Saturday, October 23, 2021

Freddie deBoer is RIGHT

I had never heard of Freddie deBoer until this week, when Glenn Greenwald tweeted out a link to this article.

It turns out that deBoer is one of the truth telling leftists.  Apparently he thinks that intelligence might be hereditary, and has written about it.  deBoer has written about how the school system has failed, and it must be on point because big shots are writing that he's 'wrong'.  

It seems that deBoer's worst offense is that he's not on the SJW WOKE bandwagon.  As a matter of fact, he's opposed to it, and writes viscerally against it.  


I can see why Greenwald tweeted this out.  deBoer is correct.  The Corporate Media, corrupt and agenda driven even in the olden days, has now layered on the WOKE schmaltz all over every issue, and determined that there will be no deviation from the Agenda.

What caught my eye was the line that "The vast majority of of the country is not woke, including the vast majority of women and people of color."  It is surprising that someone outside the Bad Neighborhood recognizes this.

deBoer is right.  I am in a public high school that has, maybe, 1% white students.  There are few white people in any positions of power.  There are no republicans.  This goes for the school district, as well as the city.  

And no one is Woke, certainly not in the Corporate Media / Blue Check Twitter version.  Let me put it this way.  I've been at the High School for 20 years.  We have never celebrated, in any way, "Pride Month".  No flags, no mention of it during announcements, no chatter on our school software. June is the month when we have to get our students to pass their NY State Regents exams.  So there are two forces at work: we need students to pass so we don't have time or energy for woke nonsense, and the black community doesn't roll over or bow down to the Alphabet Agenda.  

It doesn't have to.  What white liberal blue check twitter social justice warrior is going to go into an area like mine, either in person or digitally, and tell these black people how to think, act and what to believe? 

Answer: zero.

Additionally, we have a large population of Jamaicans and West Indians.  They are traditionally against movements like 'pride month', to put it mildly.

What you have is what deBoer, above, describes.  The Corporate Media / Blue Check brigade will impugn the white, Christian communities, because they know that they are still afraid of being called a name.  But they will never attack any other group.  This is why deBoer is correct about the dying Media.  They won't and can't adjust; they are immature, ill-educated, and their worldview, minuscule and clownish, is a joke to the majority of the population.

The media collapse can't happen quickly enough.


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