Saturday, October 16, 2021

Doomberg Goes NUCLEAR

Doomberg is one of the Substack sites I read and have subscribed.  Substack authors are populating my favorites list at a rapid rate.

The Woke SJW's hate Substack.  Even more reason to subscribe.

Doomberg's last two posts have been on the Energy crisis that has been caused by the SJW / Greens.  His latest post goes after Greenpeace.  He's a little late to the party, but we can't all be on time.  

Look at how stupid the Greenpeace tweet is.  If people starve, so what.  As long as they can virtue signal and keep screaming "renewables!!" everything will be fine.  So what that they live comfortable lives in the west, while the developing world starves for food and energy?  Let them eat the bone structure of the Ibex.

Doomberg's rhetorical question:

"I guess Greenpeace China isn’t a thing? Does Greenpeace speak truth to Xi’s power, or are their dangerous platitudes reserved us gullible know-nothings in the West?"

It's a good question.  Here was my answer:

"I guess Greenpeace China isn’t a thing? Does Greenpeace speak truth to Xi’s power, or are their dangerous platitudes reserved us gullible know-nothings in the West?"

Yes, that's exactly right.

Greenpeace was SJW converged decades ago. It's why Patrick Moore left the organization he co-founded. It was infected with the leftist mindset, which is stupid, arrogant, venal, power hungry, and obstinate. They know what's best for YOU and if it kills a few useless eaters, well, that's the cost of bringing a socialist utopia to the earth (with them at the top of the pyramid of course).

I'm old enough to remember 3 Mile Island. The propaganda worked on me. Then, a few years ago, I read that no one died, no one seriously affected, and there were rumblings that things were somehow allowed to get out of control.

0 deaths.

So, yes. Greenpeace and their ilk want you and your family to suffer, perhaps dead, and they think it's funny. They ignore China for one simple reason. China doesn't care what they think. They say 'no', or are silent to the forces that have dismantled these once proud United States. It's that simple. Someday, people here will do the same thing. The only question is how much damage will the Prog / SJW / Woke mob do before strong men stand up. and tell the blue-haired barrel shaped anti nuclear Greenpeace "protestor" to STFU.

Nuclear is getting put forward by the Rulers as "Green", because when the lights go out, or the oven won't turn on, or the heat won't work, they know that the ensuing riots / elections / protests will be too difficult to control.  Greenpeace is behind the curve.  It will be fun to watch the Woke slobs at Greenpeace be forced to accept Nuclear by forces stronger and with more influence than they have.

They have to avoid that.  God forbid if the rabble learn the power of leverage.  After 50 years of saying otherwise, they've already decided to put Nuclear energy as 'clean' and 'carbon free' - which it is.

You're watching the Narrative change in real time.  Invest wisely my friends.


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