Saturday, September 11, 2021

Vaccine Definition CHANGES

It's the ultimate goalpost move.  As the BUG Juice seems to not be working under the old definition ... well... then let's give the word we've used for 100 years a NEW definition!

See how easy this is?

Here is the key part of the wording, so that the Useful Idiots on social media can have their talking point and not have their worldview shattered:

"However, a CDC spokesperson told McClatchy News the “slight changes in wording over time … haven’t impacted the overall definition.”

The previous definitions could have been “interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine, so the current definition is more transparent, and also describes the ways in which vaccines can be administered,” the spokesperson said.

“It’s also important to note that the modifications to the definition of ‘vaccine’ don’t change the fact that vaccines and the act of vaccination has prevented millions of illnesses and saved countless lives,” the spokesperson said in an email.

Now do you see how this works?  Didn't you know that vaccines NEVER promised immunity, and were never 100% effective?  Remember that from the past 100 years?  We never REALLY eradicated smallpox or polio, it was just a 'preparation' to 'protect' humanity - that's all.  And that's all it's ever been prole, so go on social media and defend the Power Elite!  

One thing to notice about the headline is the use of the word 'skeptics'.  Only 'skeptics' look at such brazen moves and raise an eyebrow.  All the good cattle just keep their heads down and blindly trust their rancher.

The way I see it, the beautiful, sophisticated lizards at the top of the Pyramid have lost whatever shred of respect they had for the regular people.  Now they seem to know that they can do whatever they want, including arbitrarily changing official definitions, and they can get away with it.  You and I know that an army of Liberal Goblins are on twitter right now shouting this quote, exactly from the CDC: "the modifications to the definition of ‘vaccine’ don’t change the fact that vaccines and the act of vaccination has prevented millions of illnesses and saved countless lives!!!” 

Here's Rep. Massie. He sees what's going on:

Here is a bit more specificity.  I included a tweet reply from a shitlib so you can see exactly why the Top of the Pyramid has contempt for the masses.  The Stupid seems to be forever:

See what I mean?


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