Friday, November 26, 2021

Progressive BrainWORM

Michael Schellenberger went and found out about a case that no Corporate Media outfit will touch.

Remember the summer of 2020?  I do.  We were told to stay home for two weeks, mask up, stop the spread ... and then St. George was killed.  Somehow, all over the world (Brussels?), people were angry about the Minneapolis police and one officer's conduct.  Somehow, that video found its way into all social media, was blasted at level 10 on all Corporate Media outlets, and everything changed.

It was time to go outside, in huge crowds, and protest.  Suddenly (and temporarily), all that silly BUG19 stuff didn't matter. Protesting racism was the way to go because racism was more deadly than Stupid19.

That's exactly what they said.

You can read the 'academic paper' on this - it's SCIENCE! (tm) after all, proving the case.  Have caution, as you risk infection from the virus. And by that I mean the mind virus.

Seattle was one of the epicenters of the Hive Mind Brainworm that took place during this time.

Despite people with common sense and thought within the system, Seattle's stupid and deadly city council and mayor have caused multiple deaths.  They cost the city a qualified Police Commissioner.  They have blood on their hands.  In the Schellenberger article it explains how these absurd and clownish decisions cost 4 young children their 45 year old father.

He also goes into detail about why the police commissioner resigned.  Exercise caution while reading, the inane Progressive WOKE thought process is on full display.  It is baffling to witness:

"Later, the organizers would rename the area CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. The anarchist leaders invited hundreds of Seattle’s homeless residents to move into the occupied zone, and many did. When asked, Seattle’s mayor insisted that everything would work out fine.

“How long do you think Seattle and those few blocks [will] look like this?” CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked Seattle’s mayor.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “We could have a summer of love!

But soon after, said Best, “We were getting reports of rape, robbery, assault… I don’t know what the Wild West was like, but it couldn’t have been any worse than that.”

Armed residents at CHOP shot two teenage boys just before it was shut down. At least one of them could have been saved. But CHOP’s unelected leaders didn’t allow first responders in until hours later.

The homicides led Chief Best to demand permission from the City Attorney to retake the neighborhood, which she did a few days later.

But then, in August 2020, a few weeks later, the Seattle City Council voted to cut the budget of the Seattle Police Department. “That means that all these new people that we hired who are black, people of color, and women will be the first ones to go,” Best told the City Council. “Because it’s first in, first out.”

The council said they wanted Best to go through and pick the people to fire.

“Let me get this straight,” she said she told the council. “You want me to pick the white people to go? Are you crazy?’ They were highly dismissive. It was the most bizarre thing that I had ever dealt with.”

Best criticized the City Council.

“I said that they were being reckless and dangerous and that people are going to suffer for it,” she said. “The next day, one of the city councilors said, ‘We need to cut her salary by 40 percent.’ It wasn’t even on the agenda for them to talk about. It was highly punitive and retaliatory.”

And so Best resigned.

(Underlining mine)

Carmen Best did the only thing she should have done.  Good for her. The mayor (Summer of love!), and the city council (fire the white people) are not only human pieces of waste, but evidence of what will happen if you allow these people in positions of power.  I'm seeing it here in NYC, and the people of Seattle are getting a large dose of it as we speak.

The smug white WOKE progressive female mayor has since gone and asked various government bodies for more money for policing.  

Does the hypocrisy reach the mind worm that has diseased her brain?  No.  She's too far gone.

I hope Carmen Best is pegged for the NYPD commissioner job.  We could use someone with integrity and a functional mind.

Carmen Best, police commissioner, and Mayor Durkin.  Note how you can see the progressive WOKE smugness even through that mask.  Hopefully she never takes it off.


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