Thursday, October 21, 2021

Delano Squires Explains Our Life on ANIMAL FARM

In Orwell's Animal Farm, you are not allowed to disagree with the Chief Pig, Napoleon.  When the 4 dissenting pigs and Boxer disagree with the revision of Snowball's bravery at the Battle of the Cowshed, the dogs grab those pigs, after they have apologized, and kill them.  3 dogs go after Boxer, but he sees the attack and swats them away, and is ready to crush the skull of one of them, but Napoleon tells him to back off.

Delano Squires explains that we live on Animal Farm right now:

If you disagree with "Jaclyn Moore" - who became a 'woman' in the space of 4 days, you're 'cancelled'.  If you disagree that Jenner is a woman, you're gone.

No one is allowed to disagree with the Pigs, particularly with Napoleon: Animal Hero, First Class.

Not only that, when 'Jack to Jaclyn in 4 days' wants to boycott a black man, Dave Chappelle, it gets attention and we're all supposed to take it seriously:

Any problems with that? No? Good.  Bow your head, speak the force fed lies you're told. After all .... you don't want JONES back running the farm, do you??

This is the sick game we are in now, and it is part of the complex recipe to end the once powerful United States.  If you are willing to state that men can get pregnant, they can get you to say anything.

Delano Squires, dissenting pig, again:

"A century ago, white supremacists wanted to keep white identity as pure as possible to serve their political interests. Today, people like Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi, who believe whiteness is the ultimate privilege, cling to the one-drop rule for political purposes. The more black people and people of color there are, the larger the coalition they can build to seize power and affirm their alleged fight against white supremacy.

Contrast the complicated and fluid dynamics of race with the simple and steady realities of sex. A woman in 2021 would have been called a woman in 1921, 1421, and 21 B.C. Regardless of her occupation, physical appearance, or style of dress, no one would have been confused about who she was.

That has also not changed.

The left claims to "trust the science" when it comes to COVID and climate change, but when it comes to gender, stating a biological fact is considered an act of bigotry. Whether you're grounded in Genesis or genetics, there are only two sexes — male and female. Any anomalous condition like intersexuality is a deviation from that norm. Just because some of the most powerful people in the country think men can get pregnant does not make it true."

Here is one of the key parts.  The "most powerful" people in the country do NOT believe men can get pregnant.  They say that, but none of their actions show this.  They make YOU say it, and believe it, and push it, so that your family will be riven by dissension and argument.  Mission accomplished.  Once the family unit is obliterated, the rest is easy.

Pay attention to Squires.  He's one of the animals here on the Farm who is willing to not only speak up, but unwilling to speak the lie.


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