharma. Through years of intensive scientific cooking, they create a drug that they think will decrease seizures in adults by 50%. The lab and animal testing (called pre-clinical studies) showed that the drug is fairly safe.

Human studies: A Phase 1 study is conducted first – healthy volunteers (or with the illness). It’s a quick study (only a couple months), and between 20-100 people. This is to check on best dosage and safety.

If JonesPharma’s drug ‘passes’ Phase 1 (ie the FDA says that the dosage is correct and it’s safe), Phase 2 begins. Phase 2 is for subjects WITH the illness – in this case seizures. It can take up to 2 years of research and several hundred people are enrolled. The purpose is to look for the efficacy and the side effects. This goes to the FDA as well once finished.

If the drug passes Phase 2 (the drug is showing that many of the subjects are actually having decreased seizures, and the side effects aren’t horrific), Phase 3 begins. Phase 3 is the final big step before approval. The study can last up to 4 years. 300 – 3000 subjects with the illness are enrolled. The study is conducted to look for efficacy and monitoring of adverse events (AEs). Every single AE is collected and assessed as a whole.

Once Phase 3 is complete, it goes to the FDA for drug approval (it’s called a New Drug Application. Once the NDA is submitted to the FDA, it takes approximately 1 ½ years to be reviewed). If approved, it goes out into the world for general public use (for the specific indication). In extreme cases, this approval process can be expedited, however, all of the data and scientific review cannot be completed as normal and things can be missed.

Phase 4 then begins in the background – physicians continue to collect safety and adverse event information from people who are taking the medication (several thousands of people).

It takes over $2 billion and 12-15 years for a drug to go from test tube to public use.

Remember, the main driving regulation of clinical research is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects. With all of this research being conducted, and millions of points of data to be collected, and a LOT of money involved (JonesPharma has to pay each physician to enroll subjects – they get paid per subject – ie, there is an impetus to enroll as many subjects as possible), an unbiased research professional needs to go to the clinics to do the detective work to ensure the subjects are valid, and that the data was not falsified.

The person who goes to the clinics to be the detective is called a clinical research associate (CRA). CRAs are well versed in the study, they have extensive GCP training, and are taught repeatedly on how to ensure there is no ‘funny business’ happening on site. Some of these things are as simple as “look around” – look for discarded notes, look at handwriting (ie the same signature on different patients’ files), white-out on legal documents, super high turn-over with no proof of who is doing what on site, etc.

It is current FDA Guidance that CRAs be physically on site to do this detective work. “Although survey participants reported a range of monitoring methods, periodic, frequent visits to each site to evaluate study conduct and review data for each enrolled subject remain the predominant mechanism by which pharma, biotech, and medical device companies monitor the progress clinical investigations”.

With the onslaught of COVID cases, and many sites closing for a few months, on-site visits were delayed for several months, and some of the data review (primarily safety documentation) by CRAs was conducted off-site (via a secure document repository that was shared between site and CRA) in the time before the CRA could get back on site and ensure everything was proceeding correctly.

In mid-late 2020, all site re-opened for monitoring (with safety protocols including PPE and negative COVID tests prior to arriving). It has been business as usual since then, with the annoyance of the testing, and also, no more traveling overseas for visits (most countries will only accept local CRAs now, ie: my US CRAs cannot travel to Canada for visits).

With this information, perhaps you can see why I’m confused and concerned about the timelines (studies began in 2020 and were approved by the FDA within months). 

The most concerning thing came from Pfizer 3 weeks ago.

Pfizer sent out a mandate that there will be no more on-site Clinical Research Associate visits.

This is extremely concerning to me. It is akin to a detective being sent information via scan, and never going on site to look at everything around them, looking for clues and searching for possible fraud. The CRAs are now reliant on the sites just sending only what they want, and able to dispose of what they don’t want you to see (yes, this happens even when you are on site, however, through detailed searching, everything is normally found through questioning).

And that is where we are today.


Two main takeaways.  Even if you slice the timing by half, the Fauci Medical Kit should have taken a few years to get to market.  How did they create it so quickly?  Either it was already made, and in storage, or it was rushed in an unprecedented manner.  Also, now there are no more on site visits from the Research Associates.  The numbers put forth by doctors who get paid to administer the JUICE are the numbers that are used.  No vetting. No outside analysis.  No institutional headwinds or rigor.

This is a dangerous game they're playing, and they're playing it with you and your family's health.  News about Pfizer keeps coming:

Whatever your social media "friends" and Corporate Media are telling you - do the opposite.  I got this information first hand and was shocked when I heard it.  You should be shocked too.


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