Friday, September 10, 2021

Homeschooling Movement GROWS

The homeschooling movement keeps growing.  And why wouldn't it?  Does this look appealing to you?:

You know how normies instantly hate homeschooling because students supposedly don't "get the socialization" at regular school?  Does that photo scream 'socialization' to you?

One of the fringe benefits of the Globalist Pandemic Creation BUG19 is that people are seeing school for what it is.  Both public and private schools are hemorrhaging students.  The picture above is from a ritzy private school.  The school where I work, which is the opposite of 'ritzy and private', has already lost 200 students.

Why have your child get the stupid indoctrination of Woke, straight from a SJW University trained lib Goblin, when you can have him at home, or with a small group, learning real things?  This article is a good run down of what is going on:

No child is dying from BUG19.  There is no risk to children or school staff.  Yet, its still "masks and social distancing everyone!" for the schools.  It's all so boring, stupid, and obvious.  Because bureaucrats can't think, they just follow the party line of the other bureaucrats.  Parents, however, can think, and have decided enough is enough.

Homeschooling is now the vastly superior product, and I highly recommend it.

From the article, which has a good deal of ideas and resources as well, here is the final word:

"Dave Cormier, who runs the Office of Open Learning at the University of Windsor, suggested that homeschooled students are simply forcing a long overdue conversation.

“We used to live in a world of information scarcity,” he said. “At the first universities, 800 years ago, students couldn’t even touch the books, so whatever you wrote down or could remember was fantastic.” In the age of Google, we face the opposite problem: information overload. “This all requires us to ask the question, ‘What are we really doing here?’”

Are we creating a brave new, standardless world stripped of any canonical texts? Or are we reaching backward?

Roy Speed, in Bethel, noted that many of those behind the most radical political experiment in history studied in little, rickety houses, in medium-sized, mostly uncultured cities or on the edges of sprawling farmlands. They read with the aid of candlelight. They were Zoom-less. They squeezed their studies in between milking cows and learning how to use a rifle. They were steeped in the greatest minds of the ancient world and the Enlightenment.

The Founders did not have the benefit of any playground or tablet or teachers union, but they were free thinkers. The Constitution, Speed pointed out, “was largely the work of people instructed at home.”"


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